[DevJobsIndo]Search for Common Ground looking for Conflict Analysis and Baseline Study Consultant Evaluator of the Project “Bersatu” Promoting Art for Social Change
of Reference
of Reference
Conflict Analysis and Baseline Study Consultant
Evaluator of the Project “Bersatu” Promoting Art for Social Change
Evaluator of the Project “Bersatu” Promoting Art for Social Change
Search for Common Ground
Indonesia is looking for an experienced monitoring and evaluation professional
to carry out a Conflict Analysis and Baseline Study consultant evaluator of its
project “ Bersatu Project:
Promoting Art for Social
Change”, a program aiming to promote conflict prevention and reconciliation in
Bali through contemporary art. For this consultancy, SFCG Indonesian seeks to
procure the services of an independent, external consultant to design, plan and
conduct a rigorous conflict analysis and baseline study.
Change”, a program aiming to promote conflict prevention and reconciliation in
Bali through contemporary art. For this consultancy, SFCG Indonesian seeks to
procure the services of an independent, external consultant to design, plan and
conduct a rigorous conflict analysis and baseline study.
This Terms of Reference (TOR)
defines the work that must be carried out by the external evaluator. It
provides a brief outline of the project, specifies the scope of the baseline
study, and outlines the baseline study method.
defines the work that must be carried out by the external evaluator. It
provides a brief outline of the project, specifies the scope of the baseline
study, and outlines the baseline study method.
1. Introduction
Search for Common Ground (SFCG) (www.sfcg.org) is an international peacebuilding
organization that strives to transform the way the world deal with conflict,
away from adversarial approaches and towards collaborative problem solving.
SFCG is working in 34 countries across Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and the
USA. SFCG works with governments, civil society, state institutions, youth,
media organizations and other stakeholder groups to promote peace,
reconciliation, tolerance and collaboration across dividing lines.
organization that strives to transform the way the world deal with conflict,
away from adversarial approaches and towards collaborative problem solving.
SFCG is working in 34 countries across Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and the
USA. SFCG works with governments, civil society, state institutions, youth,
media organizations and other stakeholder groups to promote peace,
reconciliation, tolerance and collaboration across dividing lines.
Since 2002, Search has worked
in Indonesia with governmental and local non-governmental organizations, media,
religious institutions, conflict survivors, youths and others to develop
appropriate and innovative conflict transformation initiatives. Over time,
Search has established strong working relationships with local officials,
community leaders, teachers and schools, religious leaders, and community-based
organizations from West to East Java, Aceh, Central Sulawesi, Bali, Madura,
Jakarta, Maluku, Central and West Kalimantan, and elsewhere. Search works to
expand knowledge, change attitudes, perceptions, and behavior in order to
advance the practice of peace. In addition, Search has implemented regional
initiatives across Indonesia, with programming focused on media for
peacebuilding (radio, comics), community based conflict transformation, and
state and civil society capacity strengthening.
in Indonesia with governmental and local non-governmental organizations, media,
religious institutions, conflict survivors, youths and others to develop
appropriate and innovative conflict transformation initiatives. Over time,
Search has established strong working relationships with local officials,
community leaders, teachers and schools, religious leaders, and community-based
organizations from West to East Java, Aceh, Central Sulawesi, Bali, Madura,
Jakarta, Maluku, Central and West Kalimantan, and elsewhere. Search works to
expand knowledge, change attitudes, perceptions, and behavior in order to
advance the practice of peace. In addition, Search has implemented regional
initiatives across Indonesia, with programming focused on media for
peacebuilding (radio, comics), community based conflict transformation, and
state and civil society capacity strengthening.
