GGGI vacancy : International Social Safeguards and Gender Specialist

title      : International
Social Safeguards and Gender Specialist

Location              :
Jakarta, Indonesia
Start date            : 1 March 2016
End date              : 31 December 2016 (with possibility of extension)
Full time/part time: 40 working days ( March – December 2016)

To support program delivery, GGGI seeks to hire an International Social
Safeguards and Gender Specialist. This
is a part-time position, totaling 40 working days, with an initial, more
intensive period of engagement in the first two months followed by periodic
stints for monitoring, assessment, and training until the end of 2016.
 The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is a new international
organization committed to strong, inclusive green growth. We assist developing
and emerging countries with integrating their ambitions for strong economic
performance and environmental sustainability with the goal of bringing about
poverty reduction, job creation, social inclusion, and climate change
mitigation and adaptation. Headquartered in Seoul, GGGI was established by treaty in June 2012 at
the United Nations Rio+20 Conference by an initial group of eighteen nations
who share the organization’s vision. To date, there are a total of 24 Member
Countries who have joined the organization. GGGI has a diverse portfolio of
programs in developing countries around the world. These in-country programs,
together with global products and services, focus on delivering bankable
projects and programs that are aligned to countries’ development priorities.
The organization also focuses on knowledge development and management
activities which build a strong theoretical and empirical basis for green
growth, while providing concrete options and guidance for policymakers, as well
as building the conditions for public and private green infrastructure
investments. GGGI is supporting the Government of Indonesia in three focal areas:
energy, infrastructure projects within special economic zones, and forest and
land-based mitigation projects. The Program, known as the ‘GoI-GGGI Green
Growth Program’, aims to demonstrate that green investments is possible and can
become the norm both for investors and for planners, ultimately improving the
quality of growth and development. To ensure sustainability of the Program,
knowledge development and management is a core component in support of capacity
development of relevant stakeholders. Through the Program, GGGI collaborates
with BAPPENAS, the Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Energy
and Mineral Resources, and Ministry of Environment and Forestry. Central
Kalimantan and East Kalimantan are the selected pilot provinces.
environmental and social safeguards policy ensures that the organization is
fully able to comply with the requirements of host countries and donors.  The International Social Safeguards and
Gender Specialist will assist with the formulation and establishment of a
Gender and Social Safeguards Strategy for the country program and support
ongoing performance monitoring. S/he will contribute to analysis and reporting
on the country program’s progress in implementation of social development and
gender mainstreaming activities.  If time
permits, he or she will also work with GGGI’s National Social Safeguards and
Gender Specialist in Indonesia and the Sustainability and Safeguards Unit staff
at GGGI headquarters to develop case studies on implementing safeguards and
incorporating gender in Indonesia country program for communication and
South-South learning purposes.  Specific
tasks and duties are the following: ·        
Provide technical advice to the country
program to integrate social development (including direct social safeguard review and support, improving
poverty reduction and social inclusion outcomes) as well as gender
considerations into their country programming and partnership strategies,
especially with government and civil society organizations.·        
Prepare, together with the National Social
Safeguards and Gender Specialist, a poverty reduction and social safeguards
strategy and provide inputs to the monitoring system on poverty and social
Conduct, together with the National Social
Safeguards and Gender Specialist, an initial gender assessment of the country
program and help prepare gender action plans for relevant activities and
Prepare together with the National Social
Safeguards and Gender Specialist, a stakeholder consultation and participation
plan, and stakeholder communication plan·        
Conduct, together with the National Social
Safeguards and Gender Specialist, staff training and briefing sessions on areas
relevant to social development and gender mainstreaming.·        
Develop, together with the National Social
Safeguards and Gender Specialist, cases highlighting how safeguards and gender
considerations have been embedded in Indonesia for communication, training and
cross-learning purposes.·        
Liaise, together with the National Social
Safeguards and Gender Specialist, with Sustainability and Safeguards Unit staff
at headquarters, which will provide support. QUALIFICATIONS  •       
Advanced degree (master’s or equivalent) in
Sociology, Anthropology, Economics, Political Science or related social
sciences and at least 10 years of directly relevant national and international
experience in managing social development safeguards including gender
Knowledge of and demonstrated experience with
multilateral development bank’s social safeguard policies especially on
involuntary resettlement and indigenous peoples, as well as the ability to
provide advice on gender mainstreaming to the country team and government
Demonstration, through written work and
dialogue, of in-depth knowledge of social issues such as those found in
Proven capacity to translate analytical work
into policy advice and operational, actionable, recommendations.•       
Demonstrated skills and direct work experience
with at least one or more of the following: public consultations; public
hearings; participatory research methods (including observation, surveys);
participatory rural and urban appraisal; participatory poverty assessments; and
participatory monitoring and evaluation.•       
Experience in training and capacity building
activities on social development and gender mainstreaming. HOW TO APPLY  
Applicants must hold exemplary and relevant academic
credentials as described above. To submit your application please send email
and write the job title in subject line with attaching a cover letter
describing why you are most suitable for the position and your latest CV to
Gema Junita ([email protected])  by 10
February 2016.

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