ANNOUNCEMENT: RFP 16.284 Public Opinion Poll on Corruption in Indonesia
RFP 16.284Public Opinion Poll on Corruption in Indonesia
MSI/SIAP-1: Strengthening Integrity and Accountability Program I (SIAP-I) is a five-year program funded by the United States Agency for International Development
(USAID) and implemented by Management Systems International (MSI).
Launched in January 2011, the USAID-funded MSI/SIAP-1 program aims to contribute to good governance in Indonesia by strengthening integrity and accountability in government – principally at
the national level. It does this by supporting governmental and non-governmental efforts to strengthen the effectiveness of accountability bodies; external monitoring; and mobilizing public support.
SIAP 1 seeks to aid the Indonesian Government in conducting evidence-based policy-making in the field of corruption by identifying key corruption trends through the results of a national survey.
The draft questionnaire will be developed by MSI and the GOI and submitted to the offeror upon contract signing and is likely to include research on overall corruption trends, the perceived performance of relevant government agencies, as well as analysis of
the situation in specific priority sectors, as identified by the GOI.
The scope of work to be performed includes:
- Develop and submit a work plan for project implementation
- Review the survey instruments (questionnaire) provided by MSI,
conduct pre-testing, and make recommendations to MSI - Design a complete and scientifically rigorous sampling design
and survey methodology for face-to-face household surveys - Train interviewers and supervisors and provide supervision for
the fieldwork - Organize, conduct, and oversee the field interviews to ensure
high quality results - Code and key the responses into a computer-readable format using
SPSS, etc
The deadline for offers is 02:00 pm (Jakarta time)
12 February 2016. Submissions must be directed to
[email protected] with cc:
to: [email protected].
Please reference this
605700.01.16.284 “Public Opinion Poll on Corruption in Indonesia”
in your e-mail subject line.
MSI will hold an offeror’s conference on
Monday, 1 February 2016 at 01:00 pm at the MSI office (or an offsite venue in case of high attendance) to
explain details of this RFP and to answer offeror’s questions. NOTE:
Due to space limitation, offerors
must pre-register their intended participation in the conference
(maximum two participants per bidding organization)
[email protected] by
29 January 2016. All interested offerors
must attend this conference.
To obtain the
complete document of Request for Proposal
please request by e-mail to:
[email protected]
Kind Regards,
MSI/SIAP-1 Procurement
Strengthening Integrity and Accountability Program 1 (SIAP 1)
Management Systems International
Wirausaha Building, 6th Floor, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. C-5, Jakarta 12940, Indonesia
T (+62 21) 5213110, F (+62 21) 5213109