Women Economic Empowerment Project
Women Economic Empowerment Project
by: European
by: European
Plan Indonesia – YEE Program
Background of consultancy
Background of consultancy
Indonesia has the world’s fourth largest youth population
with over 38 million young women and men between the ages of 15 and 24. Despite
significant progress achieved, women in Indonesia are still discriminated,
especially female youth, and the Millennium Development Goal 3 is far from
being met. The project will strengthen the political and economic environment
in Indonesia to make it favorable to young women’s empowerment and pilot an
innovative empowerment approach that enables young women to become economically
independent and to improve their living standards and position in society. The
project align with the EU Plan of Action on Gender Equality and Women’s
Empowerment in Development 2010-2015 and the EU strategy to achieve the MDG 3, by
promoting gender equality through gender mainstreaming programs aiming at
improving decent work condition for youth employment, especially women. This
will be achieved by supporting campaigns for the elimination of gender
stereotyping and programs to improve their economic independence.
with over 38 million young women and men between the ages of 15 and 24. Despite
significant progress achieved, women in Indonesia are still discriminated,
especially female youth, and the Millennium Development Goal 3 is far from
being met. The project will strengthen the political and economic environment
in Indonesia to make it favorable to young women’s empowerment and pilot an
innovative empowerment approach that enables young women to become economically
independent and to improve their living standards and position in society. The
project align with the EU Plan of Action on Gender Equality and Women’s
Empowerment in Development 2010-2015 and the EU strategy to achieve the MDG 3, by
promoting gender equality through gender mainstreaming programs aiming at
improving decent work condition for youth employment, especially women. This
will be achieved by supporting campaigns for the elimination of gender
stereotyping and programs to improve their economic independence.
Plan Indonesia has implemented a five projects of
Youth Economic Empowerment in Rembang, Grobogan, Semarang (Central Java),
Surabaya (East Java), Great Jakarta, TTS and TTU
district (East Nusa Tenggara). The name of project in TTS and TTU
district is Young Women Economic Empowerment (YWEE) Project. Although YWEE
project is implemented in TTS and TTU district (Micro Level) but some of
activity was conducted in Macro and Messo level to promote gender
Youth Economic Empowerment in Rembang, Grobogan, Semarang (Central Java),
Surabaya (East Java), Great Jakarta, TTS and TTU
district (East Nusa Tenggara). The name of project in TTS and TTU
district is Young Women Economic Empowerment (YWEE) Project. Although YWEE
project is implemented in TTS and TTU district (Micro Level) but some of
activity was conducted in Macro and Messo level to promote gender
The Overall objective of YWEE project is enhancing young women’s economic
empowerment and fulfilment of their rights in Indonesia, and specific
objectives are strengthening the policy and economic environment in Indonesia
in favour of young women’s economic empowerment and gender equality and developing
and piloting an integrated approach to training, financing and other related
services which support gender equality and youth access to decent employment. Approaching
end of project periods, a final evaluation will be conducted to capture project
final achievement, effectiveness, efficiency, relevancy, lessons learned and
also identifying replication/scaling up possibility based on project
model/strategy. For this consultancy, Plan Indonesia seeks to procure the
services of an independent, external consultant(s) to design, plan and conduct
a rigorous final evaluation.
empowerment and fulfilment of their rights in Indonesia, and specific
objectives are strengthening the policy and economic environment in Indonesia
in favour of young women’s economic empowerment and gender equality and developing
and piloting an integrated approach to training, financing and other related
services which support gender equality and youth access to decent employment. Approaching
end of project periods, a final evaluation will be conducted to capture project
final achievement, effectiveness, efficiency, relevancy, lessons learned and
also identifying replication/scaling up possibility based on project
model/strategy. For this consultancy, Plan Indonesia seeks to procure the
services of an independent, external consultant(s) to design, plan and conduct
a rigorous final evaluation.
Project Information
Project Information
Project Objectives:
Project Objectives:
objective: To enhance young women’s economic empowerment and fulfilment of
their rights in Indonesia. Specific objectives: i) To strengthen the policy and
economic environment in Indonesia in favour of young women’s economic
empowerment and gender equality ii) To develop and pilot an integrated approach
to training, financing and other related services which support gender equality
and youth access to decent employment.
objective: To enhance young women’s economic empowerment and fulfilment of
their rights in Indonesia. Specific objectives: i) To strengthen the policy and
economic environment in Indonesia in favour of young women’s economic
empowerment and gender equality ii) To develop and pilot an integrated approach
to training, financing and other related services which support gender equality
and youth access to decent employment.