About the project
SFCG is implementing a
16-months project titled “Bersatu”, The Art for Social Change builds upon a
recent Search project funded by the EU aimed at strengthening democratic
participation in Bali, Lombok and West Java. This project successfully built
the capacity of 77 female legislative candidates equipping them with dynamic
leadership and conflict resolution skills that allow them to build consensus
and solve social and political problems in their communities through nonviolent
methods. Through this action Search learned that a mix of identity, social and
resource-based conflicts are a major barrier to Bali’s medium to long-term
stability. Key conflict issues were an
unresolved large-scale conflict of the past, increasing identity based tensions
between different religious and ethnic communities, increasing gender-based
violence and conflicts over land and resources usage. Search proposes to
continue to tackle conflict issues in Bali through art. In Bali, art takes many
forms and is strongly intertwined in people’s lives. However, its use as an
instrument to bring positive social changes via conflict reconciliation and
prevention remain relatively untapped. The proposed project intends to utilise
contemporary art and engage artists and civil society organisations to promote
conflict prevention and reconciliation around ideological, identity and social
problems namely, land and resource conflicts, gender-based violence, and ethnic
and religious intolerance.
16-months project titled “Bersatu”, The Art for Social Change builds upon a
recent Search project funded by the EU aimed at strengthening democratic
participation in Bali, Lombok and West Java. This project successfully built
the capacity of 77 female legislative candidates equipping them with dynamic
leadership and conflict resolution skills that allow them to build consensus
and solve social and political problems in their communities through nonviolent
methods. Through this action Search learned that a mix of identity, social and
resource-based conflicts are a major barrier to Bali’s medium to long-term
stability. Key conflict issues were an
unresolved large-scale conflict of the past, increasing identity based tensions
between different religious and ethnic communities, increasing gender-based
violence and conflicts over land and resources usage. Search proposes to
continue to tackle conflict issues in Bali through art. In Bali, art takes many
forms and is strongly intertwined in people’s lives. However, its use as an
instrument to bring positive social changes via conflict reconciliation and
prevention remain relatively untapped. The proposed project intends to utilise
contemporary art and engage artists and civil society organisations to promote
conflict prevention and reconciliation around ideological, identity and social
problems namely, land and resource conflicts, gender-based violence, and ethnic
and religious intolerance.
Objectives of the
November 2015, Search Indonesia, with funding from CKU Denmark initiated a
project aimed to promote conflict prevention and reconciliation in Bali through
contemporary art, especially in Tabanan District, Ubud, and Denpasar.
November 2015, Search Indonesia, with funding from CKU Denmark initiated a
project aimed to promote conflict prevention and reconciliation in Bali through
contemporary art, especially in Tabanan District, Ubud, and Denpasar.
The project has three specific objectives:
To increase the capacity of Balinese artists to promote
conflict prevention and reconciliation on issues of land and resource conflict,
gender-based violence, and identity conflicts in Bali through art; and
To increase the capacity of Balinese artists to promote
conflict prevention and reconciliation on issues of land and resource conflict,
gender-based violence, and identity conflicts in Bali through art; and
To increase the capacity of local civil society
organisations to build public awareness through collaborative work with
Balinese artists addressing issues of land and resource conflict, genderbased
violence, and identity-based conflicts.
To increase the capacity of local civil society
organisations to build public awareness through collaborative work with
Balinese artists addressing issues of land and resource conflict, genderbased
violence, and identity-based conflicts.
To create effective means for dialogue between stakeholders
on the conflict issues of land and resource conflict, gender-based violence,
and identity conflicts led by artists and NGOs.
To create effective means for dialogue between stakeholders
on the conflict issues of land and resource conflict, gender-based violence,
and identity conflicts led by artists and NGOs.
2. The
Search’s approach to conflict
analysis and baseline study is grounded in the guiding principles of our work:
participatory; culturally sensitive; affirming and positive while honest and
productively critical and valuing knowledge and approaches from within the
analysis and baseline study is grounded in the guiding principles of our work:
participatory; culturally sensitive; affirming and positive while honest and
productively critical and valuing knowledge and approaches from within the
Search Indonesia will apply this approach to the “Art for
Social Change” situational and baseline study, which will be carried out in
consultation and in participation with key relevant stakeholders, appropriate
community groups or key civil society individuals. The goal of the situational
and baseline study is to establish benchmark data related to the specific
objectives and expected results of the project, so as to be able to measure
progress towards the achievement of these objectives during the final
evaluation. The assignment will consist of following two major tasks that need
to be reported separately by the consultant as two components less than one
contractual agreement;
Social Change” situational and baseline study, which will be carried out in
consultation and in participation with key relevant stakeholders, appropriate
community groups or key civil society individuals. The goal of the situational
and baseline study is to establish benchmark data related to the specific
objectives and expected results of the project, so as to be able to measure
progress towards the achievement of these objectives during the final
evaluation. The assignment will consist of following two major tasks that need
to be reported separately by the consultant as two components less than one
contractual agreement;
Conflict Analysis
The brief yet succinct situational analysis will be one of
the major assignments under this contractual agreement.
the major assignments under this contractual agreement.
