Hivos Job Vacancy : Terms of Reference Energy Database Management System (EDMS) Consultancy to support the Renewable System for Sumba Iconic Island (SII)
Terms of Reference
Energy Database Management System (EDMS) Consultancy
to support the Renewable System for Sumba Iconic Island (SII)
Hivos started the Iconic Island initiative in 2010 that the Indonesian
Island of Sumba was chosen. This inititative aims to provide access to
reliable renewable forms of energy to the population of this island, and in
doing so, ending their dependency on fossil fuels and support development
and economic activities of the local population. With years of experience
working with partner organizations to establish access to sustainable energy
in developing countries, Hivos is convinced that converting to sustainable
energy while combining poverty reduction is possible on a large scale. The
results of the Iconic Island initiative should become an example for other
parts of the world. Currently SII is being adopted as the government program
under Ministerial Decree NO. 3051 K/30/MEM/2015, which promoted
multi-stakeholder approach where government, private sector and CSOs are
working collaboratively under that Decree.
On 18 December 2015 Hivos signed a partnership agreement with the Millennium
Challenge Account-Indonesia (MCA-I) which allow Hivos to rapidly scale up
renewable energy access and income benefits by replicating the successful
approaches and business models developed under the Indonesia Domestic Biogas
Program (IDBP), more popularly known as Biogas Rumah (BIRU), a semi-market
based biogas sector development and the Sumba Iconic Island (SII) as one big
project named ‘Investing in Renewable Energy for Rural, Remote Communities’
or TERANG Project. This partnership agreement aims to achieve two outcomes,
including improvement of rural livelihoods through utilization of renewable
energy in rural communities; and the sustainable business models of off-grid
RE technologies adopted.
To promote the sustainable business model of off-grid RE technologies,
TERANG project will establish a service center to support overall business
through a private entity namely Renewable Energy Service Center Company
(RESCO). Therefore, in order to provide RESCO with a better management
system on their distribution, marketing and financial system, Hivos sees the
prudenciallity on providing RESCO with a standarized database. Moreover,
this database also expected to serve larger needs of SII online monitoring
tool on renewable energy projects developed by multi-stakeholders as
recorded in SII roadmap.
The Objectives
The objectives of this consultancy are to:
1) Create a standardized and secure project database, fit to the
infrastructure and capacity requirements. This database should be based on
pre-determined indicators and reporting requirements for the purposes of
data storage, preservation, analysis/queries, visualization, and
2) Develop standardized procedures to maintain the database in
Objective 1 throughout the time period of this consultancy and on an
on-going basis.
3) The database system should be developed in a user-friendly
environment and flexibel to maintain in online and offline situations.
4) Support Hivos and RESCO’s staff in developing needed skills
competencies for using and maintaining the database.
General Features of the database
a. Enable online and offline data input processes
b. Enable users to manage database on web based and Android platform
c. Allow different users with different/ spesific access area
d. The database system has backup schedule
e. Manageable and easy to use, especially to be use on remote areas in
Indonesia with limited internet service.
The users of this database
The users of this database include, but not limited to:
a. Hivos and RESCO’s staffs
b. Goverment
c. Civil society
d. Private sector
Expected results
We require an EDMS Consultant to set up and maintain a standardized
electronic database and archiving system for storage, preservation,
analysis, visualization and reporting/sharing/publishing.
Duty Station
It is preferred that the consultant be based in Jakarta Indonesia.The
consultant will be expected to make visits to Hivos office in Jakarta and
Sumba from time to time and during the pilot of the database, training and
resolve relevant issues.
Develop a written plan or detail proposal for development of a database
specific to the RESCO and SII renewable energy implementation, include:
a. Determining database platform, data and metadata standard, data
storage and preservation handling, data security management, and
upload/transfer/share data procedures,
b. Developing on web based and android platform with secure security
and backup schedule, off-line enable and web-enabled databank ,
c. Writing a Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) manual contains
procedures of data entry, data cleaning, transfer, data aggregate, query
building, data store and data protect.
Activities and Outputs
Pre-development phase; discussion with the Hivos team regarding database
features and specifications, mapping needs, draft of workflow and function
20 July 2016
Database development phase including pre-testing function and SOP manual
19 August 2016
Testing of database and training
25 August 2016
Developing offline-based and web-based databank
10 September 2016
Testing and training
Sumba – Waingapu and Waikabubak
Testing procedures for data entry, cleaning, uploading, storage and transfer
Training staff and correcting problems relating to the database.
The consultancy will take place between July 1st, 2016 and September 30,
Key skills and experience required:
The consultant should have the following skills and qualifications:
* Experiance in a relevant field (computer science, data/information
management, econometrics, advanced statistical analysis, information
technology, software engineering).
* Prior experience with data management of data sets from developing
countries is highly desirable.
* Minimum 10 years’ experience related to data management/database
development and archiving, including use of web-enabled platforms and common
statistical analysis tools; with proven portfolio.
* Excellent communication and writing skills
To apply for this position please submit your proposal containing your
relevant portfolio to [email protected]
Deadline for proposal submission is June 30, 2016.
Please specify the position name you are applying for (‘EDMS Consultancy’)
in the
‘subject’ line of your email.