Call for Proposal on the Cost Benefit Assessments and Feasibility Studies/Socio-Economic Impact Assessment

 Dear members,FAO Indonesia would like to call for a proposal on Cost Benefit Assessment and Feasibility Studies/Socio-Economic Impact Assessments on the opening and development of a new seaweed farming area in Kupang and Sumba Timur. Please find below the TOR of the activity for your reference.Shall you be interested in undertaking the activity, please send your proposal including budget requirement at the latest by 10 January 2016 by email to: [email protected] and put the title of the activity in your email as the subject.Best regards,FAO IndonesiaTerms of Reference of Contractors for Cost-Benefit Assessments and
Feasibility Studies/Socio-Economic Impact Assessments
 Under the supervision of
the National Project Coordinator and with the technical supervision of Ministry Of Village, Transmigration and
Disadvantages Areas and FAO Representation in Indonesia,
the Contracting Party (Contractor) shall:

        1. Undertake a
          comparative Benefit/Cost Assessment of a Multi-stream zero-effluent (MUZE) system and an Alkali Treated Chips (ATC) plant in Kupang, and a feasibility study/
          socio-economic impact assessment of the opening and development of a new
          seaweed farming area on Sumba Timur
        2. The Contractor shall provide a work plan to the
          Project including budgetary requirements for approval by the Project. The
          entire contract shall be completed within 4 months of the signing of the
          contract to undertake the studies.
        3. The
          Contractor shall have as a minimum the following expertise to conduct the job:

          1. Civil engineering
          2. Resource Economics
          3. Employment (including decent work standards)
          4. Rural Sociology
          5. Agri-business or business management
          6. Environment
          7. Legal (including labour rights)
        4. The Contractor shall be paid an advance of 30% of the agreed contract amount upon signing of the contract. The balance shall be padi after the studies and assessment are accepted by FAO.
        5. A legal contract shall be drwan upon for this job
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