Digital Data Collection Basic Training
Digital Data Collection Basic Training
Say goodbye to paper and pen for data collection. Researchers and monitoring officers worldwide n ow use computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) method with their smartphones or tablets for more efficient and less error process. While various tools are out there, for environment with unreliable electricity source, limited internet connection, and numerous logistical barrier, KOBO Toolbox is one that provides solutions and thus widely use in development and humanitarian field. If your aim is to increase yours or your organization capacity on research and development, this training is just what you need for a jump start.
Who should attend: Researchers, Monitoring and Evaluation Officers, Data Officers, Project Managers
Training Goals: To introduce digital data collection tool and provide basic know how in using the tool (KOBO Toolbox)
Training Objectives: By the end of the training, participants will be able to:(i) Navigate in KOBO Toolbox dashboards, (ii) Develop basic questionnaire; (iii) Extract and analyze data using its analysis features.
Training outline: (i) Introduction (ii) Navigation guide for dashboard use; (iii) Development of online questionnaire; (iv) Data viewing and extraction
Day/Date: Thursday, 15/December/2016 Time: 13.00 – 16.00
Venue: One Pacific Place Building Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District, Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta, Indonesia 12190
Course fee: IDR 250,000 (Include: registration, soft copy of training material, certificate, internet connection, snack and tea/coffee)
Training Methods: Small classroom setting where participants will explore and practice individually; guided by experienced trainer and assistant with live demonstrations and exercises
Training equipment: Participants are to bring their own laptop
For detailed information, please contact: Syuhadayani AslimSMS/WA: (+62)81395197770; Email: [email protected]
Riset Inovasi dan Edukasi (RISE) Indonesia is a non-profit research and training organization for humanitarian and development sectors. With its wide researcher network, RISE implement various research on economic development, financial inclusion, microfinance, education, health and water and sanitation. Regular training on research method and tools are conducted to provide support to program implementers and stakeholders in the sectors.
Office Address:PT. Sentra Riset Inovasi Edukasi Indonesia (RISE)One Pacific Place Building, 11th Floor, SCBD Jl. Letjen. Sudirman Kav. 52-53 Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan, 12190Phone: (+62) 21- 2985 987