Target Group
Target Group
3,000 female youth aged 15 to 29 years ; b/ 6,000 community members ; c/ 20
members of the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection; d/ 50
members of gender working groups from the Ministries of Education, Industry,
Manpower and Cooperative, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, and Social
Affairs; e/ 2,000 employers from The Employer’s Association of Indonesia
(APINDO) through awareness raising, advocacy and capacity building exercises;
f/ The Indonesian Youth Employment Network led by the National Development
Planning Agency.
3,000 female youth aged 15 to 29 years ; b/ 6,000 community members ; c/ 20
members of the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection; d/ 50
members of gender working groups from the Ministries of Education, Industry,
Manpower and Cooperative, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, and Social
Affairs; e/ 2,000 employers from The Employer’s Association of Indonesia
(APINDO) through awareness raising, advocacy and capacity building exercises;
f/ The Indonesian Youth Employment Network led by the National Development
Planning Agency.
Objective of Final Evaluation
Objective of Final Evaluation
The project Final Evaluation serves as an instrument
for change and plays a critical role in supporting accountability. The main final
evaluation objective are measuring the achievement of:
for change and plays a critical role in supporting accountability. The main final
evaluation objective are measuring the achievement of:
implementation of gender sensitive laws, policies and strategies favourable to
young women’s employment in public and private sector
implementation of gender sensitive laws, policies and strategies favourable to
young women’s employment in public and private sector
on vocational and technical training providers which offering young women
better access to training, including non-traditional choices;
on vocational and technical training providers which offering young women
better access to training, including non-traditional choices;
3,000 target
of youth from TTS/TTU who have developed the required knowledge and skills for
decent work following successful completion of the training,
3,000 target
of youth from TTS/TTU who have developed the required knowledge and skills for
decent work following successful completion of the training,
2,200 target
of the trained youth have found decent employment or establish a successful
2,200 target
of the trained youth have found decent employment or establish a successful
to microfinance services have improved for the young female target population
(3000) in TTS and TTU,
to microfinance services have improved for the young female target population
(3000) in TTS and TTU,
local environment that supports young women’s economic empowerment in TTS and
TTU, and within APINDO member companies is a result at the level of pilot
local environment that supports young women’s economic empowerment in TTS and
TTU, and within APINDO member companies is a result at the level of pilot
tested multilevel model on gender sensitive Youth Economic Empowerment have developed,
documented and disseminated
tested multilevel model on gender sensitive Youth Economic Empowerment have developed,
documented and disseminated
The Final
Evaluation will take stock of YWEE project
achievements over the project period from inception in February 2013 to January 2015. It will review activities and analyse the extent to
which their outcomes are fulfilling planned targets. The Final Evaluation
findings will serve as an update for improving project performance compare to
baseline. Furthermore, this evaluation will also measuring
another important aspects such as program efficiency, program relevancy,
program sustainability and program scaling up, this evaluation will also
capturing best practice and lesson learned that were obtained during program
implementation. CCCD measurement will be also part of this evaluation.
Evaluation will take stock of YWEE project
achievements over the project period from inception in February 2013 to January 2015. It will review activities and analyse the extent to
which their outcomes are fulfilling planned targets. The Final Evaluation
findings will serve as an update for improving project performance compare to
baseline. Furthermore, this evaluation will also measuring
another important aspects such as program efficiency, program relevancy,
program sustainability and program scaling up, this evaluation will also
capturing best practice and lesson learned that were obtained during program
implementation. CCCD measurement will be also part of this evaluation.
F. Key question of Final Evaluation
design shoud refer to the Young Women Economic
Empowerment Project framework and conceptual framework. To
assist the evaluation team, key
will be built around the following aspects:
design shoud refer to the Young Women Economic
Empowerment Project framework and conceptual framework. To
assist the evaluation team, key
will be built around the following aspects:
Effectiveness :
o What is
the last status of the
project? Is the “Young Women Economic
Empowerment Project” achieving all of project objectives from the above points? What are the main
factor/challenges faced in the implementation of the project (only if the
project didn’t achieve target/objectives)?
the last status of the
project? Is the “Young Women Economic
Empowerment Project” achieving all of project objectives from the above points? What are the main
factor/challenges faced in the implementation of the project (only if the
project didn’t achieve target/objectives)?
o How do the activities at the macro and messo impact on the ground (micro
level). Are there strategies for scaling down the work at macro/messo level to
micro level?
level). Are there strategies for scaling down the work at macro/messo level to
micro level?
