in 1979, ACF International (Action Against Hunger) is an international
non-governmental, non-religious, and non-profit making organization that
delivers programmes in over 45 countries. Recognized worldwide as a leader in
the fight against hunger, our mission is to save lives through the prevention,
detection, and treatment of malnutrition, especially during and after emergency
situations and conflicts. ACF had been now developed into ACF International
network with headquarters in France, Spain, Canada, UK and USA. ACF
has been active in the NTT district since 2007 since its first established in
1999 in Indonesia in cooperation and partnership with the Ministry of
 Health, local authorities and stakeholders. Around 40 networks have
benefited from a renovation, as have water sources and wells. In the Kupang
District, ACF now implements a range of integrated community based programs in
Nutrition and Care practices, Food Security, Water Sanitation & Hygiene,
Emergency response and DRR/Climate Change Adaptation going from relief to
recovery in order to address effectively the population’s needs. Under
the current activities of our WASH (Water Sanitation and Hygiene) program in
Kupang District, East Nusa Tenggara Province, a key area to focus is to support
the capacity building of local authorities, community, include local NGO to
improve the capacity to replicate key activities on their own future. To
actualize this, ACF is now seeking a good candidate to fill the position of “CMAM
Field Supervisor
”, with the following:  

Field Supervisor

of Contract 

Months first (Probation)
Placement ACF
Reporting CMAM
date of join 
June 2016

/ Professiona
l Background
·      Bachelor degree of Psychology·       Psychology background with strong interest in nutrition·       Experience
in Infant Young and Child Feeding (IYCF) program·       Experience
in team management, supervising the program implementation and good relations
with other people·       Experience in implementing Nutrition program·      Good
knowledge of Health and Nutrition (symptoms, causes, and treatment of
malnutrition;       nutrition value of food items; infant care practice, IYCF, etc) ·       Good
experience in budget planning and expenditure·       Ability to work cooperatively as part of a diverse
team, and within diverse cultural / religious contexts·      Sensitivity to and empathy with the community,
especially regarding traditional and cultural beliefs, heath/nutrition      practices, health seeking behaviour and gender
issues.·      Good communication and facilitation skills·       Willingness to travel, work and stay in remote rural
areas·       Proficiency with computer  Objective 1 : Team management :Activities :           ·        
in the recruitment of staff ;           ·        
up a planning of the work involved for each post ;           ·        
regularly evaluation meetings of team members ;           ·        
training courses ;           ·        
monthly meetings with the team and report the outcome to the head of the
programme ;           ·        
the daily and monthly reports of the team ;           ·        
there is a problem, find out what is wrong and find a solution or else contact
your immediate supervisor ; In case of a conflict between team members try
to mediate ;           ·        Check
the way in which the team interacts with partner (the health worker at
Puskesmas and Pustu) and community (Kaders              and community leaders). Objective 2 : Supervise
the CMAM implementation:
Activities :

  • Follow and respect the current CMAM protocols
  • Add the activities linked to care practices in the protocols ;
  • Strengthen the RUTF Counselling and IYCF Counselling
  • Technical support and supervision for the Field monitor to work with
    the health worker for Follow the treatment of the beneficiaries during
    visits at home.
  • Analyse the CMAM implementation: admission, follow up, discharge;

    based on the weekly report from the Field Monitor

  • Compile the statistical data and draft a report on activities to the
    PM and PC

 Objective 3 : Develop a
psychosocial approach for the prevention and treatment of malnutrition :
Activities :           ·        
At OTP sites: Integrate the psychological dimension and maternal care in
the comprehension of malnutrition for SAM CU5                 treated at OTP;           ·        
Identify the psychosocial needs that are not covered and make
recommendations ;            ·        
Support and help with the development of new psychosocial activities when
needed. Objective 4 : Write reports Activities :

  • Submit Monthly reports for supervisor contains of OTP progress
  • Provide minutes of meetings when necessary.
  • Weekly coordination meeting with the PM and reports
    any problems or constraints faced during the implementation of the
  • Any information regarding security issue has to
    be immediately shared with supervisor.

 Objective 5 : Communication responsibilitiesActivities:

  • Maintains
    a constructive collaboration with all AcF staffs (nationals and
    expatriates, from all departments) and all local partner’s staffs:
    Puskesmas, Pustu and DHO
  • Gives regular
    feed-back to the PM (phone calls when his/her supervisor is not in the
  • Maintain
    coordination with local health structure (Puskesmas; Pustu and DHO) as well
    as the community to ensure the quality of implementation and
    sustainability of project.

 Objective 6 : Representation of ACF program, in coordination with Nut PMActivities :

  • Represents AcF program when necessary
  • Informs the beneficiaries and the local people in
    general about AcF activities

           ·      Meets other humanitarian actors in the field and
exchange information about the context and the programs implemented. Please submit your letter
of interest and recent CV with at least two references to : [email protected]   before 26 May 2016Please put the title on
your application. Only short list candidates will be contacted. 
“All ACF member of ACF world wide are committed
to respect the 6 leading principles of the organization: Independence,
Non-discrimination, Free and Direct access to victims, Professionalism and
ACF is an equal opportunity employer.

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