The objectives of the conflict analysis are:
To assess the general context and dynamics of land and
resource, gender-based violence, and identity conflicts in Bali.
To assess the general context and dynamics of land and
resource, gender-based violence, and identity conflicts in Bali.
To identify the stakeholders involved within the land
and resource, gender-based violence, and identity conflicts in Bali
To identify the stakeholders involved within the land
and resource, gender-based violence, and identity conflicts in Bali
To identify the key driver, the push and pull factors
of involvement to violent conflict among Balinese community
To identify the key driver, the push and pull factors
of involvement to violent conflict among Balinese community
To identify the role of Balinese art and culture in
conflict and peace processes
To identify the role of Balinese art and culture in
conflict and peace processes
Key Conflict Analysis
What are the key dynamics of gender-based violence,
land and resource conflict, and religious or identity-based conflict in the
three target districts in Bali? How the Balinese society does in general deals
with gender-based conflict, land and resource conflict, and religious or
identity-based conflict?
What are the key dynamics of gender-based violence,
land and resource conflict, and religious or identity-based conflict in the
three target districts in Bali? How the Balinese society does in general deals
with gender-based conflict, land and resource conflict, and religious or
identity-based conflict?
What are the driving factors of conflict? How are
people being drawn into a vicious cycle?
What are the driving factors of conflict? How are
people being drawn into a vicious cycle?
Who are the key stakeholders involved in this conflict,
and why?
Who are the key stakeholders involved in this conflict,
and why?
How is the conflict manifesting in society? How does it
create segregation between groups? What are the major dividing lines? What
draws that line? How does it lead to discrimination or inequality?
How is the conflict manifesting in society? How does it
create segregation between groups? What are the major dividing lines? What
draws that line? How does it lead to discrimination or inequality?
What are the forces for and against peace?
What are the forces for and against peace?
How does art and culture reinforce stereotypes and division
in Balinese society? Are there any
practices of culture and art that reinforce divisions through a number of ways
such as marginalizing some groups, ignoring others, reinforcing stereotypes?
How does art and culture reinforce stereotypes and division
in Balinese society? Are there any
practices of culture and art that reinforce divisions through a number of ways
such as marginalizing some groups, ignoring others, reinforcing stereotypes?
How does art and culture reinforce inter-cultural dialogue
and relationship in Balinese communities? What are the strengths and weaknesses
of those practices?
How does art and culture reinforce inter-cultural dialogue
and relationship in Balinese communities? What are the strengths and weaknesses
of those practices?
What small changes can be leveraged to create the
biggest change? What could be the major points of interventions around using
media, culture and arts? What could be the innovative strategy in bringing
people together from divided lines?
What small changes can be leveraged to create the
biggest change? What could be the major points of interventions around using
media, culture and arts? What could be the innovative strategy in bringing
people together from divided lines?
The baseline study will capture the prevailing practices use
of culture and arts as a tool for bringing people together and reaching people
at grassroots level to generate mass attitude shift. The consultant will
specifically examine how targeted arts groups create content to determine their
influence on conflict and potential to contribute to building peace. The
baseline study will also explore the potential of using the traditional
practices of peacebuilding and their feasibility in promoting peace and
reconciliation in Balinese Society in the current socio-political context.
of culture and arts as a tool for bringing people together and reaching people
at grassroots level to generate mass attitude shift. The consultant will
specifically examine how targeted arts groups create content to determine their
influence on conflict and potential to contribute to building peace. The
baseline study will also explore the potential of using the traditional
practices of peacebuilding and their feasibility in promoting peace and
reconciliation in Balinese Society in the current socio-political context.
The objectives of the baseline
assessment are:
assessment are:
To identify Balinese artists and NGOs that are
potential to be engaged in the project
To identify Balinese artists and NGOs that are
potential to be engaged in the project
To determine the level of knowledge among Balinese
artists on the issues of gender based violence, land and resource conflict, and
identity conflict.