Relevance :
Relevance :
o Do the “Young Women Economic
Empowerment Project” objectives and goals match with
the problems or needs that are being addressed?
Empowerment Project” objectives and goals match with
the problems or needs that are being addressed?
o Was the “Young Women Economic
Empowerment Project” implementation strategy is able to adapt and respond
to changes in the quality
of training services
(including the instructor‘s perception changed and the level of support)? Why/why
not? How the
project to adapt and respond to these changes?
Empowerment Project” implementation strategy is able to adapt and respond
to changes in the quality
of training services
(including the instructor‘s perception changed and the level of support)? Why/why
not? How the
project to adapt and respond to these changes?
the “Young Women Economic Empowerment Project” Program delivered in a timely and do the budget
allocate for this project is comparable with the result achieved?
the “Young Women Economic Empowerment Project” Program delivered in a timely and do the budget
allocate for this project is comparable with the result achieved?
How extent the project
to improve youth
How extent the project
to improve youth
To what
extent the project could achieve sustainable incomes for youth?
To what
extent the project could achieve sustainable incomes for youth?
How extent the project to improve youth
quality of life
How extent the project to improve youth
quality of life
How extent the project to improve youth
life skill
How extent the project to improve youth
life skill
o How the project having impact to
knowledge, Attitude, Practice (KAP) of beneficiaries related to Plan’s
gender house analysis
which consist of four fundamental analysis, which are:
knowledge, Attitude, Practice (KAP) of beneficiaries related to Plan’s
gender house analysis
which consist of four fundamental analysis, which are:
Social Relations of Gender
Social Relations of Gender
Gender and Power
Gender and Power
Gender-based child rights violations
Gender-based child rights violations
o Is
there any possibilities of project method or lesson learn to be continued by government
in macro and micro level for develop program specific for young women
there any possibilities of project method or lesson learn to be continued by government
in macro and micro level for develop program specific for young women
o Is
there any possibilities of project method or lesson learn to be replicated or
there any possibilities of project method or lesson learn to be replicated or
be scaled up by other institution.
o What
are the business enabling factors created by the project?
are the business enabling factors created by the project?
G. Methodology
Initially information was gathered through a desk
review on documents of Plan Indonesia and various program partners working in
the sector. Data collection techniques include interviews with government
staff, instructors and youth,
focus group discussions with stakeholders and observations. The research methodology
should capture all categories of the target group of Young Women Economic
Empowerment project (see target group).
review on documents of Plan Indonesia and various program partners working in
the sector. Data collection techniques include interviews with government
staff, instructors and youth,
focus group discussions with stakeholders and observations. The research methodology
should capture all categories of the target group of Young Women Economic
Empowerment project (see target group).
consultant is required to propose a suitable study methodology as specified by
this TOR. It will inform the methodology details such as sampling technique,
sampling frame, data collection and analysis potentially applied in this study.
The study will be conducted in Young Women Economic Empowerment Project areas (Macro, Micro and Messo Level)
where a number of activities have been implemented. The methodology used should
be child friendly and participatory wherever
possible. During the study, the consultant is expected to perform:
consultant is required to propose a suitable study methodology as specified by
this TOR. It will inform the methodology details such as sampling technique,
sampling frame, data collection and analysis potentially applied in this study.
The study will be conducted in Young Women Economic Empowerment Project areas (Macro, Micro and Messo Level)
where a number of activities have been implemented. The methodology used should
be child friendly and participatory wherever
possible. During the study, the consultant is expected to perform:
Desk-based review on existing
relevant documents with Plan Indonesia team
Desk-based review on existing
relevant documents with Plan Indonesia team
Briefing session with YWEE Project Team and Plan Indonesia MER&D
Briefing session with YWEE Project Team and Plan Indonesia MER&D
Administer questionnaires for instructors, principles, supervisors, training
participant, parent and communities;
Administer questionnaires for instructors, principles, supervisors, training
participant, parent and communities;
Focus Group Discussions with instructors, principles, training team, communities, training supervisors and project partners, etc.
Focus Group Discussions with instructors, principles, training team, communities, training supervisors and project partners, etc.
