Employment Opportunity – MAMPU Indonesia – Parliamentary Stream Officer and Partner Engagement Officer

2 x Employment Opportunity – MAMPU Indonesia


Parliamentary Stream Officer; and


Partner Engagement Officer



DFAT’s gender program, Empowering Indonesian Women for Poverty Reduction (MAMPU), aims to improve the welfare of poor women in Indonesia. Despite significant reforms, critical public services do not always reflect the needs of poor women, or are not accessible by poor women. This situation has been exacerbated by government decentralization where local governments are increasingly expected to deliver social services for the poor despite generally weak capacity to do so.


MAMPU are currently seeking candidates for two positions 1). Parliamentary Stream Officer and 2). Partner Engagement Officer.


The Parliamentary Stream Officer will support MAMPU activities in the parliamentary. This person will work closely with other program staff within the MAMPU Team to support parliamentary related activities, including the coordination of strategic/technical advisors into program activities.


Click on the following link below to see more details on Parliamentary Stream Coordinator position  

(Link to see the Terms of Reference)



The Partner Engagement Officer (PEO) will be the focal point for MAMPU’s civil society Partners. The PEO will oversee implementation of Partner work plans and support organisations to strengthen their ability to influence public policy across the thematic focus of the MAMPU program.


Click on the following link below to see more details on Partner Engagement Officer

(Link to see the Terms of Reference)



Applications including a cover letter and current CV with 3 referees should be sent in confidence to [email protected] by 18 December 2015 noting the tittle of applied position in the subject line. While all applications will be read, only short-listed applicants will be contacted.


Australian Aid – Managed by Cowater International Inc. on behalf of The Australian Government

MAMPU – Empowering Indonesian Women for Poverty ReductionSetiabudi Atrium, 3rd Floor,  Suite 306  Jl HR Rasuna Said, Kav 62, Jakarta  12950   INDONESIAW: www.mampu.or.idT : +62 21 521 0315 / 0321 / 0337 F: +62 21 521 0339Australian Aid – Managed by Cowater International Inc. on behalf of The Australian Government




MAMPU – Empowering Indonesian
Women for Poverty Reduction
Setiabudi Atrium, 3rd Floor,  Suite
306  Jl HR Rasuna Said, Kav 62, Jakarta  12920   INDONESIA
W: www.mampu.or.idT : +62 21 521 0315 / 0321 / 0337 F: +62 21 521
Australian Aid –
Managed by Cowater International Inc. on behalf of The Australian Government

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