job advert

To whom it may concern,
MarketDevelopment Facility is a private sector development programme funded by theAustralian Government and implemented by Cardno Emerging Markets (Australia)Pty Ltd. MDF works across a range of sectors in Timor-Leste, includingAgribusiness, Manufacturing and Tourism. In the Agribusiness sector, MDFsupports a range of private sector enterprises with an aim of increasingconnectivity between producers and the end market through :
– Increasedtrade of agro-inputs and final produce and  
– Valueaddition to local raw materials through greater agro-processing Among other private sector enterprises, MDF is currentlysupporting Commodity Exchange, a large trader and agro-processor that sources,processes and exports a range of Timorese spices (clove, black pepper andcinnamon) in the global market. There are a number of issues around existingfarming techniques which affect the product quality for which the company isseeking a spice expert who can train CE Ltd’s farmer network in Timor onharvest and post-harvest handling techniques. As part of MDF’s support to CELtd’s initiative, we are posting this advertisement on behalf of the privatesector partner to identify appropriate expert who may be interested to take upthis interesting assignment.  Attached please find the final terms of reference. If any particular individual/yourorganisation/member of your association is interested to express interest inresponse to this advertisement, please submit your application to Mr. Subhashat [email protected] or tome, Ms. Maria dos Reis at [email protected] Thecompleted application must be submitted not later than April 29, 2016.


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