Separate consultations, and if
required observation with youth and their family/spouse, by arranging
sessions with youth group or peer counselling group
established by YWEE team.
Separate consultations, and if
required observation with youth and their family/spouse, by arranging
sessions with youth group or peer counselling group
established by YWEE team.
Key Informant Interviews particularly
in-depth interview with other stakeholders selected to participate in the study
Key Informant Interviews particularly
in-depth interview with other stakeholders selected to participate in the study
Field visits to “training center” supported by the program
Field visits to “training center” supported by the program
Debriefing with YWEE staff
and Plan Indonesia MER&D team
Debriefing with YWEE staff
and Plan Indonesia MER&D team
§ Youth Beneficiaries
(Male-Female, Married and Unmarried) § Gender Fasilitators
§ Field Trainers
§ CBO’s in Targeted Villages
§ Members of APINDO
§ Members of Komida
§ Komida Staf
§ Gerbang Mas Staff
§ YSKA Staff
§ FGD Gender Woking Group
Macro and Micro Level
Interview |
§ Staf of Ministery of Women
Empowerment (MoWE) and Child Protection (CP) § Bappeda TTS and TTU
§ Leader of DPN APINDO
§ Leader of DPP APINDO at six provinces
§ Leader of KOMIDA
§ Members of NGO patner
§ Youth activities in MED
Activity § Tools, material, and facilties are used to support the training
§ Asking PPI for Beneficiaries (10 questions).
Document Review
§ All document, policies, budget, and report
regarding to the project |
H. Variables and indicators
The final evaluation
is expected to generate answer to key assessment of final outcomes such as changes in
attitudes/expectations, as well as measurement of level of exposure to the
project intervention, based on survey questions, verified
through project
records, and findings of other data.
is expected to generate answer to key assessment of final outcomes such as changes in
attitudes/expectations, as well as measurement of level of exposure to the
project intervention, based on survey questions, verified
through project
records, and findings of other data.
A summary of the project’s aspect and information to be
Study Design
Young women’s economic empowerment and fulfilment of their rights in
Indonesia. |
% point reduction of unemployment gap for women aged 15-29 years old in relation to the unemployment rate for men aged 15-29 in target areas. §
Indonesia’s medium term development plan includes explicit strategies to support young women’s economic empowerment. |
Quantitative §
Qualitative |
Macro and meso: policy and economic environment in Indonesia in favour
of young women’s economic empowerment and gender equality. |
Recommendations (with gender dimension included) proposed to ministerial decrees of 6 relevant ministries (Ministries of Education, Industry, Manpower and Transmigration, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises and Cooperatives; and Social Affairs) affecting young women’s economic empowerment. §
Existing proposed improvement on provincial regulation, applicable to 6 provinces, supporting young women’s economic empowerment. §
Youth and young women’s issues are discussed at the national tripartite forum (government, private sector, employees) at least 6 times during the project period. |
Qualitative §
Qualitative §
Qualitative |
Micro: an integrated approach to training, financing and other related
services which support gender equality and youth access to decent employment. |
Young men and women current living standards. §
Number of girls and young women who potentially acquire competencies and skills to take advantage of economic opportunities (formal employment or income generation initiatives) |
Quantitative §
Quantitative |
Gender sensitive laws, policies and strategies favourable to young
women’s employment in public and private sector. |
Evidence in changes in Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection’s capacity to support relevant ministries in promoting laws and policies for young women’s employment. §
APINDO member companies that likely to adopt the code of conduct including gender aspects. |
Qualitative §
Qualitative |
funded vocational and technical training providers offering young women better access to training, including non-traditional choices. |
Current Action Plan of the IYEN has been developed and includes activities which support young women’s economic empowerment. §
Current Ministries reporting mechanism on young women’s economic empowerment to Bappenas (IYEN). |
Qualitative §
Qualitative |
Required knowledge and skills for decent work following successful
completion of the training. |
Factors that support young female and male participants to graduate in the training programmes in TTS and TTU. §
Vocational and technical training providers offering young women better access to training, including non-traditional choices. |
Quantitative and Qualitative §
Qualitative |
Youth find decent employment or establish a successful
microenterprise. |
Factors that support young men and women to obtain decent work or establish successful microenterprise within one year of intervention. |
Qualitative and quantitative |
Access to microfinance services
% of female and male youth accessing loan and its contributing factors §
