Local Consultant for Field Checking on the Outcome of one of KOICA’s Project: “The Treatment of Wastes from Oil Palm Industry and Production of Bioenergy and Biofertilizer” 2010~2013

Revision: KOICA Indonesia is looking for Local
Consultant for Field Checking on the Outcome of one of KOICA’s Project:

“The Treatment of Wastes from Oil Palm
Industry and Production of Bioenergy and Biofertilizer”
2010~2013KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency) is looking for local
consultant/local expert to do consultation related to waste from palm oil, waste
water disposal, fertilizer production and biodiesel facility management.Selection Criteria:Project field:                      Politeknik
Kampar, Kabupaten Kampar, RiauField Checking Period:       September
2016CV Submission Period:      22nd
August-26th August 2016Interview Period:               30-31
August 2016Interested
candidate should submit an application letter, updated CV, and list of
references (all documents must be in English) by mail to [email protected]Qualifications:1.      Professional
Degree: At least a Master Degree in the relevant topic and Certificate/License,
Appropriateness for the dispatch area, Experience (At least 5 years’ experience
in domestic and Overseas). 2.      A proven track
record of conducting similar project area.3.      Strong writing
skills in English, Language Proficiency (English and Local Language), etc.4.      Strong Personality:
Dedicated, honest, motivated and loyal.5.      Health: Physically
and Mentally Fit to do the field checking, Well Work Coordination, etc.6.      Other
requirements: Extend knowledge and experienced of ODA Project is welcome but
not essential, proficient of Microsoft Office (MS.Word, Power Point, Excel).Main Responsibilities:1.      Conduct
facilities and Equipment Checking: Waste Water Treatment, Fertilizer
Production, Checking the overall additional repair and maintenance item related
with the Biodiesel facility.* Expect to
check the work process including comparing the completion drawing (comparing
between the blueprint and the existing equipment).
2.      Conduct
Technical Consultation on O&M: Check the current status, Consulting POME (waste
water treatment, methane gas collection, etc.) technology, Suggestion of
efficient profit creating model related with Purchasing and processing of EFB (Empty
Fruit Bunch/raw material for palm oil), etc.  Work Scope:

Classification Type of Work Contents in
Frequency Period
Advance Preparation Report of Plan Preliminary Review Results of the Material
Status Check Plan
(Attachment) Checklists, Questionnaire
1 time One week before starting the on-site inspection
On-site Inspection Mid-term Report the day check results
the next day check plan
proposal related with technology consultation
1 time
During on-site inspection (Total 3 times)
Completion Final Report Check results, preparing proposal for follow up methods. 1 time Within 2 weeks of completion of on-site inspection

 Consultant Fee is based on KOICA’s regulation and
according to UN local expert consulting standard 
Benefits included:  –         
Daily Living
Direct Labor

*Specific details would be negotiated after the

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