[DevJobsIndo] RFP: Strengthened Civil Society & Inclusive and Empowered Youth in West Java

Save the children is currently implementing CREATIVE project funded
by European Aid on “Strengthening Civil Society and Inclusive and
Empowered Youth in West Java” with the aim to reduce poverty and support
sustainable economic development. These project objectives are: promote
access to youth employment opportunities by empowering youth and engage
with civil society and local government; create access to and allocate
budget for market-oriented business and vocational training,
apprentice­ship and decent work opportunities for youth; provide quality
market driven voca­tional, employability, life skills training and
labor market link­ing through government by advocating in policy
amendment and budget allocation. CREATIVE working area covers 20
villages in Sukabumi and Garut district. 

Labor Market Assessment (LMA) of CREATIVE project, conducted in Garut
and Sukabumi in mid 2015, reported that there is gap between employment
supply and demand. The gap has contributed to the highest number of
youth employment in mentioned districts. Number of youth unemployment in
Garut and Sukabumi is quiet high. Another illustration, per September
2015, Manpower District Office of Garut recorded more than 20,000 job
seekers (mostly from youth) have registered their application and only
about 4,000 applicants were absorbed in some formal sectors.

We are seeking for Consultancy of Market-oriented Tools and Method on Youth Employment.

For more detail information please visit : https://indonesia.savethechildren.net/jobs/job-details/296


Individuals or institutions must submit their proposal and the Expression of Interest
form (attached) and curriculum vitae (hard copy) in English in a sealed
envelope no later than 22 November 2015 to below address:

Save the Children International

Attn. Procurement Committee                                                                                          

Jl. Taman Margasatwa No. 26 C, Ragunan – Pasar Minggu

Jakarta Selatan 12550, Phone: 021-781 2336, Fax: 021-781 2325


Send the electronic copy of your proposal and the Expression of Interest form and CV to: [email protected]  with a Subject: Market Oriented Tools Creative – <your name> with the latest date:  22 November  2015 Jakarta Time. Please do not send after this date

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