% female and male youth saving regularly §
Development and availability of new microfinance product designed for vulnerable young women |
Qualitative and quantitative §
Quantitative §
Qualitative |
Local environment that supports young women’s economic empowerment in
TTS and TTU, and within APINDO member companies. |
Perception of family members, community and employers of the young women’s competencies and skills to take advantage of economic opportunities. |
Qualitative and quantitative |
A tested multilevel model on gender sensitive Youth Economic
Empowerment. |
Availability and quality of existing gender-transformative model for youth economic empowerment. |
Qualitative |
I. Scope of Work
consultant is expected to form a survey team for the evaluation and manage
coordination and communication with Plan Indonesia. Tasks and responsibilities of
the consultant are as follows:
Proposal that detailing the
methodology and budget required to conduct the final evaluation
Proposal that detailing the
methodology and budget required to conduct the final evaluation
Recruit, train and manage final
evaluation research teams including enumerators
Recruit, train and manage final
evaluation research teams including enumerators
Propose tools to be used in the final
evaluation research and discuss the suggestion with Plan Indonesia
Propose tools to be used in the final
evaluation research and discuss the suggestion with Plan Indonesia
Develop a data entry system and
Develop a data entry system and
Supervise field research implementation
Supervise field research implementation
Responsible for field operations,
including logistics, permission to conduct the research, informed consent from
individuals and families taking part in the final evaluation research
Responsible for field operations,
including logistics, permission to conduct the research, informed consent from
individuals and families taking part in the final evaluation research
Coordinate with YWEE project during field research implementation
Coordinate with YWEE project during field research implementation
Collect, compile and analyse all data
(gender and age disaggregated) gathered and develop a final report on the final
evaluation results (including all findings and statistics).
Collect, compile and analyse all data
(gender and age disaggregated) gathered and develop a final report on the final
evaluation results (including all findings and statistics).
To keep all information provided by Plan Indonesia as
well as the findings of the Final Evaluation confidential.
To keep all information provided by Plan Indonesia as
well as the findings of the Final Evaluation confidential.
J. Outputs and Deliverables
consultant is expected to produce and submit the following deliverables:
consultant is expected to produce and submit the following deliverables:
Study protocol specifying a detailed study
work plan and proposed study tools that will be discussed and agreed upon prior
to field activity.
Study protocol specifying a detailed study
work plan and proposed study tools that will be discussed and agreed upon prior
to field activity.
Presentation of initial findings to YWEE Team and MER&D, after field activities have been
Presentation of initial findings to YWEE Team and MER&D, after field activities have been
Draft reports in Bahasa and English in two weeks’ time
after field activities have been concluded
Draft reports in Bahasa and English in two weeks’ time
after field activities have been concluded
Presentation of draft and reporting data
flow diagram to Plan Indonesia for discussion and feedback.
Presentation of draft and reporting data
flow diagram to Plan Indonesia for discussion and feedback.
Submission of a comprehensive final
report in Bahasa and
English one week after receiving feedback from Plan Indonesia.
Submission of a comprehensive final
report in Bahasa and
English one week after receiving feedback from Plan Indonesia.
Executive Summary (max. three to
maximum five pages) in English describing the study results.
Executive Summary (max. three to
maximum five pages) in English describing the study results.
Hardcopies of filled-in
questionnaires (if available), interview transcripts and attendance lists,
photos with informative subtitles and other valuable study materials (For Plan
Hardcopies of filled-in
questionnaires (if available), interview transcripts and attendance lists,
photos with informative subtitles and other valuable study materials (For Plan
K. The Responsibility of Plan Indonesia
Provide a
working contract
Provide a
working contract
data and related documents as per consultant’s request
data and related documents as per consultant’s request
meetings, discussions and field visits for the study team
meetings, discussions and field visits for the study team
timely feedback and response on consultant’s study report
timely feedback and response on consultant’s study report
payment for the consultant service
payment for the consultant service
L. Timeline
The final
evaluation is to be conducted in November to
December 2014, then the report should be finished the latest on
January 2015.
evaluation is to be conducted in November to
December 2014, then the report should be finished the latest on
January 2015.
