Consultant – EU Full Proposal

CONSULTANT – PROPOSAL WRITING_Summary_1. Organization : Handicap International Federation (HI) – Indonesia2. Position : Consultant (individual or a team)3. Contract : Service Provision / Consultancy Contract4. Starting date : 8/9/10 August 20175. Tasks : Full Proposal Writing for European Union Call for ProposalFull version of the ToR can be downloaded here: & CONTEXTHI has been present in Indonesia since January 2005, when it provided an immediate response to the needs of the tsunami victims. Progressively shifting towards a development approach, HI is currently working in two provinces of Indonesia: Yogyakarta and Nusa Tenggara Timur provinces. In addition, the programme works in Timor-Leste since 2012. The regional office is based in Yogyakarta city, where the majority of the program team is currently based. From the 1st January 2017, the Indonesia and Timor-Leste program has merged with HI Philippines program to form the PINT (Philippines, Indonesia & Timor-Leste) regional program.HI Operational Strategy in Indonesia and Timor-Leste is, in emergency and development setting, aims to ensure that persons with disabilities and vulnerable groups have better access to services and have increased their political and public life participation.The Operational Strategy is articulated around 4 pillars: • Persons with disabilities and vulnerable groups become actors of their own development;• Mainstream and disability-specific services are inclusive of and accessible to vulnerable groups and persons with disabilities;• Decision-makers are aware of disability issues, actively support and promote persons with disabilities’ access to services and participation in public and political life;• Emergency responses adequately include vulnerable groups and persons with disabilities and their priorities.After acceptance of the Concept Note, HI intends to develop and submit a full proposal to the European Union under the restricted CSO-LA programme for Indonesia.The EU call, named “Enhancing CSOs’ Contribution to Governance and Development Processes in Indonesia”, has been launched in 10 March 2017 under the program Civil Society Organisations and Local Authorities (CSO-LA). The CSO-LA programme aims at supporting CSOs’ and LAs’ contributions towards reinforced governance, accountability and inclusive policy-making, as envisaged in the Strategy and Multi-Annual Indicative Programme 2014-2020. The Concept Note submitted by HI has been accepted and announced on 20 July 2017.The EU is committed to further strengthen its comprehensive partnership with CSOs. In December 2014, the EU Heads of Missions adopted the EU Roadmap for Engagement with Civil Society in Indonesia 2015-2017. The Roadmap identified three strategic priorities for EU engagement with civil society in Indonesia for the period 2015-2017: 1. Promoting a conducive legal, regulatory, financial and institutional environment for CSOs 2. Promoting a constructive and effective participation of civil society across the key social, economic and environmental public policies in Indonesia; 3. Supporting the capacity of CSOs to contribute to poverty reduction and inclusive and equitable economic growth. The global objective of this Call for Proposals is to enhance CSOs’ contributions to governance and development processes in Indonesia, with a view to contributing to capacity development of Local Authorities to facilitate and strengthen decentralisation and local development processes, and to contribute to poverty reduction and the attainment of sustainable development goals (SDGs) in accordance with a Territorial Approach to Local Development (TALD).The specific objectives of this Call for Proposals are:1. Promote a constructive and effective participation of civil society across the key social, economic and environmental public policies in Indonesia (it corresponds to priority 2 of the Roadmap); 2. Support the capacity of CSOs to contribute to poverty reduction and inclusive and equitable economic growth (it corresponds to priority 3 of the Roadmap).Three priority sectors have been defined by EU under this call, and HI has selected this priority sector for the Concept Note:B) Local Economic Development:Support initiatives that promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth (SDG 8) and gender equality and women empowerment (SDG 5) by enhancing CSOs participation in policy dialogue, capacity building support to CSOs and Local Authorities to develop a strategic plan for local economic development, and promoting an enabling business environment and responsible business practice.HI is looking for a consultant to write the full proposal following EU call’s objectives and guidelines and focusing on the aforementioned priority sector.This project design will complement HI’s on-going work in building the capacity of Disabled People Organisations (DPOs) to promote and protect the rights of persons with disabilities and to advocate for long term systemic change towards inclusive development.  HI initiatives are underway in Nepal, Cambodia, Laos, China, and North Korea.The project will be in implemented in Nusa Tenggara Province in 6 districts namely Belu, Rote Ndao, Sumba Barat Daya, Alor, Lembata and West Manggarai districts – to be implemented by HI with a local partner “CIS Timor”. The proposed intervention will build upon the key findings and achievements reached during the previous Advocating for Change project funded by BMZ and GIZ in Indonesia since 2013 as well the current EU CSO-LA Program funded project implemented since January 2016, where fruitful synergies and linkages between local DPOs, government bodies and civil society platforms have been established: i/ inclusive village committees and accessible village offices set-up; ii/ District communication forums on disability established and involving DPOs, NGOs and local authorities; iii/ active participation of persons with disabilities in the 2016 development planning process at village, sub-district and district levels. The proposed action will be based on an existing EU CSO-LA funded project implemented since January 2016. The consultant is therefore expected to: i) write a project which matches with the EU guideline of the call; ii) ensure there is no overlap between the currently running project and the proposal; iii) confirm the orientations proposed with Indonesian stakeholders. One of the requirements for the full proposal stage is recommendation letters from local government down to the district level for the implementation of the action, to ensure synergy with the programs implemented by the local government.The finalization of the project design will need to be consolidated by the consultant in close collaboration with HI Technical Advisor and Desk Officer at HQ level, prior to write the full proposal.Objectives and output of the consultancy:The main objective of the consultancy is to write a full proposal in line with the EU CSO-LA Call and guidelines:- Facilitate consultation process with partners in Indonesia and finalization of project design;- Write the complete full proposal according to the EC applicant form; – Work with HI support service department to elaborate the detailed budget of the proposal; – Consolidate the final draft version of the full proposal including the feedback from the Technical Advisor and Desk Officer.