Oxfam – Tender Invitation, Consultancy: Empower Youth for Work
From: Rosa Purba/Jakarta/International/Oxfam
To: [email protected]
Cc: Iskandar Karnadi/Jakarta/International/Oxfam, Darwis
Date: 03/02/2017 04:11 PM
Subject: Oxfam – Tender Invitation, Consultancy: Empower Youth for Work
OXFAM is an International Non Governmental Organization working across
the world with a vision of just a world without poverty; a world in
which people can influence decisions that affect their lives, enjoy
their rights, and assume their responsibilities as full citizens of a
world in which all human beings are valued and treated equally.
Consultancy: Empower Youth for Work (EYW)
Oxfam is seeking consultancy support starting from 01 May 2017 onwards
to design and to support implementation of Human-Centered Design (HCD)
methodologies within its Empower Youth for Work (EYW) programme to
create, test and support the scale up of innovative pilot activities and
enable effective programming in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Indonesia and
Oxfam is conducting a tender process and invites international and/or
national parties’ submission of a proposal, with a preference for
parties with a strong footprint in (the selected) EYW countries.
Download our invitation to tender
Oxfam promotes equality and diversity
Rosa M. Purba | Country Human Resources Officer
Oxfam in Indonesia | Jakarta | +62 21 7811827 ext 108; Mobile +62 817
757778 | skype: rosa.purba
www.oxfamblogs.org/Indonesia | www.facebook.com/Oxfam.Indonesia | twitter:
—– Forwarded by Rosa Purba/Jakarta/International/Oxfam on 03/02/2017
09:09 AM —–
From: Ellva Rori/Makasar/International/Oxfam
To: Iskandar Karnadi/Jakarta/International/Oxfam@Oxfam
Cc: Rosa Purba/Jakarta/International/Oxfam@Oxfam, Irwan
Mahani/Jakarta/International/Oxfam@Oxfam, Irfan
Date: 03/01/2017 05:07 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: For immediate release – Tender Advertisement-Revisi 2
Dear pak Iskandar, dari saya sudah ok, confirmed
Mohon bantuannya untuk proses selanjutnya.
Terima kasih
Best regards,
Ellva Rori | Eastern Indonesia Coordinator
Oxfam | Jl. Ketilang No. 10 Makassar – 90125 | ph. +62 411 858468
Hp and WhatsApp: +62 811 453 3451 | +62 812 440 1531 | Skype : rorioxfam
www.oxfam.org | www.facebook.com/Oxfam.Indonesia | twitter: @oxfamIndonesia
From: Iskandar Karnadi/Jakarta/International/Oxfam
To: Rosa Purba/Jakarta/International/Oxfam@Oxfam
Cc: Ellva Rori/Makasar/International/Oxfam@Oxfam, Irwan
Mahani/Jakarta/International/Oxfam@Oxfam, Irfan
Date: 01/03/2017 15:09
Subject: Re: Fw: For immediate release – Tender Advertisement-Revisi 2
Dear Pak Rori,
Berikut draft advertisement nya yah, bantuannya untuk mengkoreksi draft ini
Maaf yah kirim berulang ulang supaya link yang di berikan bisa di buka
semua orang
Iskandar Karnadi | Procurement Officer
Oxfam | Indonesia, Jakarta| +62 21 7811-827
www.oxfamblogs.org/indonesia | www.twitter.com/OxfamIndonesia
FB – Youtube – ISSUU: Oxfam in Indonesia | IG: @oxfamdiindonesia
From: Rosa Purba/Jakarta/International/Oxfam
To: Ellva Rori/Makasar/International/Oxfam, Irwan
Cc: Iskandar Karnadi/Jakarta/International/Oxfam@Oxfam,
Mahani/Jakarta/International/Oxfam@Oxfam, Irfan
Date: 03/01/2017 10:51 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: For immediate release – Tender Advertisement
Dear pak Rori,
Iskandar sedang draft-kan untuk internal dan DevJobs yah, pak nanti pakai
link yang sama.
Sementara untuk social media kita Oxfam, kita akan minta bantuan mas Irwan
seperti biasanya.
