Oxfam – Calling for Proposal: Consultancy for Final Evaluation Deepening Resilience in Agam District West Sumatera


OXFAM is an International Non Governmental Organisation working across the
world with a vision of just a world without poverty: a world in which
people can influence decisions that affect their lives, enjoy their rights,
and assume their responsibilities as full citizens of a world in which all
human beings are valued and treated equally.

Vision for Indonesia
We envision an Indonesia where women are equal citizens and everyone can
enjoy their rights even in times of shocks and disaster.

Calling for Proposal
Consultancy for Final Evaluation Deepening Resilience
in Agam District West Sumatera


Oxfam has been implementing Deepening Resilience in Agam District West
Sumatera project since 3 November 2014 until 30 June 2017. It is a 32
months project funded by HPA-DFAT. The purpose of this project is “D
ecreased lost of life and impacts on livelihood in tsunami and earthquake
areas in Agam District through increasing the coping and adaptive capacity
of communities, increasing government capacity for emergency response, and
increasing adaptive strategies of small and medium enterprises”.

The project has three strategic objectives: (1) to provide choices for
vulnerable households and communities to increase their coping and adaptive
capacity and to reduce underlying factors of their vulnerable at 5
sub-villages in Agam District by June 2017. (2) to support increased
disaster preparedness of district government authority in Agam District by
June 2017. (3) to increase disaster resilience of small medium enterprises
(SMEs) in Agam district through the development of coordinated
multi-stakeholder (including private sector) partnership and investment in
business continuity planning by June 2017.

In order to achieve the project purpose, Oxfam collaborates with 1 local
implementing partner, namely Jemari Sakato. Having undertaken the
interventions in collaboration with the local partner, Oxfam considers the
importance of conducting an evaluation to identify the changes taken place
in the assisted district and take lessons learned from the project. The
findings of the evaluation will be a strategic foundation for Oxfam’s
future interventions on resilience in Indonesia.


The evaluation aims to obtain evidence from the project site related to the
main questions on the project achievement in terms of Development
Assistance Committee (DAC) evaluation criteria, i.e relevance,
effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability.

Scope of Work

a. Evaluation location

The evaluation will be held in Agam District, West Sumatera targeting three
different main stakeholders: household, district level government and non
government actors, and Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs).

b. Evaluation participants and methodology

To be measured | Participants | Method | Tool
DAC criteria: | | |
Relevance, | Oxfam’s local | To be discussed | To be
effectiveness, | partner, assisted | with the | discussed
efficiency, | vulnerable | consultant | with the
impact, and | households, SMEs, | | consultant
sustainability of | district | |
the project | government, Oxfam | |
| staff | |

c. Details of DAC evaluation criteria
Relevance: The extent to which the aid activity is suited to the priorities
and policies of the target group, recipient and donor. In evaluating the
relevance of a programme or a project, it is useful to consider the
following questions:
· To what extent are the objectives of the programme still valid?
· Are the activities and outputs of the programme consistent with the
overall goal and the attainment of its objectives?
· Are the activities and outputs of the programme consistent with the
intended impacts and effects?

Effectiveness: A measure of the extent to which an aid activity attains its
objectives. In evaluating the effectiveness of a programme or a project, it
is useful to consider the following questions:
· To what extent were the objectives achieved / are likely to be achieved?
· What were the major factors influencing the achievement or
non-achievement of the objectives?

Efficiency measures the outputs — qualitative and quantitative — in
relation to the inputs. It is an economic term which signifies that the aid
uses the least costly resources possible in order to achieve the desired
results. This generally requires comparing alternative approaches to
achieving the same outputs, to see whether the most efficient process has
been adopted. When evaluating the efficiency of a programme or a project,
it is useful to consider the following questions:
· Were activities cost-efficient?
· Were objectives achieved on time?
· Was the programme or project implemented in the most efficient way
compared to alternatives?

Impact. The positive and negative changes produced by a development
intervention, directly or indirectly, intended or unintended. When
evaluating the impact of a programme or a project, it is useful to consider
the following questions:
· What has happened as a result of the programme or project?
· What real difference has the activity made to the beneficiaries?
· How many people have been affected?

Sustainability is concerned with measuring whether the benefits of an
activity are likely to continue after donor funding has been withdrawn.
When evaluating the sustainability of a programme or a project, it is
useful to consider the following questions:
· To what extent did the benefits of a programme or project continue after
donor funding ceased?
· What were the major factors which influenced the achievement or
non-achievement of sustainability of the programme or project?

d. Report
The evaluation report MUST include the following sections and contents:
1. Title Page
2. Abbreviations/acronyms list
3. Executive Summary (max 3 pages)
The executive summary should (1) provide a short project introduction (2)
explain briefly the evaluation methodology (3) summary of the finding (4)
4. Table of Contents
5. Project Overview/ identification detail:

Project Name |
Start date |
End date |
Project Value |
Name of Implementing |
Partners |
Brief summary of project |

6. Evaluation Methodology
7. Evaluation Findings
8. Recommendations

Please provide a brief summary of key recommendations that have emerged
from the evaluation that will be useful for developing Oxfam’s project
strategies and approaches in the future. Recommendations may be subdivided
into those related to (a) project design, and (b) project management and
should indicate clearly for whom the recommendation is intended.

Competencies, Experience and Skill requirements
Overall, the consultant (team) should have knowledge, experience and
competencies in:
1. Experienced in conducting similar evaluation which is proven by stating
at least three evaluation titles in the cover letter;
2. Having enough capacity to implement this evaluation which is proven in
the CVs of the evaluator showing to have managed similar evaluation on
DRM/Small Medium Enterprise.

Other information
Proposals are invited Evaluation/Research company/institutions, NGOs,
University c.q research institution, and Group of individual evaluators
who meet the profile described above. The proposal should outline the
consultant’s profile (including their CV/resume), proposed management
arrangements, and examples of previous work. Proposals must also include a
clear itemized budget. Any proposals that do not include an itemized budget
will not be considered.

Resume should be submitted electronically by Friday, 31 March 2017 at the
latest to [email protected] with Consultancy for Final Evaluation
Deepening Resilience in Agam District West Sumatera as the subject of your

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