Call for Application: Outreach Coordinator
Dear Mailing-list Members,
We are currently looking to recruit an *Outreach Coordinator* for *Good
Pitch² Southeast Asia*.
In-Docs <>, in cooperation with BRITDOC
<> (UK), will launch the first ever Good Pitch² forum
for the Southeast Asia region next year, namely *Good Pitch² Southeast Asia*
the Good Pitch <> program was created in 2008 by
BRITDOC and Sundance Institute. It is, in essence, a networking platform
committed to empower great documentary films by connecting them to
potential partners, in order to reach impact and initiate change in the
society. We realized that there are many powerful documentary films from
our region, but at the same time, we’ve acknowledged that conceiving and
executing the campaign beyond screenings, is a rather challenging process.
A lack of infrastructure and cultural & political resistance have been
significant factors hindering documentary filmmakers to raise important
issues among society through the medium of film. Therefore, through Good
Pitch² Southeast Asia, we aim to initiate a positive collaboration with
various stakeholders to harness the power of film for social change.
The Outreach Coordinators will be an essential part of this process.
Please click on the image above or see the attached
PDF file to read the Terms of Reference for the position offered.
TO APPLY Please send your resume/ CV, showing your experience and network,
that would be indispensable to support the Good Pitch2 Southeast Asia
program; AND a cover letter expressing your motivation to take on this
role, to* [email protected] <[email protected]>*.
Since we are looking for Outreach Coordinators from across Southeast Asia,
we would appreciate it if you could spread this call for applications to
your networks.
Thank you and best regards,
Mahardhika S. Sadjad