To determine the level of knowledge among Balinese
artists on the issues of gender based violence, land and resource conflict, and
identity conflict.
To determine the level of involvement among Balinese
artist to address conflict transformation through their artwork? What are their
contributions towards conflict and peace in their communities?
To determine the level of involvement among Balinese
artist to address conflict transformation through their artwork? What are their
contributions towards conflict and peace in their communities?
To assess the level of skill among Balinese artists in
promoting conflict prevention and reconciliation through their artwork.
To assess the level of skill among Balinese artists in
promoting conflict prevention and reconciliation through their artwork.
To determine the level of use of Balinese artwork by
local CSOs as tool to campaign social change.
To determine the level of use of Balinese artwork by
local CSOs as tool to campaign social change.
To assess the level of partnership among Balinese
artists with local CSOs to promote conflict prevention and reconciliation
through artworks.
To assess the level of partnership among Balinese
artists with local CSOs to promote conflict prevention and reconciliation
through artworks.
To identify the existing means for dialogue between
adversarial groups in land and resource conflict, gender-based violence, led by
artists and NGOs.
To identify the existing means for dialogue between
adversarial groups in land and resource conflict, gender-based violence, led by
artists and NGOs.
To identify the effectiveness of dialogue between
adversarial groups in land and resource conflict, gender-based violence, led by
artists and NGOs.
To identify the effectiveness of dialogue between
adversarial groups in land and resource conflict, gender-based violence, led by
artists and NGOs.
To collect key data on the objectives, expected
results, and theory of change.
To collect key data on the objectives, expected
results, and theory of change.
The Study will identify
specific desired change for each of the objectives and identifies the
indicators to be measured based on the logical framework.
specific desired change for each of the objectives and identifies the
indicators to be measured based on the logical framework.
Key baseline study questions
Who are the Balinese artists that are potential to be
engaged for this project?
Who are the Balinese artists that are potential to be
engaged for this project?
Who are the Balinese CSOs that are potential to be
engaged for this project?
Who are the Balinese CSOs that are potential to be
engaged for this project?
What is the level of knowledge and awareness of
Balinese artists on the issues of gender based violence, land and resource
conflict, and identity conflicts?
What is the level of knowledge and awareness of
Balinese artists on the issues of gender based violence, land and resource
conflict, and identity conflicts?
How many artists are familiar with articulating and
addressing conflict transformation and reconciliation through their artworks?
How many artists are familiar with articulating and
addressing conflict transformation and reconciliation through their artworks?
What is the level of skills among Balinese artist to
articulate and address conflict transformation and reconciliation through their
What is the level of skills among Balinese artist to
articulate and address conflict transformation and reconciliation through their
How many artists partner with civil society organisations
to carry out artwork-based public promotion activities on violence and conflict
How many artists partner with civil society organisations
to carry out artwork-based public promotion activities on violence and conflict
How many art performances promote conflict prevention
and reconciliation in gender based violence, land and resource conflicts, and
identity conflicts?
How many art performances promote conflict prevention
and reconciliation in gender based violence, land and resource conflicts, and
identity conflicts?
What is the level of knowledge of Balinese Civil
Society Organizations in alternative public awareness activities utilising
artworks in conflict prevention and reconciliation?
What is the level of knowledge of Balinese Civil
Society Organizations in alternative public awareness activities utilising
artworks in conflict prevention and reconciliation?
What is the level of partnership skills of Civil
Society Organisations in working with artists for a joint venture in running
artwork-based public promotion activities?
What is the level of partnership skills of Civil
Society Organisations in working with artists for a joint venture in running
artwork-based public promotion activities?
10. How
much is the community exposed to artworks, which seek to promote conflict
much is the community exposed to artworks, which seek to promote conflict
11. What
is the level of willingness from the stakeholders to engage in dialogue with
other stakeholders?
is the level of willingness from the stakeholders to engage in dialogue with
other stakeholders?
