Lowongan Kerja: Communication Officer (CO) Proyek EPASS
Dear Moderator Devjobsindo,Mohon bantuannya untuk memuat lowongan kerja di bawah ini di milis Devjobsindo.Terima kasih banyak atas kerjasamanya.Kind regards,Ester L. Hutabarat
“Stand up for what you believe in, even if you stand alone!”
—————————————————————————————LOWONGAN KERJAProyek hibah GEF-UNDP berjudul Enhancing the Protected Area System in Sulawesi (EPASS) for Biodiversity Conservation yang berada di bawah pembinaan Direktorat Konservasi Keanekaragaman Hayati pada Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan membutuhkan satu orang tenaga profesional untuk mengisi jabatan Communication Officer yang akan ditempatkan di Project Management Unit (PMU) Jakarta, dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:
Terms of Reference
Sulawesi (17.46 million ha) is the world’s
11th largest island that has a remarkable globally significant diversity of
terrestrial flora and fauna with an impressive variety of forest ecosystems,
and supports high rates of endemism and species-level biodiversity. Despite the
existing 1.6 million Ha of 63 conservation areas throughout the island,
Sulawesi’s biodiversity remains severely threatened and fast degrading due to a
number of human-induced threats. Protection and management of protected areas
(PAs) has not been adequate to prevent extensive encroachment and damage within
PA boundaries, whilst natural areas beyond PA boundaries have been even more
rapidly degraded as a result of logging, conversion, mining, fire and hunting.
The long-term solution to conserving Sulawesi’s biodiversity is an improved PA
system that is well integrated into its surrounding landscape, with the
increasing capacities and financial resources to safeguard biodiversity from
existing and future threats.
The objective of EPASS is to strengthen the
effectiveness and financial sustainability of Sulawesi’s PA system to respond
to existing threats to globally significant biodiversity. This objective will
be achieved through three interconnected components:
(1) Enhanced systemic and
institutional capacity for planning and management of Sulawesi PA system;
(2) Financial sustainability of the Sulawesi
PA system; and
(3) Threat reduction and collaborative
governance in the target PAs and buffer zones.
The project is implemented by the Directorate
General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation (PHKA) of the Ministry of
Environment and Forestry. The project
specifically focuses on three important Sites, i.e., Lore Lindu (217,992 ha)
and Bogani Nani Wartabone (287,115 ha) National Parks and Greater Tangkoko
Conservation Area (8,665 ha), which are some of the most important sites for
terrestrial biodiversity in Sulawesi.
Working as a team in the Project Management
Unit, and in collaboration with the Project International and national
consultants, he/she will provide technical expertise related to communications
– Assist in preparing Project communication correspondences,
including formulating related Documents/Invitations/TORs needed.
– Assist in preparing Project reports (QMR & PIR) and
presentation for project evaluations (Project Board Meeting, BAPPENAS, UNDP) as
requested by the National Project Manager.
– Assist in preparing Project events related with promotional and
awareness raising (exhibition, journalist visits).
– Prepare speeches, press releases and other materials in support
to the organizing of Project Events.
– Support Project development of objectives and communication strategies
and annual work plan.
-Conduct documentary and reporting of Project activities,
– Assist the gathering of data, content and coverage of relevant
Project efforts and outputs and reports to support streamlining Project
progress, and lessons learnt for MIS Officer and Monitoring and Reporting Officer
(for NRM Cluster)
– Support the networking and partnership of the Project, in close coordination with MIS
Officer (for NRM cluster), by ensuring effective flow of proper and accurate information
from E-PASS PMU and Field Units to stakeholders, other appropriate audiences, and
the public through the Project website, social media, E-newsletter and other
effective media.
– Manage and update Project’s website and
social media with progress and related content.
– Support the preparation of Project info content in selected media,
support Project studies/results publications and dissemination of Project
publishing materials.
– Provide inputs
for environmental awareness raising and capacity building on PA system
– Provide/facilitate substantive news/articles contributing to key
Project development issues with special emphasis on Gender mainstreaming,
community empowerment, and alternative livelihood.
– Develop, maintain and update media
relations contact list. Monitor and
evaluate the use and effectiveness of media materials and share results and
– Developing contact list of individuals,
groups, organizations and fora whose support can assist in achieving the
collaboration for conservation policy/advocacy.
– Perform other tasks as may be requested by
National Project Manager
– A master degree in Communication
Science, Media and Communications, Journalism, Media and Public Affairs, Languages, Environmental
Education and Extension, or other relevant
– Relevant
trainings in communications, media and extension is a strong advantage;
– A minimum of 10 years of experiences in related works with communications, online outreach, or education extension, public relations. These experiences in Protected Areas,
Forestry/Environment or Conservation Projects will be advantages;
– Passion
for development, environment and nature conservation issues;
– Experiences
in working with local government officials, Universities, local community and
NGOs is desired;
– Ability
to communicate effectively orally and in writing, in order to communicate
complex, technical information to both technical and general audiences;
– Strong drafting, presentation and reporting skills;
– Strong interpersonal and communication
skill, strong cultural sensitivity and ability to work in multi-cultural
– Knowledge of graphic design will be an
– Good
working knowledge of English and high proficiency in Bahasa is a must;
– Ability
to work under pressure and meet strict deadlines;
– Ability
to produce high quality contents within the set timeframe.
Para pelamar yang berminat dapat mengirimkan surat lamaran beserta CV melalui Email ke: [email protected], paling lambat tanggal 25 Juli 2017.Hanya para calon yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan dipanggil untuk wawancara.