Bid Announcement for Mitra Kunci Youth Survey, Youth Focus Groups and Employer Survey

Bid Announcement
for Youth Survey, Youth Focus Groups and Employer Survey      
Location: Java and Papua
Period of
performance: October – December 2017
The USAID Mitra
Kunci Initiative is a five-year, $22.8 million, USAID-funded program that
promotes more inclusive economic growth by improving access to workforce and
entrepreneurial skills for poor and vulnerable youth. Mitra Kunci provides
Indonesia-led project implementers and workforce stakeholders with technical
support, connections, and platforms to help build a more robust and responsive
workforce development ecosystem. In addition to management support, capacity
building, and coordination, Mitra Kunci technical assistance includes identifying,
piloting, and scaling new workforce development approaches and innovations. The
ultimate goal of Mitra Kunci and USAID/Indonesia’s inclusive workforce
development project (KUNCI) is to equip and connect 200,000 poor and vulnerable
young Indonesians with learning and livelihood opportunities.
Mitra Kunci seeks
a qualified company to conduct [1] Youth Survey & Youth Focus Groups and
[2] Employer Survey as part of a Labor Market Demand and Supply Study the
results of which will Mitra Kunci, USAID/Indonesia, and the Government of
Indonesia with an integrated analysis of projected entry-level opportunities
for youth, labor market information dissemination by employers and consumption
by poor and vulnerable youth, use of workforce preparation programs by poor and
vulnerable youth, skills gaps among poor and vulnerable youth applicants as
perceived by employers, and alignment of current workforce training programs
with employers’ needs. 
To meet the
qualification to conduct the two surveys, the firm/s must demonstrate:
least 10 years of corporate experience conducting surveys, and at least two
years of experience conducting digital data collection;  
experience conducting research with private and state-owned corporations;
working across Java, Papua, and West Papua, and demonstrate sufficient
operational and logistical support to manage multiple enumerator teams working
simultaneously in different locations;
ability to train and quickly mobilize a large number of experienced enumerators
and data collection supervisors.
Interested firms
who fulfill the above requirements shall express their interest to receiving
the complete Request of Proposal package to [email protected] by
close of business Jakarta time (17:00) on September 8, 2017.Warm Regards,Mitra Kunci Procurement

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