Mohon bantuannya untuk memastikan bahwa jika memang rekruitment ini akan
diproses langsung oleh Oxfam Novib maka kontrak juga akan diproses oleh
mereka berikut budget code dan proses pembayarannya sudah dikoordinasikan
dengan pihak2 terkait, misalnya finance team.
Terima kasih.
Dear mas Irwan,
Mohon bantuannya untuk posting ke sosial media kita yah, mas.
Apakah perlu ada info lain di body timelime selain posting link yang sudah
Terima kasih bantuannya, mas.
Rosa M. Purba | Country Human Resources Officer
Oxfam in Indonesia | Jakarta | +62 21 7811827 ext 108; Mobile +62 817
757778 | skype: rosa.purba
www.oxfamblogs.org/Indonesia | www.facebook.com/Oxfam.Indonesia | twitter:
From: Ellva Rori/Makasar/International/Oxfam
To: Iskandar Karnadi/Jakarta/International/Oxfam@Oxfam, Rosa
Cc: Heny Soelistyowati/Jakarta/International/Oxfam@Oxfam,
Mahani/Jakarta/International/Oxfam@Oxfam, Nur
Date: 02/27/2017 06:05 PM
Subject: Fw: For immediate release – Tender Advertisement
Dear pak Iskandar dan Rosa, Fyi
Mohon bantuannya utk publikasi tender konsultan Human Centre Design untuk
Empower Youth for Work Project yang prosesnya akan dimanage oleh Oxfam
Novib. Informasi detail terkait tender ini dapat dilihat pada rangkaian
email di bawah dan dokumen tender terlampir.
Purba/Jakarta/International/Oxfam] [attachment “Oxfam_Tender
Advertisement_HCD Consultancy.pdf” deleted by Rosa
Purba/Jakarta/International/Oxfam] [attachment “Oxam_Tender Dossier_HCD
Consultancy_022717.pdf” deleted by Rosa Purba/Jakarta/International/Oxfam]
Best regards,
Ellva Rori | Eastern Indonesia Coordinator
Oxfam | Jl. Ketilang No. 10 Makassar – 90125 | ph. +62 411 858468
Hp and WhatsApp: +62 811 453 3451 | +62 812 440 1531 | Skype : rorioxfam
www.oxfam.org | www.facebook.com/Oxfam.Indonesia | twitter: @oxfamIndonesia
—– Forwarded by Ellva Rori/Makasar/International/Oxfam on 27/02/2017
18:52 —–
From: Ronald van Moorten <[email protected]>
To: Ronald van Moorten <[email protected]>, Eveline Roks
<[email protected]>, “‘Md Khalid Hossain'”
<[email protected]>, “‘Jolly Nur Haque'”
<[email protected]>, “‘[email protected]'”
<[email protected]>, Seher Afsheen
<[email protected]>, “‘Ellva Rori'”
<[email protected]>, “‘Heny Soelistyowati'”
<[email protected]>, “‘[email protected]'”
<[email protected]>, “‘Rahel Bekele'” <[email protected]>
Cc: Lonneke Mensink <[email protected]>, Boris Alberda
<[email protected]>, Sanne Wijnhorst
<[email protected]>, Evelien Davidson
<[email protected]>
Date: 27/02/2017 16:42
Subject: RE: For immediate release – Tender Advertisement
Dear all,
Please find below some 3 additional points of attention regarding the
tender advertisement.
1. Khalid notified me that it would be useful to have a web-link to the
tender that can be shared through your social networks, as not all COs will
have a dedicated space to upload the advertisement. So herewith!
The link above is the general place where all the tenders are placed. Our
own tender is the only active one at the moment, so no risk for confusion
there. Note that it is not visible at the webpage yet, it will be uploaded
in a few hours. So please
2. Further, when uploading the PDF Advertisement yourself, please find
below an accompanying text you can use:
Oxfam is seeking consultancy support starting from 01 May 2017 onwards to
design and support implementation of Human-Centered Design (HCD)
methodologies within its Empower Youth for Work (EYW) programme to create,
test and support the scale up of innovative pilot activities and enable
effective programming in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Indonesia and Pakistan.
Oxfam is conducting a tender process and invites international and/or
national parties’ submission of a proposal, with a preference for parties
with a strong footprint in (the selected) EYW countries.
