Consultant for Market Assessment of Corn Farmers’ Demand for Bundled Services in Sumbawa Island, West Nusa Tenggara

I.  BackgroundThe Agri-Fin Mobile project is a 6-year, CHF6,000,000 project funded by
Swiss Development Cooperation and implemented by Mercy Corps in three countries
(Zimbabwe, Uganda, and Indonesia) that aims to improve farmer incomes through
improved delivery of value chain services. Since late December 2014, in
partnership with Syngenta Indonesia, Bank Andara, BPR Pesisir Akbar, ACA
Asuransi, and Grain traders, Mercy Corps Indonesia’s AgriFin has facilitated
access to bundled services for corn farmers in Bima District, the City of Bima,
Dompu District, and Sumbawa District. These bundled services consist of micro
credit, agricultural inputs (seeds and chemicals), crop microinsurance against harvest
lost due to drought or cyclone, financial literacy training, SMS Reporting
service to ask questions and receive answers about the “Begin It Right” (ADB)
and to report harvest activities, and a payment system using AndaraLink for
sales of crops to grain traders. A corn farmer who has signed a micro credit
agreement with BPR Pesisir Akbar automatically receives each of these services.
By the end of January 2017, after three planting seasons, 805 farmers with a
total farm area of 1,506 HA have borrowed a total of Rp 12.5 billion and
accessed the service bundle. Based on production data per HA and the selling
price of corn during two planting seasons, the average production increase per
HA is 20% and the average increase in farmers’ income is 16.5%.  Agri-Fin Mobile Project in three countries aims to reach 84,000 female
farmers by 2018 (at least 30% of the smallholder
farmers who access rural advisory services and financial services through the
Agri-Fin models).  By the end of the first
planting season, female farmers accounted for only 4% of the corn farmers who
received micro loans from BPR Pesisir Akbar. In the third planting season, the
proportion of female farmers receiving micro loans from BPR Pesisir Akbar rose
to 21%. While this increase in the number of female farmers receiving micro
loans from BPR Pesisir Akbar was not intentional, the presence of three female
grain traders, out of the 13 grain traders taking part in the third planting
season, is strongly suspected as being one factor that led to the increase in
the number of female farmers receiving the bundled services. Based on total farm area reached in the third planting season and the
interest from corn farmers who have not received micro loans from a rural bank, Agri-Fin plans to facilitate access to
bundled services for corn farmers with a total planting area of 5,000HA in the
fourth planting season, which starts November 2017.. For the fourth planting
season, Agri-Fin plans to increase the proportion of female farmers using
bundled services to 30%.  Based on the
West Nusa Tenggara Agriculture Agency[2], it is estimated that
there is around 185,000HA of potential corn farmland throughout Bima
District, the City of Bima, Dompu District, Sumbawa District and West Sumbawa
District.  Purpose of the AssessmentThe Consultant will conduct a market
assessment on the potential demand for the bundled services provided by the
partners of the Agri-Fin Mobile Program of male and female corn farmers in Bima District, the
City of Bima, Dompu District, and Sumbawa District within the time period 2018 – 2020. This assessment will support
Agri-Fin to effectively target farmers after the program’s fourth planting
season.  The consultant will map demand
across the target geography with a particular focus on how to reach female
farmers and achieve the project objective of engaging small holders (defined as
farms up to 2 HA). In this way it is hoped that after the program’s fourth
planting season, the number of female farmers using the bundled services will
rise to over 30 percent. The demand assessment conducted by the consultant will
focus on corn farmers in four districts/cities on the island of Sumbawa who as
of the end of January 2017 are not yet using the bundled services facilitated
by the Agri-Fin Mobile Program and its partners, although they may already be
using similar services provided by other business providers (private or
government). Key Activities

  • Work with the MCI Agriculture and
    Financial Program Director and MCI BRIGE Team to define criteria for
    farmer selection and discuss relevant gender inputs
  • Data collection and desk
    review of information relevant to contextualizing and targeting field work
  • Focusing on corn farmers
    in Bima District, the City of Bima, Dompu District, and Sumbawa District
    who are not yet using the bundled services facilitated by the Agri-Fin
    Mobile Program and partners, identify, map, assess and analyse the
    • Estimate the potential
      number of corn farmers who will use the bundled services in 2018, 2019
      and 2020 and their acreage to ensure program targets are met;
    • Disaggregate the farmer
      targets by gender, household type
      to see differences with female-headed households, and by corn
      field location (at subdistrict level);
    • Identify the
      types of services and services providers already being used by corn
      farmers (non-Agri-Fin) and estimate the costs expended by corn farmers
      from planning of planting through planting and maintenance, harvest and
      post-harvest, and sales after the harvest. Included in this is whether
      there is any significant difference between male farmers and female
    • Identify constraints
      faced by corn farmers in accessing and utilizing agricultural inputs,
      advisory services, financial services, harvest and post-harvest services,
      and transportation services currently being used disaggregated by
      geographic location and gender.;
    • Identify corn farmers’
      needs with regard to the services in the preceding point for the coming
      three years. Included in this is whether there are any differences in
      needs between male farmers and female farmers (particularly female-headed households);
    • Conduct a Gap Analysis
      for bundled services (including training, mentoring) needed by corn
      farmers in the four districts/cities by gender; 
    • Identify ownership and
      purpose of use of handphones (by type – feature/smart) and air time
      expense per month for corn farmers in the four districts/cities by gender;


  • Assessment work plan and survey instruments in English and Bahasa (in-depth
    interviews and FGDs) by April 21th, 2017. The instruments
    developed for interview and FGD will take account the integration of gender;
  • Conduct In-depth interviews with up to 120 corn farmers (60 male
    and 60 female), and FGDs with up to 120 (60 male and 60 female) in four
    districts/city by May 5th, 2017;
  • Submit a Draft Report for comment by May 19th, 2017;
  • Final Report and Recommendations on May 26th, 2017;
  • All other work product, including meeting notes and data, and

TimeframeThe Consultant shall complete the duties
described in the scope of work from April
17th – May 26th, 2017.
Mercy Corps Indonesia will
provide the consultant with all existing documentation related to the TOR upon
request. Compensation
and Payment
The Consultant will receive lump sum (not
include travel expenses to and within Bima District, Bima City, Dompu District,
Sumbawa District) for services provided under this agreement, with a maximum of
30 working days.  Mercy Corps Indonesia will pay the
Consultant after receipt and approval of the Consultant’s invoices and
deliverables, as noted above. If you are interested please send:- Proposal max 5 pages (including the
proposed costs and the experience in implementing similar work);- CV of the main Consultant or Team LeaderTo [email protected] before
13 April 2017. 

Thank you,ProcurementMercy Corps Indonesia

[1] The Syngenta technology from land
preparation up to harvest can increase corn production by at least 20%

[2] NTB Targetkan Produksi Jagung 2,4 Juta Ton pada Tahun 2017

NTB Targetkan Produksi Jagung 2,4 Juta Ton pada Tahun 2017

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