[DevJobsIndo] Subject : Call for proposal LCCP

Dear Sir/Madam,

KOICA has a kind of call for proposal LCCP(Local Civil Society Partnership Program) as follows:

About KOICA : In 1991, KOICA was founded with a mission to fight against global poverty. Since the establishment, KOICA has strived toward meeting that goal as Korea’s dedicated grant aid agency. Over the past 20 years, the international community has undergone unprecedented changes.
KOICA works on Development projects, World Friends Korea(volunteer program), Fellowship program, Humanitarian assistance and Disaster relief and Civil Society Cooperation.
About LCCP :
   – Goal of the Program
   o Contribute to the eradication of poverty and the social and economic development of the recipient country by enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery          to  the residents of the partner countries.
   o Support the civil society of developing countries to build their capacity and develop over the long term as they are the main actors for a balanced and inclusive                     development of the recipient countries.                                                                                                                                                                                                                o Increase the synergies with the country partnership program by serving as a policy tool that is aligned with the Korean government’s development cooperation strategy.    o Serve as a policy tool to realize the principle of “inclusive development partnership” and the “creation of an enabling environment” envisioned by the Busan Global               Partnership.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        – Formulation of the Program                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    o Through a partnership with a not-for-profit civil organization in a developing country, utilize the organizations’ independent and spontaneous motivation and commitment        to the development of the local society as well as their insight, knowledge and experience on local culture, customs, laws, regulations and practices.                                  o Based on the capabilities and assets of the above organizations, satisfy the basic human needs of local people and develop the local community.                     – Qualifications for participation                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  o The civil partner should be registered as a not-for-profit organization according to the applicable laws and regulations of the central and local                         governments of the developing country                                                                                                                                                           – The headquarters of the organization should be based in the developing country and a native of the developing country should head the branch or the organization itself.      o In light of the nature of the program, the following types of organizations are not eligible to apply for LCPP.                                                                                                   – People’s associations in socialist countries (women’s alliances, youth alliances, etc.), government-organized non-governmental organizations (GONGO’s), organizations     with religious and missionary purposes, local organizations that have been established by Korean activists and other organizations that are not related to the                       fundamental goal of LCPP.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     o Organizations that do not have any of the following reasons, as specified by KOICA, for disqualification from program participation.
Application & Screening Procedures
1. Call for proposal – by October 26
2. First Review & Report to HQ (Indonesia office)
3. Second Review & Interview (HQ, Indonesia office)
4. Select proposal (HQ)
5. Notify Selection Results
A proposal can be submitted via email by October.26 ([email protected])
Required documents : project outline, project proposal, partner organization profile, detailed budget sheet(excel)
A proposal format and other formats are included the attachment. For more information, please contact the above email.
 Overview on Local Civil Society Partnership Program (LCPP)
Goal of the Program
○ Contribute to the eradication of poverty and the social and economic development of the recipient country by enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery to the residents of the partner countries.
○ Support the civil society of developing countries to build their capacity and develop over the long term as they are the main actors for a balanced and inclusive development of the recipient countries.
○ Increase the synergies with the country partnership program by serving as a policy tool that is aligned with the Korean government’s development cooperation strategy.
○ Serve as a policy tool to realize the principle of “inclusive development partnership” and the “creation of an enabling environment” envisioned by the Busan Global Partnership.
Formulation of the Program
○ Through a partnership with a not-for-profit civil organization in a developing country, utilize the organizations’ independent and spontaneous motivation and commitment to the development of the local society as well as their insight, knowledge and experience on local culture, customs, laws, regulations and practices.
○ Based on the capabilities and assets of the above organizations, satisfy the basic human needs of local people and develop the local community.
Strategic Direction of the Program
○ The LCPP can be implemented in the following seven areas that are composed of four areas in which we can deliver development services for the local society and three areas in which we can create an enabling environment to facilitate civil society’s activities in developing countries:

