Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Indonesia and Philippines : Invitation to Tender

UNDANGAN TENDER ASB Indonesia and the Philippines is seeking for expression of interest for
the provision of:
ASB Indonesia and the Philippines mengundang para pihak yang tertarik untuk
bekerjasama dalam pengadaan barang-barang berikut
: ·        
252 Packages of First Aid Supplies252 Paket Pertolongan
ertama Gawat
arurat (PPGD)·        
168 Packages of SAR Kits168 Paket alat-alat SAR·        
42 Packages of Emergency Responses42
Paket Perlengkapan Tanggap Darurat

216 set of Handy Talky216 set HT·        
168 Packages of Radio AM/FM168 Paket Radio AM/FM For use in the
Mentawai Islands and Pesisir Selatan
District, West Sumatera.Untuk digunakan di Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai dan Pesisir Selatan, Sumatera Barat. More complete
invitation and terms are available in
ASB office on Monday and Tuesday, 1-2 August 2016 between 10:00 – 16:00 hours. Please bring the following document (company
profile, copy of company certificate, copy of SIUP, copy of bank account under company name and copy of NPWP) to take on the invitation.
 Undangan dan kondisi-kondisi
selengkapnya tersedia di kantor
ASB pada Senin – Selasa, 1-2
Agustus 2016 Jam 10.00 – 1
6.00. Mohon menyertakan
dokumen yang disyaratkan (profil perusahaan / badan usaha, foto copy akte pendirian,
foto Copy SIUP, foto copy NPWP perusahaan/ badan usaha) untuk ditukarkan dengan
undangan tersebut.
 ASB Indonesia
& Philippines Office: Jl.Kaliurang Km 10, Sinduharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, DIY
– Indonesia, 55581.
Telp. 0274
  Human Resource Development
Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB) Deutschland e.V
JL. Kaliurang Km 10
Nglaban RT04 / RW15 Sinduharjo
Ngaglik Sleman
Yogyakarta 55581 Indonesia

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