DAM project – urgent vacancy
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Urgent required, please submit your cv today for
1. Sub project leader /DAM management specialist, experienced 10 years, have certification, graduated in Civil or water resources engineering
2. DAM safety assurance specialist, graduated in civil or water respurces, experienced in 8 years of experience in dam design and construction/rehabilitation
3.Reservoir sedimentation mitigation specialist, graduated in civil or water resources engineering, experience 8 year in survey and investigation of reservoir sediment
4.DAM O&M; specialist, graduated in civil or water resources engineering with 8 year of work in conducting monitoring of DAM
5. Hydro mechanical & electric specialist, graduated in mechanical and/or electrical engineering with 8 year of work experience in the preparation of design,
contruction implementation maintenance and inspection of hydro mechanical and electrical equipment
6.capacity building specialist, graduated in civil engineering or othet discipline to assignment in strengthening human resources capacity, experiences 8 year
7.Operational hydrology specialist, graduated in civil engineering with 8 year in operation hydrology study and assessment
8.community participatory expert, graduated in social /economy or related discpline at least 8 years experiences in community project
Our project for evaluation of 116 Dam in Indonesia. This step will be 9 months will be extending until 2022
Please sent to me your cv with subject of position