- Support the acquirement of recommendation letters from local authorities in target areas.The consultant is expected to provide a finalised full project proposal with detailed budget and logical framework by 25 August 2017.- Regular coordination meetings will be held with the contact persons on the field (HI program) and the concerned contributors in HQ (Asia Desk, Technical Advisor and Financial comptroller) who will provide final sign-off.Main Roles and responsibilities of the consultant:• Review the available key documents (submitted Concept Note, existing project proposals, assessment reports, etc.);• Under the guidance of Technical Advisor and the Operational Coordinator of the program, work closely with other staff of HI program to incorporate their inputs;• Along with HI Indonesia Program team identify and meet local stakeholders in order to assess a possible involvement in the project  – to be a member of the Steering Committee for example;• Identify information gaps blocking full proposal completion and secure the necessary information to complete. Ensure all HI program is fully aware of what information is needed;• Finalize the logical framework and budget with details in HI and EU budget format including the justification in conformity with EU guidelines and in coordination with the contact persons on the field (HI programs) and the concerned contributors in HQ (Asia Desk, HQ technical and financial referents);• Write the project full narrative proposal in conformity with EU guidelines. Main Roles and responsibilities of HI:• To provide the consultant with relevant background documents (Submitted Concept Note and other example: previous proposals and or evaluations of similar projects);• To support the organisation of meeting with previous project staff, partners and stakeholders;• To develop a timetable (retro planning) for the final validation by relevant HI stakeholders (in discussion with the consultant during the first 2 days of the consultancy, cf below, to be finalised with HI HQ Technical Advisor);• HI Program is responsible for producing detailed draft project budgets (HI internal budget linked to EU version) that have been validated (in principal) by the desk finance referent at HI HQ; • To organise any required travel and accommodation outside Yogyakarta and to provide any associated costs;• To organise the logistics (venue, catering, materials, and other supports) for any workshop or meetings associated with this consultancy.Agenda / schedule/ ClausesThe consultancy is expected to start on August 10 and shall last until August 31, 2017.The final outputs (deliverables), in line with EU guidelines and validated at HQ level are to be submitted before:- August 25st for full proposal including log-frame and detailed consolidated budget.The Concept Note submitted by HI has been accepted on 20th of July 2017. The official Deadline to submit the Full Proposal to EU is September 4th at 12:00 Brussels time (17:00 Jakarta time). References and ResourcesEU call and guidelines; Submitted Concept Note; Concept Note Acceptance Letter; Program Operational Strategy, previous/on-going project documents (reports, evaluation and lesson learnt exercises of BMZ 2013, GIZ 2014) existing project proposals and Concept Note (BMZ 2015, EU CSO-LA 2016), and other documents to be provided by the HIHQ Technical Unit.Deliverables• 1 finalized project log frame• 1 detailed consolidated budget in EU format including justification• 1 full proposal All documents should be in compliance with EU call guidelines and delivered within the set deadlines.Budget The consultancy fees will be paid upon reception of the deliverables and if EU deadlines for concept note submission is respected.The consultant is expected to provide a quotation of the cost of the consultancy based on the following outline:Total cost of consultancy fee: 4,000 Euro with the following breakdown:- 30% after signature of the Consultancy Contract- 30% after submission of drafts of log frame, budget, and full proposal.- 40% after validation of log frame, budget and full proposal.All figures submitted are inclusive of income tax. The cost is slightly negotiable if relevant profile is acquired.Expenses related to field visit in Indonesia for 1 person during Concept Note creation will be covered by HI:- Plane tickets Yogyakarta – NTT- Accommodation in NTT- Transportation in NTTAdditional person(s) from the consultant will not be covered by HI.EXPECTED QUALIFICATIONS AND SKILLS> Relevant academic background or demonstrated experience in development, economics, rural development or any other related areas;> Demonstrated experience in writing winning project proposals to EU or other international donors;> Demonstrated experience in facilitating consultations and workshops for proposal writing;> Demonstrated experience in designing/implementing CSO empowerment, local inclusive governance, inclusive education and development projects targeting vulnerable groups and especially persons with disabilities;> Excellent English writing and editing skills. Ability to communicate in Bahasa Indonesia will be appreciated;> Ability to work under pressure and time constraints;> Strong interpersonal skills and ability to work well within a team;> Excellent analytical skills;> Proven oral and written communication skills;> Experience working with people of different cultures;> Competencies in drafting the necessary budget and other resource needs.Applications should be sent by email to:Address : [email protected] : Full Proposal WriterDeadline : At the latest August 3rd, 2017 at 23.59 (11.59pm)Attachment : Cover Letter, Planning, Fee QuotationOnly short-listed offers with relevant proposition will be considered and contacted.

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