IMA World Health – RFP: Research Agency

Dear Mods, Please share this ad. Thank you.  =============================================================IMA World Health Request for Proposal: Research Agency Through the National Nutrition Communication Campaign (NNCC),
Millennium Challenge Account – Indonesia (MCA-I) is supporting the Ministry of
Health of Indonesia to raise awareness of and promote behavior change to
prevent and reduce stunting. This campaign focus in three provinces (South
Sumatera, West Kalimantan, and Central Kalimantan). 
IMA World Health as the implementer of NNCC is looking for
organizational partner to conduct mini KAP study on community health workers’
knowledge and practices on stunting prevention. Please send email to [email protected] should you wish to request the Terms of Reference
Deadline for the submission is March 10th, 2017.  
The Technical and Financial Proposals shall only be submitted
electronically to: [email protected] no
exceeds than 5MB. If your file is larger, please sent through other electronic
means such as, Google Drive or Dropbox. 
All applications will be treated confidentially. 
Thank you for your time and consideration. 
 Riana Irawan (Sonya) 

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