Coffey International Development: Promoting Sustainable Commercial Scale Beef Cattle Breeding in Indonesia Program (SISKA), Opportunity for Finance and Administration Officer based in Jakarta

Dear all,

The Promoting Sustainable Commercial Scale Beef Cattle Breeding in Indonesia Program (SISKA) is seeking applications for the role of Finance and Administration Officer.

The Program
The three-year Indonesia Cattle Breeding Program (‘the Program’) is an activity under the Indonesia Australia Partnership on Food Security in the Red Meat and Cattle Sector. The Program aims to pilot a range of different breeding models and investment opportunities with private sector partners. The Program will be primarily in Eastern Indonesia and Kalimantan and will assess commercially sustainable approaches that can be scaled-up to facilitate investment, innovation and expansion of the beef cattle breeding industry in Indonesia. The Goal of the Program is to: Support the development and expansion of a competitive beef cattle breeding industry in Indonesia. The End of Program Outcome (EOPO) of the Program is the: Establishment of Commercially sustainable models to facilitate investment, innovation and expansion of the beef cattle breeding industry in Indonesia.

The Position
The Finance and Administration Officer will have day to day responsibility for the implementation of the financial and administration systems and will provide administration support to the SISKA Program, including assets management, written and verbal communication with donors, Ministries and project partners. The Finance and Administration Officer will report to Operations Manager.

The Person
To be considered for this role you should strong in Accounting and IT Skills, including MYOB, Excel, MS Office, Outlook and Internet. She/he demonstrated practical experience in administration and financial management role, acquittals of funds, bank reconciliation and finance report. Have experience in project accounting and budget management with good track record in financial administration in development programs with GoI partner. Demonstrated experience in supervising logistic, including assets management and maintenance, procurement and supply chain management of office and program equipment and asset need and having experience in conducting financial audit is an advantage.

How to Apply

Please visit<> for a detailed position description and to apply online.

Please search by reference number Job No 493324

For any enquiries, please contact [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>

Applications close: 1700 (Jakarta time) 19 February 2016.

This is a locally engaged position for Indonesian nationals.

Coffey has a 40 year history in successfully delivering international development projects on behalf of donors right around the world, including Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, USAID and the UK’s Department for International Development. Our people work side by side with local partners to support stability, economic growth and good governance, positively changing people’s lives.

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