MSI/SIAP 1 Vacancy: Facilitator to Conduct Training on LAPOR-SP4N
Management Systems International, Inc
Strengthening Integrity and Accountability Program 1 (SIAP 1)
Terms of Reference
Position : Facilitator
to conduct training on LAPOR-SP4N
Required : Indonesia
Duration of
Contract : 8
working days
Working Period : June – July 2016
RI-the office of President Staffs have just recently signed mutual agreement to
implement the National Complaint Handling Systems namely LAPOR-SP4N. It is a
single window for public to fill complaints on any type of public services
which will use several friendly platforms, include sms text, mobile apps,
internet, and social media. Following
this MoU, the parties are starting to accelerate the establishment of the NPCHS
by implementing several activities, include activities supported by SIAP 1 such
as development of iOS mobile apps to ease public in accessing LAPOR-SP4N, a
short-video promotion, developing SOP and training module, targeting the
general public and local governments.
part of the support to LAPOR-SP4N, SIAP 1 will conduct a training on the
NPCHS/LAPOR-SP4N to 500 local governments. Each Kabupaten/Kota/Province is
expected to send 3 representatives; secretary of region (Sekda), local
inspector, and complaint handling unit. In this regard, SIAP 1 is hiring
consultant to develop the training module for the use of the LAPOR! SP4N and to
act as lead facilitator for the training. Considering the huge numbers of
trainees, SIAP 1 will also recruit 4 training facilitators. The facilitators
shall work under supervisory of the lead facilitator, attend the Training of
Trainer, and facilitate the training sessions in classes that they assigned to.
To facilitate
the training under supervisory of the lead facilitator.
Scope of Work:
Two (2) days: Learn on the training module, and consult
with lead facilitator.
Two (2) days:
the Training of Trainer
training plan together with other facilitators and the lead facilitator.
Three (3) days:
the training sessions
the resource persons in delivering the session on LAPOR simulation/exercise.
the effectiveness of the participative learning process and environment.
One (1) day: writing the training report that
highlights the training process, achievements, evaluations and recommendations.
Qualifications :
1. Individual/personal
2. An advance degree in political
or social sciences, public policy, development, international relations or a
related discipline
3. Have good understanding on
Public Service Law and Complaint Handling Systems
4. Have at least 2 years of
experience in delivering a participatory training
5. Have an experience working
with government agencies is preferred
Application should
include a cover letter, CV (including three references) and contact number
by June 16, 2016 at the
Please send
applications to [email protected] indicating
“Facilitator” as the subject
of your email. Only shortlisted candidates
will be contacted.