Hivos Job Vacancy : Call for EoI – Consultant Media Mapping

Call for Expression of


Media mapping Sustainable
Diets for All programme



Media plays a vital role in promoting and influencing
policies on food. This is why the Sustainable Diets programme of Hivos intends
to work together with the media in the countries the programme is executed. In
working together with the media Hivos aims to influence the current language on
food related issues, increase the reporting about these issues and – to a
lesser extent – increase Hivos’ visibility on the food theme.


In order to do so Hivos needs to deepen its understanding about the
media landscape and current narrative in reporting. This ToR guides the media mapping
that needs to be carried out to gain that deeper understanding of the media
landscape in Indonesia.




objective of the media and content mapping is threefold:

1.       To deepen our understanding of the Indonesian media

2.       To be able to make an informative decision on media

3.       To acquire baseline information on current reporting
on food.



In order to reach the intended results the following
questions will lead the mapping:

1.       What media outlets and individual journalists
currently report on food issues?

a.       Are they print media, television, radio or social
media outlets?

b.      Who owns the media? Is it public, private, state
owned, community?

c.       What role do they play in society? Watchdog, campaign
platform, open forum for debate, educator?

d.      What is their current language/narrative about food?

e.       What is their outreach in terms of target audience and

What is their
reputation? Are they considered as trustworthy or tabloid?

g.      In terms of cooperation, is it mostly paid advertising
or earned articles?

2.       What is the current narrative/dominant language used
in reporting on food issues?

a.       What format are mostly used? E.g. news report, feature
article, op-ed.

b.      What are their level of understanding on sustainable

c.       What areas/topics on sustainable diets (e.g. healthy
food, food safety, food waste, locally-produced food) have been covered, by
which media and how often?

d.      Who are the journalists reporting about the
sustainable diets issues and from which media?

e.       If applicable, what is the public response to the
current media reporting on food issues? Do the reports spark any debate?

3.       Which stakeholders/organisations/companies dominate
the debate in the media (including social media) on food issues?

a.       Who are the key talking heads (government, private
sector, civil society, individuals)? What issues they usually cover? In which

b.      Who are the popular resource persons on food issues?
What is their (issue) expertise? Which actors and what organizations are in
their network?

c.       Describe the relationship between media and relevant
government agencies (including individual policymakers/officials) in the food
sector – e.g. which media enjoy good network with food-related government
agencies? Which food-related government agencies are the most media savvy and/or
have great relationship with the media?




Targeted, organized, and easy to use database with answers to question 1;

Written text answering the questions 2 and 3;

Recommendations about what media Hivos should work with – and the most suitable/effective
key SD4All messages to be published for each. This includes contact information on individual journalists and

Recommendations on potential talking heads/resource persons to be
approached by Hivos (with contact details)




mapping exercise will take place in September and October and will be finalized
by the end of October 2016. 




consultant will be selected on the basis of the following capacities:

1.       A strong background and network in Indonesian media

2.       Knowledge and experience with mapping tools

3.       Familiarity with food issues  


Please consult the Term of Reference (ToR) document
attached to this EOI for more detailed information.


Expression of Interest (cover letter stating the consultant’s
capacities, CV, proposed work plan) should be submitted   to be
submitted to [email protected] and [email protected] before September 20th , 2016.




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