12. How
is the culture of listening to radio, watching television or following social
media in the targeted communities? What types of media programs are most
popular in the target communities and why? What TV channel and radio program
are the most favorite and accessible by the target communities?
is the culture of listening to radio, watching television or following social
media in the targeted communities? What types of media programs are most
popular in the target communities and why? What TV channel and radio program
are the most favorite and accessible by the target communities?
3. Methodology
A mix-method approach and
methodology will be used to gather key data in order to inform program
implementation. The methodologies will include: interviews, survey, focus group
discussion, and artist-mapping.
methodology will be used to gather key data in order to inform program
implementation. The methodologies will include: interviews, survey, focus group
discussion, and artist-mapping.
Conflict Analysis Workshop: Search Indonesia will facilitate a
participatory conflict analysis workshop where participants are asked regarding
the key questions mentioned above. The consultant is required to observe and
analyze the result of the workshop to elaborate the answers the key questions.
participatory conflict analysis workshop where participants are asked regarding
the key questions mentioned above. The consultant is required to observe and
analyze the result of the workshop to elaborate the answers the key questions.
Desk study:
Several academic and grey literatures have been published on the role of art in
inducing social change in Indonesia. A
desk study will review the literature, and, where appropriate, the secondary
data will be included in the baseline report.
In other words, information that is readily available and published
within the last 3 years will be used as complimentary information.
Several academic and grey literatures have been published on the role of art in
inducing social change in Indonesia. A
desk study will review the literature, and, where appropriate, the secondary
data will be included in the baseline report.
In other words, information that is readily available and published
within the last 3 years will be used as complimentary information.
Interviews: Interviews will be conducted with key informants in
Bali, such as community leaders, religious leaders, artists, CSOs leaders,
government officials, stakeholders, etc. Key informant interviews will be
providing information about the context of conflict issues in Bali, the stakeholders
of conflicts, efforts that have been done for conflict transformation, artists
and CSOs who are influential in Bali, as well as the type of arts that are most
popular in Bali. This information will be used in making programmatic decision.
Bali, such as community leaders, religious leaders, artists, CSOs leaders,
government officials, stakeholders, etc. Key informant interviews will be
providing information about the context of conflict issues in Bali, the stakeholders
of conflicts, efforts that have been done for conflict transformation, artists
and CSOs who are influential in Bali, as well as the type of arts that are most
popular in Bali. This information will be used in making programmatic decision.
Artist-Mapping: Artist-mapping aims to identify potential artists
in Bali to be engaged in the program. In addition, this method will identify
the area where most Balinese artists work, how they are being organized, and
how influential their artworks are to the community.
Surveys: A community-based survey will be conducted to be able to
measure the baseline of the project. This short survey will collect
quantitative data on general understanding of conflict, especially in issues
such as gender-based violence, land and resource conflict, and religious or
identity-based conflict. In order to do the survey effectively and
appropriately, the consultant will calculate a proper total sample size based
on the total population universe in the targeted area using a scientific sample
size calculation formula. The total sample size will then be distributed
proportionately and a survey will be carried out inclusive of gender, age,
religion and ethnicity (if and where appropriate). The consultant is responsible for conducting
the perception survey in target area including arranging the enumerators for
the survey. The consultant can include survey budget in the proposal.
measure the baseline of the project. This short survey will collect
quantitative data on general understanding of conflict, especially in issues
such as gender-based violence, land and resource conflict, and religious or
identity-based conflict. In order to do the survey effectively and
appropriately, the consultant will calculate a proper total sample size based
on the total population universe in the targeted area using a scientific sample
size calculation formula. The total sample size will then be distributed
proportionately and a survey will be carried out inclusive of gender, age,
religion and ethnicity (if and where appropriate). The consultant is responsible for conducting
the perception survey in target area including arranging the enumerators for
the survey. The consultant can include survey budget in the proposal.
Art work Observation: An elaborate observation of art works
(performances included) produced by our potential beneficiary artists will be
conducted in order to study their contribution to stereotypes,
conflict-transformation, demonstration of gender roles, and other factors of
conflict in Bali. The observed artworks will also come from direct participants
in order to compare them at the end of the program.
(performances included) produced by our potential beneficiary artists will be
conducted in order to study their contribution to stereotypes,
conflict-transformation, demonstration of gender roles, and other factors of
conflict in Bali. The observed artworks will also come from direct participants
in order to compare them at the end of the program.
