Cardno Emerging Markets manages a diverse portfolio of education projects across the Asia–Pacific region. The Government of Australia is supporting Tim Nasional Percepatan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan (TNP2K), a policy think tank to improve the quality and effectiveness of Indonesia’s poverty reduction programs that reach millions of poor Indonesians, under a program called MAHKOTA – Menuju Masyarakat Indonesia Yang Kokoh Sejahtera (Towards a Strong and Prosperous Indonesian Society). MAHKOTA is a flexible facility administered by Cardno.

Cardno is seeking the following positions to assist TNP2K:
Head of Economic Capacity and Income Working Group EMR/JS/MAH/WGH – The position will manage the Economic and Income Capacity Improvement Working Group and its team in support to TNP2K Executive Secretary in improving the effectiveness of the national government’s current efforts and programs to expand economic opportunities for low‐income households and to achieve economic and financial inclusion of the broader population. –

*** Applications close 5.00pm (local time), Sunday 7 February 2016***

Institutional Design and Operations Management Advisor EMR/JS/MAH/IDOM – The position will support TNP2K leadership in institutional design, organizational restructure, change management and management of operations by providing strategic to operational level advice in order to ensure TNP2K’s ability to fulfill its mandates through effective and efficient use of its tangible resources (including financial and human resources). –

Quantitative Impact Evaluation Specialist EMR/JS/MAH/QIES – The position will support the M&E; unit head in executing activities of M&E; unit, He or She will be responsible in overseeing design , implementation and analytical work related to Monitoring and Evaluation of national poverty reduction programs using quantitative methods. –

Data Analyst EMR/JS/MAH/DA – The position will report to the Head of Monitoring and Evaluation Unit, mainly working in a small team within the M&E; Unit managing and analysing a large variation of data available in order to provide empirical evidence of program intervention. –

PIP Reforms Data Officer EMR/JS/MAH/DO – Under Program Indonesia Pintar Reforms Team inside the Social Assistance Working Group of TNP2K Secretariat, the Data Officer will provide support on the ongoing program reforms implementation as part of TNP2K supports for the Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC) and Ministry of Religious Affairs/MoRA. –

These are locally engaged positions and Indonesian Nationals or those with the right to work in Indonesia are encouraged to apply.
All positions will be remunerated in line with local labour laws.

To review detailed position descriptions and to lodge your application, please visit and search under “key word” for the relevant job reference number. All applications MUST be made through the Cardno careers website.

Applications close 5.00pm (local time), Monday 15 February 2016.
Cardno is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to Child Protection in all fields. Any offer employment will be subject to criminal history clearances.

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