Oxfam – Calling for Proposal: Consultancy fundraising for FAIR Partnership Project


OXFAM is an International Non Governmental Organization working across the
world with a vision of just a world without poverty: a world in which
people can influence decisions that affect their lives, enjoy their
rights, and assume their responsibilities as full citizens of a world in
which all human beings are valued and treated equally.
Vision for Indonesia
We envision an Indonesia where women are equal citizens and everyone can
enjoy their rights even in times of shocks and disaster.
Calling for Proposal
Consultant Fundraising for FAIR Partnership Project

Over the past decade Oxfam has gained significant expertise and influence
in the area of sustainable palm oil. Oxfam has been taking a holistic and
rights based approach to palm oil projects, with land use and land use
change as the central focus. This connects local beneficiaries of poverty
alleviation and development with global goals of climate change reduction
and green growth. While Oxfam continues its work on empowerment of
Indonesian communities on land rights, sustainable land use planning and
labor rights, we believe there is an urgent need for oil palm growers and
millers to reconsider their relations with their small holder supply base
and surrounding communities, since these offer the best potential for
green growth with more efficient agricultural production and avoided
greenhouse gas emissions from further deforestation.
Currently, Oxfam has been promoting an alternative governance model on
palm oil plantation named FAIR (Freedom of choice, Accountability,
Improvement of benefits, Respect of rights) and Green Growth.
The longer term objective of this initiative is to develop
company–community partnership models for small holder inclusive and
deforestation-free palm oil supply chains with a focus on economic
benefits for small holder families and protection of land rights of palm
oil communities. In the partnerships, the plantation companies will get
support from buyers and investors and will be enabled by the local
authorities. The rather vertical value chain development combines with the
horizontal landscape approach where a variety of stakeholders in the
landscape will be involved in the future land use planning with the aim to
secure local food production and to increase income diversification.
The current inception phase prepares for the implementation of two 5-year
pilot projects in Pelalawan (Riau) and Tanjung Jabung Barat (Jambi), in
which the concept of the FAIR Company Community Partnership will be tested
and adjusted for upscaling after 2021. The pilots should demonstrate that
the good practices applied in FAIR partnerships are an innovative
alternative that can become the norm. The pilot projects will start in the
second half of 2017.
For the implementation of the two pilot projects of each 4 to 5 years,
substantial amounts of funding are needed (over 2 million each). This
funding will partly need to be brought up by the buyers and for a large
part by institutional funding agencies.
In Indonesia a variety of donor agencies has been mapped and a number of
which has been visited over the past 5 years. Annex 1 provides an overview
of the donor mapping (to be added on 20th June)
The objective of this consultancy is to identify ‘warm’ funding
opportunities for the two FAIR pilot projects, to have concrete interest
raised with a limited number of international donor agencies as well as
nationally coordinated trust funds and to have initial commitments
obtained worth a minimum of Euro 500,000.
A ‘warm’ funding opportunity is defined as an opportunity that has been
well discussed by the consultant with a representative of the donor agency
with decision making power.
The deliverables comprise:
1. Minimum 3 ‘warm’ funding opportunities identified with
international (bi- and multilateral) and/or national funding agencies.
2. Minimum 2 concept notes each worth over Euro 2 million submitted
with funding agencies that have a presence in Indonesia, in the region or
at their Headquarters.
3. Concise report reflecting the efforts undertaken and the results
obtained comprising the long list of donor agencies and the short list of
high potential donor agencies. An overview with names and contact details
of the responsible persons from donor agencies contacted will be annexed.
The consultant will undertake a limited desk study on donor mapping
resulting in a long and a short list of institutional donor agencies with
high potential. The consultant is expected to establish personal contacts
with responsible officers at donor agencies that are present in Indonesia
or in the region. Through conversations and other means of communication
the consultant will pitch the FAIR partnership project. If suitable the
consultant may choose to organize a donor meeting in close organization
with key organizations such as IDH or CLUA foundation to present the FAIR
partnership model with the aim to arrange for basket funding where a
variety of donor agencies agree to pledge. Alternatively, the consultant
may propose to develop any other construction that enables the pooling of
funding for the implementation of the FAIR partnership pilot projects from
various donor agencies.
Other information
Proposals are invited for company/institutions, local NGOs, university
research institution, and group
of individual who meet the profile described above. The proposal should
outline the consultant’s profile (including CV/resumes), proposed
arrangements and examples of previous work. Proposals must also include a
clear itemized budget. Any proposals that do not include an itemized
budget will
not be considered.

Resume should be submitted electronically by Wednesday, 2nd Aug 2017 at
the latest to [email protected] with Consultant fundraising for FAIR
Project as subject of your email.

Promotes equality and diversity

Oxfam works with others to overcome poverty and suffering.

Oxfam GB is a member of Oxfam International and a company limited by guarantee registered in England No. 612172.
Registered office: Oxfam House, John Smith Drive, Cowley, Oxford, OX4 2JY.
A registered charity in England and Wales (no 202918) and Scotland (SC 039042)

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