GIZ – SPP: Financial Inclusion Advisor

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is an international cooperation enterprise for
sustainable development with worldwide operations. Its corporate objective is
to improve people’s living conditions on a sustainable basis. GIZ has been
working in Indonesia since 1975 on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for
Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
 In the context of the bilateral cooperation
between the Government of Germany and the Government of Indonesia, the Social
Protection Programme (SPP) assists the Government of Indonesia in the
development of long-term strategies for a comprehensive
system of Social Protection. The National Development Planning Agency
(BAPPENAS) is its main partner. The collaboration has been reinforced and
strengthened during the German-Indonesian Government Negotiations in 2015. SPP has
a new phase in July 2016 and is part of the priority area “Inclusive Growth”.
 SPP aims at improving the framework
conditions for the implementation of an integrated social protection system,
contributing to the efforts of the Indonesian Government for a sustainable
and inclusive economic growth. The programme works in the following intervention
areas: (1) Social Assistance: capacity building for the Ministry of
Social Affairs (MoSA) / Unit Pengelolaan Program Keluarga Harapan (UPPKH) to
establish adequate managerial structures and improve the extension of the
Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) programme; (2) Social Health Protection:
building and technical support for Dewan Jaminan Sosial Nasional (DJSN) to
strengthen its role in the implementation of the National Roadmap on Health and
the establishment of the new social security carrier Badan Penyelenggara
Jaminan Sosial I (BPJS I, Health); (3) Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities: support
MoSA and other stakeholders on the inclusion of persons with disabilities into
social protection, vocational training systems and the labour market; (4) Financial Inclusion: advisory services and
technical support to BAPPENAS and other stakeholders on the establishment of
Postal Savings and electronic payment systems.
 A key element of
the RPJMN 2015 – 2019 – related to the intervention areas 1 and 4 mentioned
above – is to restructure social assistance through the expansion of coverage
and the improvement of program design (e.g., for KIP, KKS, PKH, etc). Building
upon this policy guidance, the Government of Indonesia (GoI) has decided (a) to
significantly upscale the conditional cash-transfer Program Keluarga Harapan
(PKH) to 5-6m poor families (= 25 – 30m persons) in 2016 and (b) to move from
cash-based to accounts-based electronic cash-transfers. GoI aims at reaching
500,000 poor families through accounts-based electronic cash-transfers by the
end of 2016.
is seeking 1 (one) qualified Indonesian candidate for the following position:
Inclusion Advisor
 The Advisor will work closely with the
coordinator of the Intervention Area “Financial
S/he will:

  • assist
    the Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) and the Ministry of
    Social Affairs (MoSA)
    in designing an effective and efficient “business
    model” for electronic cash transfers;
  • assist MoSA in
    the e-catalogue tender process for the anticipated electronic disbursement of Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH);
  • provide
    advice to the participating banks / financial institutions on the use of
    e-money for cash-transfers and the establishment of agent networks;
  • explore
    options to apply e-money (a) in other social assistance programmes and (b) in
    the national health insurance (implemented by BPJS Kesehatan) and the
    national pension and accident insurance (implemented by BPJS Ketenagakerjaan);
  • assist
    BAPPENAS and MoSA in
    the application of e-money in PKH (and possibly other social protection
  • provide
    advice to the finalization and subsequent implementation of the National
    Strategy for Financial Inclusion;
  • review
    the subsidies of fertilizers and social assistance programmes.

 Required qualifications,
skills, competences and experience
 General requirements:

  • Indonesian
  • Master’s
    Degree in Public Policy, Social Sciences, Law, Economics or related fields;
  • Fluency
    in written and spoken English.

 Professional experience required:

  • at
    least 5 years relevant experience in a related field;
  • good

    understanding of financial inclusion,
    social protection, (the design and implementation of) public policy and
    development in Indonesia;

  • demonstrated
    ability to develop and maintain sound working relationships with high-ranking stakeholders
    and/or dialogue partners from government, private sector, academia, and civil
  • expertise
    and work experience on stakeholder facilitation and moderation;
  • proven
    qualification to provide high-quality advice and to draft documents in Bahasa
    Indonesia and English for a high-level audience;
  • ability
    to work independently/ with minimum supervision and in an international working

 Duty Station: JakartaExpected to Join: September 2016Direct Supervisor: Deputy
Programme Director
 Interested candidates should
submit a motivation letter, CV, trainings attended and list of references
(a must), addressed to [email protected]. The closing date to submit the
application letter is on 8 August 2016.
 Please indicate your application by putting
the following code in the subject line: SPP – FIA.
 Please name your file
as follow format:
[Your Complete
Name]_[Motivation Letter/CV/Latest Education Certificate]
short-listed candidates will be notified.

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