Delivery of Development Services
Creation of an Enabling Environment
Public Health
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Advocacy (women, marginalized groups, governance, environment, etc.)
(cooperation initiatives)
Capacity Building
* See the table in Appendix for the objectives that should be attained by the delivery of development services.
○ For greater efficiency and effectiveness, use a twin-track strategy to provide support for marginalized groups, which constitutes a multi-sectoral initiative that falls into       the “delivery of development services” category.
(Track 1) Develop a program which specifically targets marginalized groups as the main beneficiaries with an aim to help them build the capability to become more socially and economically independent (the “Multi-sector” category above)
(Track 2) Encourage participation of marginalized groups in the various steps such as planning, execution, monitoring and evaluation of a project in the “education, health and Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries category and ensure that the benefits of the project are fairly distributed
<Definition of Marginalized Groups>
International society uses this term to refer to any group that is discriminated against at multiple levels for a combination of reasons that include, but are not limited to, their gender, physical and intellectual capability, age, region and ethnicity. Typical examples include women with disabilities and elderly people from ethnic minorities.
LCPP classifies the projects that provide benefits to women, people with disabilities, the elderly, ethnic minorities and street children (i.e. those that fit into the definition above) into a separate theme called “Support marginalized groups to become more socially and economically independent .”
Implementation Principle of the Program
○ Work together with a civil partner to achieve a goal for development cooperation which is aligned not just with the development cooperation strategy of KOICA but also with the priorities of the recipient country. The partner is not obligated to provide matching funds, but budgeting its share within the project budget on a voluntary basis is allowable.
○ The program will be funded for a single year. Each organization can receive up to KRW 100 mn in grant money. Depending on the result of the performance evaluation       conducted upon the completion of the project, it can be extended to a maximum of seven years including the first year.
– There are no limits on funded projects per partner.
Types of Projects Not to be Funded
○ Projects specified below or any other project that is not likely to produce results through LCPP:
– Civil partnership projects to provide humanitarian assistance, emergency relief, early recovery, disaster risk reduction or aid for refugees from a protracted disaster
– Projects to develop an innovative appropriate technology based on scientific knowledge or to produce creative values utilizing new technologies (Although appropriate   technology itself should not be the goal of a project, using it as a tool for a project is strongly recommended.)
– Projects that are mainly aimed at developing or installing information and communication technologies or providing tools and equipment, such as implementation of       the information system, software development and an e-learning system (But using a commercialized package whose sale price is publicly disclosed is permitted.)
Qualifications for Participation
○ The civil partner should be registered as a not-for-profit organization according to the applicable laws and regulations of the central and local governments of the                 developing country.
– The headquarters of the organization should be based in the developing country and a native of the developing country should head the branch or the organization          itself.
     ○ In light of the nature of the program, the following types of organizations are not eligible to apply for LCPP.
– People’s associations in socialist countries (women’s alliances, youth alliances, etc.), government-organized non-governmental organizations (GONGO’s), organizations        with religious and missionary purposes, local organizations that have been established by Korean activists and other organizations that are not related to the                        fundamental goal of LCPP.
       ○ Organizations that do not have any of the following reasons, as specified by KOICA, for disqualification from program participation.
[Reasons for Disqualification from Program Participation]
If the organization, at the time of proposal submission, is still in the disqualification period which was imposed due to its own fault committed while implementing another KOICA project before
If the organization has ever operated the project that violated ethical, social or cultural norms or caused damage to health and the environment in the past two years at the time of proposal submission
Target Countries
○ Countries that are included in the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) List of ODA Recipients
○ Countries where KOICA have overseas offices
○ Exclude the regions to which travel bans are in place or those places where withdrawal is recommended by the consular office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Korea
(applicable to the past three months at the time of proposal submission)
– It should be located in a region where KOICA headquarters or office personnel can visit and inspect if necessary.
Method of Proposal Submission
○ Submit your proposal to KOICA’s overseas office that is located in the target country during the Annual Invitation for Proposal or anytime throughout the year. The              proposal can be submitted via email or in person as decided by each office. 
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