MSI/SIAP 1 Vacancy (Re-Advertise): Professional Service for Software Developer/Mobile Application Expert

 Strengthening Integrity and Accountability Program 1 (SIAP 1)
of Reference

Position                                 : Professional
Services (Software Developer/ Mobile Application Expert) for LAPOR! – SP4N Mobile
& Client Apps Developer
          : Indonesia
                   : February 2016 – April 2016
Government of
Indonesia has continued its efforts in regards to improve the quality of public
services. One of them is to provide access to the public to deliver their
complaints on any public services provided by the public institutions, as
stated on the Law Number 25 year 2009 on Public Services. By then, since 2013, MSI-SIAP
1 has cooperated with its Government partners –the Ombudsman (ORI) and the
Ministry for Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (KemenPANRB) – in improving
their case management systems (CMS).
As a follow up
of the Law, President has enacted the President Regulation (Perpres) Number 76
Year 2013 on the management of public services, which implies the establishment
of the National Public-Service Complaint Handling System (SP4N), an integrated
system of public complaints of all government institution in regards to the
public services. KemenPANRB–ORI-the Office of the Presidential Staff (KSP) is
closely working to improve the LAPOR! (the complaint channel developed by UKP4)
which has been announced by KemenPANRB to be the national online public service
complaint system with a new brand LAPOR! – SP4N. LAPOR! – SP4N will be managed
in coordination between the Office of the Presidential Staff (KSP), KemenPANRB,
and ORI.
To date,
LAPOR! has a blackberry and android application. To maximize the use of this
platform, SIAP-1 would like to seek the services of software developer/mobile
application expert  to develop other
mobile application for iOS (Apple) and Windows Phone to be used by public and
client apps to be used by government officials. This mobile and client apps are
meant to provide the key features of the LAPOR! – SP4N platform to Apple and
Windows Phone mobile users, thereby strengthening LAPOR! – SP4N outreach and
ensuring optimal availability of the application among the target
A.     Objective: 
LAPOR! – SP4N mobile application for iOS and Windows Phone devices.
LAPOR! – SP4N client application for Android and iOS devices
B.     Activities:
1.     Preparation

with LAPOR! team to gather inputs on expected features of the application
Draft timeline in developing mobile & client apps;
Create a design and layout for responsive native
mobile application;
Create a scheme for responsive client application;
Present design & layout to beneficiaries
2.     Development

Based on approved design, develop an application for
both iOS and Windows Phone devices, by using the web API provided by the
platform developer;
Build intelligent client apps to be embedded into
government’s officials mobile phone and integrated with LAPOR! – SP4N
3.     Final

User acceptance test for mobile & client apps;
Final revision the mobile & client  apps;
Present the final mobile & client apps to
Handover to beneficiaries containing final report on
the process of mobile & client application development, manual book on
managing and troubleshooting the application
The requirement
for LAPOR! – SP4N mobile application:
Application could run on the updated iOS platform
Application could use the internet access to communicate with the
LAPOR! API in JSON format
Application could at least include: GPS, camera, upload document,
SMS, and link to social media for sharing
requirement for LAPOR! – SP4N client application:
Application could run on the updated iOS and Android platform
Application could acknowledge the incoming messages from the
mobile phone
Application could filter the SMS which will be sent to LAPOR!
Application could confirm the message delivery (includes failure
handling mechanism) in sending the reports to LAPOR!
Application could respond with LAPOR! API in JSON format
C.      Deliverables:
Approved design & layout for mobile apps
Approved scheme of client apps
Screen captured of mobile application
Approved UAT Test for mobile and client apps
Final LAPOR! – SP4N mobile application for iOS and Windows
Phone devices
Final LAPOR! – SP4N client application for iOS and
Android devices
Handover notes to beneficiaries containing final
report on the process of mobile  &
client application development manual book on managing and troubleshooting the
1.      ICT Professional
(individual or company)
2.      An advance degree in  Information Technology/Computer Science,
Multimedia, or related field
3.      Have at least 3 years of
experience in developing mobile applications, especially for iOS and Windows Phone;
4.      Strong knowledge of
languages for mobile development
5.      Experience in software
testing is preferred
6.      Able to work
individually or in a team
7.      Able to work at KSP
Office whenever needed
Applicants are requested to send following documents
to MSI SIAP-1:
·   CV/ Resume/ Portfolio/ Company Profile
·   Financial proposal – cost related to mobile & client application
development (all inclusive)
·   Please indicate “Mobile Application Expert” as the subject of your email
addressed to [email protected] no later than February
10, 2016

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