Looking for a Consultant for Market Survey
Consultant for Market Survey
Gugah Nurani Indonesia Foundation will carry out waste accumulation reduction project activities in Cibitung District – Bekasi Regency through the Waste Recycling Management Center. The main activities of this project are:
a) Operate the Waste Recycling Management Center in a sustainable manner.
b) Increase the activity of the Waste Bank Unit so that it is able to supply waste raw materials and waste recycling products to the Waste Recycling Management Center.
Based on this, in order to guarantee that the main activities of this project will continue in a sustainable manner after the end of the project, the marketing of the main and additional products must have a clear target market or consumer, so that marketing takes place continuously.
Marketing survey consultants contain input, principles, criteria, processes and outputs that must be fulfilled, considered and interpreted in the implementation of planning tasks.
With this assignment, it is hoped that the marketing survey consultant will be able to carry out his responsibilities well to produce output that meets the planned targets.
Based on the details above, the Gugah Nurani Indonesia Foundation is looking for consultants who can provide input and considerations to us regarding these activities. Gugah Nurani Indonesia Foundation would like to invite and invite a team of consultants who have experience for this activity.
If there is a consultant team who is interested in this open recruitment, you can send an email to
by attaching:
1. Company Profile
2. Budget proposal for calculating expenditure from activities to be carried out
3. Company NPWP
4. KTP of staff representatives
Please send the attached documents no later than the date
09 May 2024 at 16.00 noon
Also attached to this email is the TOR or TOR for the activity as a reference for consultants.
Notes: TOR or KAK can be requested directly via the attached email
More Information
- Salary Offer can contact directly via email