J-PAL SEA: Policy Associate




COUNTRY: Indonesia

START DATE: May 2, 2016



EXPERIENCE: 2-4 years


LANGUAGE REQUIREMENT: English and Indonesian


Job Description

The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab seeks a Policy Associate to support its mission of promoting evidence based policy by contributing to the design and execution of J-PAL’s policy outreach and capacity building work. The Policy Associate will be based at the Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI), Jakarta.

Regional offices are where the heart of J-PAL’s policy outreach and capacity building activities occur. Regional policy staff have the opportunity to help take the highest quality of academic research and translate it into action on the ground. Regional offices are housed within major economic research institutions around the world, giving policy staff access to an international network of top economists.  Policy staff collaborate across regional offices and with J-PAL’s Global Office at MIT. Regional staff will develop expertise in the development challenges facing their region and have the opportunity to travel and interact regularly with policymakers.

Responsibilities include:

Policy Outreach

·         Assisting in the preparation of materials for J-PAL’s policy outreach work, including drafting summaries, briefs, memos, updates, and presentations

·         Writing about J-PAL’s evaluations in relevant documents with a clear, accurate, and non-technical format for a policy audience

·         Assisting in organizing policy conferences, evidence workshops and seminars around the region

·         Building and maintaining institutional knowledge on the state of priority sectors in Indonesia (identify pressing challenges, conduct stakeholders mapping and literature reviews)

·         Representing J-PAL SEA at policy-relevant events with external partners

·         Assisting in the process documentation of J-PAL’s scale-up programs and in data collection of cost

·         With direction from senior management, building and maintaining relationships with key partners in governments, NGOs, foundations, and multilateral aid agencies in the region


Capacity Building

·           Supporting the development, coordination and oversight of J-PAL SEA capacity-building and knowledge sharing services for strategic partners

·           Preparing presentations, training materials, manuals and knowledge products for capacity building initiatives

·           Supporting stakeholder engagement, partnership development and outreach activities


Organizational: Providing support in onboarding new staff, helping organize evidence sharing events and building the strength and systems of J-PAL’s policy group.



·         Education: A Master’s degree (preferably in Economics, Public Policy or International Development). A strong technical understanding of economics, statistics or evaluation is necessary to ensure that J-PAL’s findings are translated into general policy conclusions in a way that is both simple to follow but also accurate and undistorted. Strong interest in international development policy as demonstrated by coursework and/or study or work abroad is a plus.

·         Experience: This position requires minimum 2 – 4 years of relevant experience.

·         Communication: Attention to detail and advanced writing and presentation skills for communicating policy lessons from academic papers in ways that policymakers understand. This requires clear, precise, non-technical writing, and creativity in presentation.

·         Time Management: Proven ability to handle several different projects/tasks at one time, successfully complete tasks assigned, and meet deadlines. A willingness to work hard, be self-motivated and learn will be essential for doing well in this position.

·         Willingness to travel: Position may require travel throughout the region to meet with policymakers in government agencies, NGOs, foundations and international development organizations as well as follow-up work to promote research projects and other policy and capacity building initiatives

 ·         Languages: High-level of proficiency (fluent or native) in both Indonesian and English.


How to Apply

Please send an email to [email protected] by April 22, 2016  following these instructions exactly:


1.     Use the following as the email subject line: “J-PAL SEA, Policy Associate.” Please do not include any other text in the body of the e-mail. Adding extra text will interfere with the processing of your application


2.     Attach PDF copies of your CV, relevant education certificate and academic transcripts, and a cover letter no longer than 500 words. The cover letter should discuss how you meet the aforementioned position requirements, emphasizing relevant skills and experience, as well as why you are interested in working with J-PAL SEA


Short-listed applicants will be asked to complete a policy analysis and a written exercise and may subsequently be called in for an interview.

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