MAHKOTA – Evaluation of the Old Age Pension in Aceh Jaya
Request for Proposal
Evaluation of the Old Age Pension in Aceh JayaMAHKOTA (Towards a Strong and Prosperous Indonesian Society) is an Australian Government-funded program supporting the Government of Indonesia to improve its social protection system to reduce poverty and inequality. A key feature of MAHKOTA is that support to the Government of Indonesia is primarily provided through the Secretariat of the National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction (TNP2K). With support from MAHKOTA, the TNP2K Secretariat functions as a think tank that designs and implements initiatives such as research, evaluations, and pilot projects with the intention of informing and influencing social protection and poverty reduction policies.
MAHKOTA is currently requesting proposals for the Evaluation of the Old Age Pension in Aceh Jaya.
To find the full terms of reference, please visit briefing with a question and answer session will be held on Tuesday 21 February 2017 at the MAHKOTA Office, Grand Kebon Sirih, 8 Floor, Jalan Kebon Sirih No.35 Jakarta Pusat, 10110. Please register your interest to attend by no later than Monday 20 February via email to [email protected] or call 021 3912812.
Cardno is committed to child protection in all fields.
The deadline for proposal submissions is 5.00 pm, Friday 24 February 2017.
MAHKOTA is supported by the Australian Government and managed by Cardno