GIZ Vacancy Consultancy Services : National Coordinating Team – Monitoring and Evaluation, Public Relations, and Knowledge Management for SSTC in Indonesia

Terms of References
for Acquisition of
Consultancy Services

Consultant to
Support the National Coordinating

– Monitoring and Evaluation, Public
Relations, and Knowledge Management

for South–South and Triangular
Cooperation in Indonesia”

Title:                                       Consultancy on Supporting the
National Coordination Team  for South–South
and Triangular Cooperation Indonesia

Requested by:                       The National Coordination
Team for South–South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC)

Supported/Funded by:         The joint Indonesian–German projectSouth–South and Triangular
Cooperation and Networks for Global Governance” (SSTC/NGG), implemented by

Duty Station:                         GIZ Office and NCT secretariat, Jakarta
Proposed period:                  16 May to 30 September 2016
Actual work time:                  A
total of up to 60 working days

1.    Background
is playing an important role on the international stage.  As an active member of the G20,
the ASEAN and
the High–Level Panel on the Global Development Framework beyond 2015, the
country has taken responsibility in shaping global policies.  One key element of this
development is the heavy engagement of Indonesia in the area of South–South
and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) which also directly corresponds to the
Sustainable Development Goals; goal 17 in particular. 

further improve the coordination and also to develop binding standards for
the related institutions in implementing their programs in SSTC, a National
Coordination Team for South–South and Triangular Cooperation (NCT) has been
established.  This team comprises of the
Ministry of National Development Planning (Badan/Kementerian Perencanaan
Pembangunan Nasional/BAPPENAS), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kementerian
Luar Negeri), the Ministry of Finance (Kementerian Keuangan) and the Ministry
of State Secretariat (Kementerian Sekretariat Negara).  

its establishment in 2010, NCT has successfully developed coordination
mechanisms between its member ministries, line ministries and other relevant
partners and stakeholders.  Through the establishment and
continuous development of the NCT Indonesia has been able to strengthen its
international position in the SSTC sector. 
Further, the Medium–term National Development Plan (Rencana
Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional/ RPJMN 2015–2019)
defines a one gate policy that will lead to the establishment of a single
entity to implement Indonesia’s SSTC
in the future. 

by German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the joint Indonesian–German “South–South
and Triangular Cooperation and Networks for Global
Governance” (SSTC/NGG)
implemented by GIZ will seek to further strengthen Indonesia in SSTC Cooperation and in its
role within the jointly identified Networks for Global Governance.  

Following this and under the overall
guidance of the NCT, and direct supervision from the project Principal
Advisor and National Advisor, the consultant will works closely under the coordination
with the NCT, specifically the Chair and Co–Chair of Working Group 3 in SSTC
areas such as related to planning, implementing, reporting, and coordinating
with related stakeholders related to the Working Group (WG) 3 that work on monitoring
and evaluation, public relations, and knowledge management within South–South
and Triangular Cooperation.  S/he will
be reporting to the Principal Advisor and National Advisor of SSTC/NGG
and Responsibilities
Result Expected:

the planning of the project activities focusing on achievement of the
following results: 

  • Assist
    the National Coordination Team Working Group 3 on monitoring and evaluation,
    public relations, and knowledge management of NCT SSTC in the preparation of
    quarterly and annual work plan related to SSTC pilot activities with Myanmar
    and other partners; 
  • Work
    with the Project Principal Advisor/ National Advisor of GIZ SSTC/NGG to
    ensure quality, relevance and timelines of project work plans of SSTC
    specifically on monitoring and evaluation, public relations, as well as
    capturing knowledge and lesson learned to be shared. 
  1. 2. Support
    the implementation of project activities focusing on achievement of the
    following results:
  • Work
    with Chair and Co–Chair of Working Group 3 of NCT, Project Principal Advisor/
    National Advisor of SSTC/NGG in supporting the development and implementation
    of SSTC between the Government of Indonesia and related partners;
  • Prepare
    and submit activity progress report for Working Group 3 on a monthly basis
    and, or by requested, prepare other reports and briefs as required by the SSTC/NGG
    Project Principal Advisor and/ or National Advisor;
  • Liase
    with and act as the link between a variety of stakeholders, specifically the Working
    Group 3 of NCT, partners, experts, civil society and the academic community
    to ensure that the project achieves the output;
  • Provide
    information and feedback for stakeholders, specifically from internal NCT to
    Working Group 3 of NCT and vice versa and to other Working Groups and
  • Support
    the Working Group 3 of NCT SSTC in organizing meetings involving related
    stakeholders to support the development cooperation agenda, facilitate
    meeting, and implementing activities, including planning, monitoring and
  • Support
    the Working Group 3 of NCT SSTC and SSTC/NGG Project Principal Advisor/
    National Advisor in drafting/ revision of Terms of Reference (TOR) for
    specific activities, participation in consultant and evaluation team
    selection as well as technical support and feedback on the project
    implementation of WG 3;
  • Prepare
    and consolidate the procurement plan and implementation for the project in
    accordance with Government regulation and GIZ rules.

facilitation and knowledge sharing in the area of SSTC project, focusing on
achievement of following results:

  • Support
    the design and establishment of information system of SSTC projects
    specifically on the Working Group 3 activities;
  • Generates
    new ideas and approaches, researches best practices and proposes new, more
    effective ways of doing things; and
  • Support
    the documentation and systematic filing system of key documents in hard and
    soft copies according to audit requirement. 

any duties relevant for the NCT requested by Head of Technical Team of NCT
SSTC/ Chair and Co–Chair of Working Group 3 of NCT SSTC and/ or GIZ. 

Corporate Competencies:
integrity by modeling the GoI – GIZ’s values and ethical standards;

the vision, mission and strategic goals of GoI and GIZ;

cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and

all people fairly without favoritism. 

Functional Competencies:

Knowledge Management and Learning:
a knowledge sharing and learning culture in the office;

works towards continuing personal learning and development in one or more
practice areas, acts on learning plan and applies newly acquired skills.

Development and Operational

apply conceptual models in support of formulation, implementation, monitoring
and evaluation of development programmes and projects;

knowledge of the results management guide and toolkit;

coordinating and knowledgeable of the substantial aspects specifically on
monitoring and evaluation as well as knowledge sharing of South–South and
Triangular Cooperation;

to lead implementation of new systems (business idea), and affect staff
behavioral/ attitudinal change.

Management and Leadership

on impact and result for the client and responds positively to feedback;

approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude, always in
control even under pressure;

strong liaison skills with multi stakeholders;

strong oral and written communication skills;

openness to change and ability to manage complexities.
Required Skills and Experience

Master degree in Law, Political
Science, International Relations, Development Studies, or relevant degree. 


5 years working experience in project management;

in working with Government and international Organisations (in particular
with Bappenas, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of
State Secretariat and/ or GIZ);

experience in billateral and multilateral development cooperation would be an

excellent project reporting and writing skills, both in Bahasa and English;

strong coordinating skills, and understanding of the substantial issues of
development cooperation, south–south and triangular cooperation, and
administrative aspects of project management.

Language Requirements: Proficiency in English and Bahasa
language, spoken and written.

Application Submission
resume and salary expectation
should be sent to [email protected]
with CSWG3–NCT
code as email subject by 09
May 2016.  Application including cover letter and

latest CV.  Successful candidate will
be hired under the joint Indonesian-German SSTC/NGG project and will be
reporting to the Princial Advisor of the project.  The details of the assignment
will be further discussed and agreed by the two parties.


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