Focus Groups: A focus group will be conducted to measure the
knowledge of gender-based violence, land and resource conflict, and religious
or identity-based conflict.
knowledge of gender-based violence, land and resource conflict, and religious
or identity-based conflict.
Scope of Work and Deliverables
The Consultant will be expected
to undertake the following:
to undertake the following:
• Within five days from signing the contract, the
consultant will submit the Inception Report, which clearly defines the
baseline methodology, such as clear outlines of FGDs and KII checklist, survey
questionnaires, and a baseline timeline with specific deadlines for each
deliverable. The inception report should
also clearly explain the sampling methodology and sample size for the
quantitative survey and clear and logical explanation of the number of FGDs and
KIIs planned in each location. The inception report will be reviewed and
approved by the SFCG Team. The evaluator cannot start the data collection
process without the SFCG team’s approval on the inception report, including the
sample size calculation and distribution across different locations.
consultant will submit the Inception Report, which clearly defines the
baseline methodology, such as clear outlines of FGDs and KII checklist, survey
questionnaires, and a baseline timeline with specific deadlines for each
deliverable. The inception report should
also clearly explain the sampling methodology and sample size for the
quantitative survey and clear and logical explanation of the number of FGDs and
KIIs planned in each location. The inception report will be reviewed and
approved by the SFCG Team. The evaluator cannot start the data collection
process without the SFCG team’s approval on the inception report, including the
sample size calculation and distribution across different locations.
Attend, observe,
and give consultancy during the Conflict Analysis Workshop in order to gain
answers from the participants that can elaborate the answers of the key
questions mentioned above.
and give consultancy during the Conflict Analysis Workshop in order to gain
answers from the participants that can elaborate the answers of the key
questions mentioned above.
Draft baseline
report to be submitted within 10 days of completion of the data for the
review and comments from SFCG Indonesia Team. And Institutional Learning Team
from the headquarters. The review and feedback of the report could be more than
one rounds depending on the quality of the report submitted by the consultant
and the extent to which the comments and suggestions from the first round of
review have been incorporated. Along with the draft, the consultant is also
expected to submit 6-10 pages of a separate Conflict Analysis Section, and a
long list of Balinese artists who will be potential partners in the
project. The list consists of their brief organizational capacity and their
influence towards the community
Draft baseline
report to be submitted within 10 days of completion of the data for the
review and comments from SFCG Indonesia Team. And Institutional Learning Team
from the headquarters. The review and feedback of the report could be more than
one rounds depending on the quality of the report submitted by the consultant
and the extent to which the comments and suggestions from the first round of
review have been incorporated. Along with the draft, the consultant is also
expected to submit 6-10 pages of a separate Conflict Analysis Section, and a
long list of Balinese artists who will be potential partners in the
project. The list consists of their brief organizational capacity and their
influence towards the community
• The final
baseline report after incorporating the comments from SFCG. The report should
be written strictly in English language and should be around 25-30 pages
(excluding annexes) in length and consists of:
baseline report after incorporating the comments from SFCG. The report should
be written strictly in English language and should be around 25-30 pages
(excluding annexes) in length and consists of:
Cover Page. SFCG will provide sample cover sheet for
Cover Page. SFCG will provide sample cover sheet for
Table of contents, list of acronyms/abbreviations and
list of tables and charts
Table of contents, list of acronyms/abbreviations and
list of tables and charts
Executive summary of key findings and recommendations –
no more than 3 pages.
Executive summary of key findings and recommendations –
no more than 3 pages.
Context analysis, project description, baseline methodology with
clear explanation of sampling, survey
methodology, FGDs/KIIs participant selection and data analysis approach.
Context analysis, project description, baseline methodology with
clear explanation of sampling, survey
methodology, FGDs/KIIs participant selection and data analysis approach.
Baseline findings, analysis, and conclusions with
associated data presented per baseline objective and criteria, via a reasonable
balance of narrative vs. graphs and charts (mandatory). The findings can include subsections for each
baseline criteria.
Baseline findings, analysis, and conclusions with
associated data presented per baseline objective and criteria, via a reasonable
balance of narrative vs. graphs and charts (mandatory). The findings can include subsections for each
baseline criteria.
