Country Business Plan Consultant
Scope of Work
World Relief (LWR) is a US based non-governmental development and relief
organization with programs in Indonesia. In efforts to broaden and deepen our
impact, LWR is revisiting its country strategy and intends to expand its
partnerships with resource organizations including bi-lateral and multi-lateral
donors, foundations and philanthropists, and private sector businesses(local
and multinational) for the next 5 years. LWR Indonesia aims to prepare a Country
Business Plan and carryout donor mapping for effective new business development
initiatives of the organization. The scope of work of the assignment constitutes
the following components. The assignment
will include the following, with information collected from secondary sources,
as well as primary sources in Indonesia: 1. Analysis
of the primary development challenges in Indonesia, and government strategy and
plans, that are related to LWR’s strategic priorities: thematic priorities by
sector (Agriculture, Climate/DRR and Emergency Operations) and presented by
geographic area within the country. 2. Analyze
LWR Indonesia’s technical and managerial capacity in relation to donor funding
acquisition and other competitors. This should be reviewed in conjunction with
LWR Indonesia’s partners and LWR as an organization.3. Analysis
of potential funding for LWR: sources, levels of funding, types of programs,
geographic focus, eligibility, etc.
Summarize prominent donors (including but not limited to US Government,
foundations, multilateral and bilateral donors and private sector sources)
which fund INGOs such as LWR, focusing on those which offer the best opportunities
for LWR (including types of interventions those actors fund and what it would
take for LWR to be a competitive recipient of their funding based on donor
criteria, etc.). Rank the different
types of funders and prioritize where LWR should invest resources to generate
funding. In this process, a review has to be conducted to analyze the donor
program priorities and LWR’s core competencies.4. Analysis
of potential funding and in-kind contributions from private companies: sources,
levels of funding, types of programs, geographic focus, eligibility, etc. Summarize prominent multinational companies
which fund INGOs such as LWR, focusing on those which offer the best
opportunities for LWR (including types of interventions those actors fund and
what it would take for LWR to be a competitive recipient of their funding based
on donor criteria, etc.). 5. Analysis
of current INGOs in Indonesia: identify which major INGOs are present in Indonesia,
who receives funding from donors prioritized in funding analysis above, what
their programs include , geographic focus and what their perceived value-added
is to the donors. INGOs should be
assessed in terms of complementarity vs. competition with LWR for funding.
INGOs that LWR should consider partnering with (bilaterally or in consortiums) should
also be identified. 6. Gap
analysis: Identify sector and geographic areas where LWR would be best suited
to work, taking into account: 1) LWR’s strategic priorities and strengths; and
2) the preceding analyses on funding and INGOs competition or complementarity.
The gap analysis should recommend where LWR’s focus would have the greatest
impact and attract donor funding based on LWR’s value-add in the current funding
landscape to update country strategy in terms of expansion in geographic and sector
coverage.7. Identification
of potential local partners operating at scale in geographic and sector areas
identified above and their current main INGO primes.8. Analyze
the donor funding trends within next 3-5 years based on the national or donor
priorities (sector and geography) including private sector and provide
strategic recommendations for LWR to shape up or expand its programs in order
to pre-position to remain competitive and relevant with its programming. 9. Any
additional elements proposed by the consultants and agreed to in the proposed
approach or inception plan. Deliverables:a.
would provide detail about the methodology the consultant will use, detail the
primary and secondary sources the consultant will consult, describe the
consultant’s plan to solicit feedback and verification from LWR staff during
the assignment, present the detailed workplan and confirm timing of the
deliverables. b.
Workplan/Gantt ChartPeriodic
updates of initial workplan, outlining action items for each week/month. c.
a review of existing internal LWR strategies, evaluations and reports and
information from external secondary sources is completed, the consultant will
draft an inception report to document initial findings, provide examples of any
planned key informant interview questionnaires or other primary data collection
approaches and provide a detailed outline of the planned final report format
and its appendices. d.
primary data collection and informant interviews are completed, the consultant
will prepare a draft report for LWR using the format agreed to in the inception
report. The consultant will hold a conference with selected LWR HQ and country
office staff to present the preliminary findings and recommendations and
solicit feedback and additional areas for investigation. The consultant can collect written feedback
from additional LWR staff or third parties as desired but is not required. e.
Report The
consultant will present the final report in the format agreed to after the
draft report consultations. The final
report should, to the extent practical within the agreed-on methodology and
resources, answer all of the primary objectives and address feedback received
during the draft report consultations.
LWR will approve the final report as a milestone for contract payment. f.
of report and recommendationsFollowing
approval of the final report by LWR, the consultant will schedule a verbal
presentation of the report and methodology to selected LWR staff. The
consultant will present the methodology, activities, findings, and
recommendations and allow ample time for questions and answers. Implementation arrangementsLWR
expects the consultant to work from his/her home base with frequent
communications and meeting via email, phone, or teleconferences. An estimated
10 days for visits to different organizations is expected. The total duration
of the assignment will be 15 days. The
work order is expected to involve visit to different INGOs and donors in the
country. LWR will cover the cost of transportation, accommodation, and
meals/incidentals in alignment with LWR’s policies. On request, LWR Indonesia
office may help the consultant for making appointments and may accompany the
consultant during visit to different organizations. To apply
Consultants having
experience in developing country strategy, country business plans or new
business development plan are invited to submit their CV, cost proposal, and a timeline
of the deliverables by May 31, 2017 to [email protected]