MCA-Indonesia Vacancy: Director, Communications and Outreach Unit
Millennium Challenge Account – Indonesia (MCA-Indonesia) is a trustee institution that represents the Government of Indonesia to implement a five-year (2013-2018) Millennium Challenge Corporation’s
Compact Program, a major pillar of the United States-Indonesia Comprehensive Partnership and the largest single pledge made by the United States to Indonesia to date.
MCA-Indonesia has three projects under Compact Program: Green Prosperity, Community-based Health and Nutrition to Reduce Stunting and Procurement Modernization. Our projects are designed, managed
and implemented by Indonesians, for the Indonesian people. Our most important development work happens where it should be: the districts and the villages.
Our goal is to reduce poverty through economic growth. Our program is country-driven, reform-centered, and results-focused in order to maximize its effectiveness and long-term sustainability.
To reach the goal, MCA-Indonesia is seeking highly dynamic and deliverable-oriented professionals for a better Indonesia :
Director, Communications and Outreach Unit
Reporting to the Executive Director, the Communications and Outreach Director will develop and implement broad-based strategic communications strategies and plans to effectively promote and publicize
MCA-Indonesia projects and activities and to promote and strengthen private sector participation in the Compact projects
Duties and Responsibilities:
Develop a communications strategy and plan with clearly defined objectives, messages, and an outreach plan with timeline of outreach activities to targeted stakeholders, and will liaise with MCC counterparts during the development
and refinement of these plans.
Supervise the Communications and Outreach team.
Oversee the development and implementation a private sector partner outreach strategy in conjunction with the MCA-Indonesia Executive Director and relevant Directors. Communicate successes as well as publicize opportunities.
Find us here for more details:
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