Recommendations for future activities/intervention. The
recommendations should be forward looking and should focus on program design,
implementation methodology and approach, project monitoring and evaluation
system, among others. The recommendations should also be frame according to the
baseline criteria.
Recommendations for future activities/intervention. The
recommendations should be forward looking and should focus on program design,
implementation methodology and approach, project monitoring and evaluation
system, among others. The recommendations should also be frame according to the
baseline criteria.
Appendices, which include collected data, detailed
description of the methodology with research instruments, list of interviewees,
bibliography, and evaluator(s) brief biography.
Appendices, which include collected data, detailed
description of the methodology with research instruments, list of interviewees,
bibliography, and evaluator(s) brief biography.
The consultant is required to check at least first 15
completed questionnaires of every interviewer to ensure the quality and
accuracy of data, compile and responsible for data entry process in SPSS, and
recheck a minimum of 15% of entered data through double entry system.
The consultant is required to check at least first 15
completed questionnaires of every interviewer to ensure the quality and
accuracy of data, compile and responsible for data entry process in SPSS, and
recheck a minimum of 15% of entered data through double entry system.
The report should be submitted electronically in a
MS-Word document. The consultant is responsible for English editing of the
final report and should be well formatted. The report will be credited to the
evaluator and potentially placed in the public domain at the decision of SFCG.
A verbal presentation of the findings of the baseline in a meeting organized by
SFCG for its staff and its partners. The representative of the donor may be
present in this meeting.
The report should be submitted electronically in a
MS-Word document. The consultant is responsible for English editing of the
final report and should be well formatted. The report will be credited to the
evaluator and potentially placed in the public domain at the decision of SFCG.
A verbal presentation of the findings of the baseline in a meeting organized by
SFCG for its staff and its partners. The representative of the donor may be
present in this meeting.
• All
handwritten and electronic transcripts of interviews and FGDs, hard copies of
the survey questionnaires, any logistics taken from SFCG for the baseline
purpose and photographs taken during the baseline should be submitted to SFCG.
Further to this, all information generated during the baseline will be the sole
property of SFCG and is subject to submission to SFCG along with the final
handwritten and electronic transcripts of interviews and FGDs, hard copies of
the survey questionnaires, any logistics taken from SFCG for the baseline
purpose and photographs taken during the baseline should be submitted to SFCG.
Further to this, all information generated during the baseline will be the sole
property of SFCG and is subject to submission to SFCG along with the final
Baseline Team
The Study team will consist of external consultant, SFCG
DM&E Coordinator, SFCG CKU Project Officer, SFCG Asia Regional DM&E
DM&E Coordinator, SFCG CKU Project Officer, SFCG Asia Regional DM&E
Specialist and SFCG Indonesia Director of Program
Duration, deadlines and timelines
The total number of working days
for the baseline survey will be 6 weeks from the date of signing the
contract (7rd November to 12
of December 2015). The following timeline will be followed:
for the baseline survey will be 6 weeks from the date of signing the
contract (7rd November to 12
of December 2015). The following timeline will be followed:
the consultant |
7th November 2015
Analysis Workshop |
9-11th November 2915
of inception report and baseline design |
November 2015 |
collection in the field (Conflict analysis and baseline) |
to 21 November 2015 |
of first draft of baseline study report |
1 December
2015 |
of final draft of baseline assessment and conflict analysis after incorporation of comments |
7 December 2015
of final edited report |
12 December
2015 |
Logistical Support
Search Indonesia will provide
preparatory and logistical assistance to the consultant(s), which include:
preparatory and logistical assistance to the consultant(s), which include:
Background materials (Program Proposal/TOR, Log Frame,
Background materials (Program Proposal/TOR, Log Frame,
Preparation meeting with Country Director and key
program personnel;
Preparation meeting with Country Director and key
program personnel;
Identify interviewees and set up interviews;
Identify interviewees and set up interviews;
Meeting arrangements with stakeholders and
Meeting arrangements with stakeholders and
Logistical arrangement including travel
Logistical arrangement including travel
Review of the report
Review of the report
Requirements of consultant Qualifications:
Requirements of consultant Qualifications:
Minimum 5 years applied experience in research and
Design Monitoring & Evaluation experience in conflict or development
Minimum 5 years applied experience in research and
Design Monitoring & Evaluation experience in conflict or development
Minimum Bachelor’s level degree in Conflict Resolution,
Sociology, or other related social science field;
Minimum Bachelor’s level degree in Conflict Resolution,
Sociology, or other related social science field;
● Strong
knowledge and experience working around the arts and social change in Indonesia
and Bali preferable
knowledge and experience working around the arts and social change in Indonesia
and Bali preferable
A Balinese resident with solid knowledge and network in
Balinese art and culture.