M. Report Content
Final report should be produced in Bahasa and English and should contain and be developed according to the
following structure:
following structure:
Executive Summary (Having contents; Objectives, Methods, results
& conclusion)
& conclusion)
1. Background (description of project and activities)
2. Literature review
3. Methodology (having below mentioned components)
a. Objectives of the study
b. Operational definitions
Study design
Study design
d. Sampling Method and Sample Size
Data Collection
Data Collection
Data Analysis
Data Analysis
Significance /
Importance of the study, Human subject protection
Significance /
Importance of the study, Human subject protection
4. Limitations
5. Findings should be presented on study objectives covering following (CCCD
principles, quality of design of the project, cost, reach, overall quality
assessment) – the sections of the findings should be according to main
objectives of the project
principles, quality of design of the project, cost, reach, overall quality
assessment) – the sections of the findings should be according to main
objectives of the project
6. Conclusions
7. Recommendations
8. References
9. Annexure (TOR, data collection tools, case studies, etc)
Following lists must be given at the beginning:
1. Table of contents (automatically generated)
2. List of Figures
3. List of Tables
Acronyms and abbreviations
Acronyms and abbreviations
Ethical and child protection
Ethical and child protection
The Evaluator
must follow Ethical Principles for involving human subjects in a research and
obtain written/ verbal consent from the human subjects. Permission from elder
must be sought if the children under 18 years are involved as subjects. Signed
informed consent of each child and his/ her parents need to take after
explaining purpose of the study and its usage.
must follow Ethical Principles for involving human subjects in a research and
obtain written/ verbal consent from the human subjects. Permission from elder
must be sought if the children under 18 years are involved as subjects. Signed
informed consent of each child and his/ her parents need to take after
explaining purpose of the study and its usage.
O. Criteria for Consultant Selection Based on Competency and Experience
Consultant interested in submitting a
proposal should have the following criteria:
proposal should have the following criteria:
Possess equal composition of
qualified academic background, knowledge, experience and capacity to manage evaluation.
Possess equal composition of
qualified academic background, knowledge, experience and capacity to manage evaluation.
Have an extensive experience in
managing large-size studies
in the context of basic automechanic
Have an extensive experience in
managing large-size studies
in the context of basic automechanic
Demonstrate understanding and
sensitivity on cross-cultural, tradition and language of project target.
Demonstrate understanding and
sensitivity on cross-cultural, tradition and language of project target.
Proven experience as an evaluator,
preferably on automotive
Proven experience as an evaluator,
preferably on automotive
Understanding of project management
structures and change management concepts
Understanding of project management
structures and change management concepts
Clear, effective writer in English.
Clear, effective writer in English.
7. Experience
of working with participatory methodologies.
of working with participatory methodologies.
P. Procedure for Expression of Interest
First Phase: Interested
consultant should submit an Expression of Interest to Plan Indonesia at: [email protected] and cc to [email protected] before 5 pm, October, 10 2015 enclosing the following required documents:
consultant should submit an Expression of Interest to Plan Indonesia at: [email protected] and cc to [email protected] before 5 pm, October, 10 2015 enclosing the following required documents:
Organizational Profile (for
institutional consultant) or a CV (for individual consultant).
Organizational Profile (for
institutional consultant) or a CV (for individual consultant).
A proposal containing two parts:
A proposal containing two parts:
Proposal comprising the description of proposed activities, methodology
(sampling design, data collection technique), and implementation plan which
includes study schedule and timeline for data analysis. The technical proposal
should demonstrate understanding of study ethic, qualification of study team
members and their CVs, as well as their roles in the study. The consultant
should also describe her/his experience in conducting similar survey, and
financial and technical capacity.
Proposal comprising the description of proposed activities, methodology
(sampling design, data collection technique), and implementation plan which
includes study schedule and timeline for data analysis. The technical proposal
should demonstrate understanding of study ethic, qualification of study team
members and their CVs, as well as their roles in the study. The consultant
should also describe her/his experience in conducting similar survey, and
financial and technical capacity.
Proposal comprising details of budget plan such as consultant
and team’s fees, transportation, stationeries and other survey necessities.
Proposal comprising details of budget plan such as consultant
and team’s fees, transportation, stationeries and other survey necessities.
Second Phase: Based on received
proposals, Plan International Indonesia will shortlist candidates and invite
them to present their proposals. Plan International Indonesia will afterwards
proceed with selecting and appointing a consultant, and produce a working
contract with the select consultant.
proposals, Plan International Indonesia will shortlist candidates and invite
them to present their proposals. Plan International Indonesia will afterwards
proceed with selecting and appointing a consultant, and produce a working
contract with the select consultant.
shortlisted consultant will be contacted for recruitment.
shortlisted consultant will be contacted for recruitment.