A Balinese resident with solid knowledge and network in
Balinese art and culture.
Proven quantitative and qualitative research skills
(candidates should provide a copy of baseline/evaluation reports produced);
Proven quantitative and qualitative research skills
(candidates should provide a copy of baseline/evaluation reports produced);
Strong background in participatory design, monitoring
and evaluation methodologies;
Strong background in participatory design, monitoring
and evaluation methodologies;
Knowledge of logical and results frameworks;
Knowledge of logical and results frameworks;
Knowledge of the use of conflict management curriculum,
behavior change communications and media;
Knowledge of the use of conflict management curriculum,
behavior change communications and media;
Work experience in Indonesia;
Work experience in Indonesia;
Fluent in English and Bahasa Indonesia; Knowledge in
Balinese is highly desirable.
Fluent in English and Bahasa Indonesia; Knowledge in
Balinese is highly desirable.
Note that the consultant is required to look for the enumerators
him/herself, budget, and manage the team of enumerator.
him/herself, budget, and manage the team of enumerator.
The consultant is required to respect the following Ethical Principles[1]:
Comprehensive and
systematic inquiry: Consultant should make the most of the existing information
and full range of stakeholders available at the time of the review. Consultant
should conduct systematic, data-based inquiries. He or she should communicate his
Comprehensive and
systematic inquiry: Consultant should make the most of the existing information
and full range of stakeholders available at the time of the review. Consultant
should conduct systematic, data-based inquiries. He or she should communicate his
her methods and approaches accurately and in sufficient detail to allow
others to understand, interpret and critique his or her work. He or she should
make clear the limitations of the review and its results.
others to understand, interpret and critique his or her work. He or she should
make clear the limitations of the review and its results.
Consultant should possess the abilities and skills and experience appropriate
to undertake the tasks proposed and should practice within the limits of his or
her professional training and competence.
Consultant should possess the abilities and skills and experience appropriate
to undertake the tasks proposed and should practice within the limits of his or
her professional training and competence.
Honesty and
integrity: Consultant should be transparent with the contractor/constituent
about: any conflict of interest, any change made in the negotiated project plan
and the reasons why those changes were made, any risk that certain procedures
or activities produce misleading review information.
Honesty and
integrity: Consultant should be transparent with the contractor/constituent
about: any conflict of interest, any change made in the negotiated project plan
and the reasons why those changes were made, any risk that certain procedures
or activities produce misleading review information.
Respect for
people: Consultant respect the security, dignity and self-worth of respondents,
program participants. Consultant has the responsibility to be sensitive to and
respect differences amongst participants in culture, religion, gender,
disability, age and ethnicity.
Respect for
people: Consultant respect the security, dignity and self-worth of respondents,
program participants. Consultant has the responsibility to be sensitive to and
respect differences amongst participants in culture, religion, gender,
disability, age and ethnicity.
In addition, the consultant will respect Search’s evaluations
standards, to be found in Search’s evaluation guidelines: http://www.sfcg.org/programmes/ilt/dme_guidelines.html
standards, to be found in Search’s evaluation guidelines: http://www.sfcg.org/programmes/ilt/dme_guidelines.html
Interested candidates should send an expression of interest,
a CV, and proposed budgeting plan to [email protected] cc: [email protected], by 7th
November 2015.
a CV, and proposed budgeting plan to [email protected] cc: [email protected], by 7th
November 2015.

[1] Adapted from the American
Evaluation Association Guiding Principles for Evaluators, July 2004
Evaluation Association Guiding Principles for Evaluators, July 2004