3. Please note that for a fair selection process and our own accountability
hereto, we ask of you to share no further information on the tender
assignment beyond the advertisement and the accompanying text. We need to
ensure that all consultant firms have the same level of information. Also,
this means that in case of any questions asked by consultant firms, please
refer them directly to me. We will then answer this question and share this
answer anonymously with all other applicants.
Thanks you all for your support, let’s hope for some great applications!
Best regards,
RONALD VAN MOORTEN | Researcher – Youth Active Citizenship
Oxfam Novib | The Hague | T: +31 (0) 70 3422 225 | M: +31 (0) 62 1940 943
E: [email protected] | S: ronaldvanmoorten
oxfamnovib.nl/youth | Oxfam Policy & Practice – Youth as Active Citizens
Check out our video to find out how we are working together with young
Please note that my working days are Monday to Thursday.
From: Ronald van Moorten
Sent: zondag 26 februari 2017 23:06
To: Eveline Roks; ‘Md Khalid Hossain’; ‘Jolly Nur Haque’;
‘[email protected]’; Seher Afsheen; ‘Ellva Rori’; ‘Heny
Soelistyowati’; ‘[email protected]’; ‘Rahel Bekele’
Cc: Lonneke Mensink; Boris Alberda; Sanne Wijnhorst; Evelien Davidson
Subject: For immediate release – Tender Advertisement
Importance: High
Dear all,
I hope you are all doing well! Again many thanks for your support to the
development of the tender process for HCD consultancy support – the Tender
Dossier has been finalized!
Please find attached below for immediate release the Tender Advertisement
that can be placed on your identified offline and online places / channels.
Within the Advertisement, consultant firms are invited to send to Oxfam a
request to receive the full Tender Dossier with all the relevant
<< File: Oxfam_Tender Advertisement_HCD Consultancy.pdf >>
For your reference, please find also attached below the full Tender Dossier
and the Tender Explanatory Note. Please note that these documents are not
to be made public!! The full Dossier will only be shared with individual
consultant firms upon reaction to the public advertisement.
<< File: 022317_Tender Explanatory Note.pdf >> << File: Oxam_Tender
Dossier_HCD Consultancy_022717.pdf >>
In case of any questions / remarks, please get in touch!
Warm regards,
RONALD VAN MOORTEN | Researcher – Youth Active Citizenship
Oxfam Novib | The Hague | T: +31 (0) 70 3422 225 | M: +31 (0) 62 1940 943
E: [email protected] | S: ronaldvanmoorten
oxfamnovib.nl/youth | Oxfam Policy & Practice – Youth as Active Citizens
Check out our video to find out how we are working together with young
Please note that my working days are Monday to Thursday.
From: Ronald van Moorten
Sent: vrijdag 24 februari 2017 00:27
To: Eveline Roks; Md Khalid Hossain; Jolly Nur Haque;
‘[email protected]’; Seher Afsheen; Ellva Rori; Heny
Soelistyowati; [email protected]; Rahel Bekele
Cc: Lonneke Mensink; Boris Alberda; Sanne Wijnhorst
Subject: Update – Open tender HCD consultant
Dear all,
I hope you are doing well!
First off, many thanks for all your valuable support in the development of
the tender process for the HCD consultancy support for EYW.
We are close to finalizing the complete Tender Dossier and are aiming to go
public with the tender advertisement coming Monday! We will provide you
asap with the latest documents and instructions for which documents to send
out coming Monday, to the various channels you have identified.
The timeline has shifted a few days, now that the advertisement will be
made public coming Monday (instead of last Wednesday as originally
envisioned). Please find below an updated timeline. We are aware that
within the timeline the visit of the EYW project leaders to the Hague will
take place. We aim to work around this visit and/or make use of the
opportunity for face to face evaluation discussions!
In case of any questions/concerns, let me know!
Best regards,
RONALD VAN MOORTEN | Researcher – Youth Active Citizenship
Oxfam Novib | The Hague | T: +31 (0) 70 3422 225 | M: +31 (0) 62 1940 943
E: [email protected] | S: ronaldvanmoorten
oxfamnovib.nl/youth | Oxfam Policy & Practice – Youth as Active Citizens
Check out our video to find out how we are working together with young
Please note that my working days are Monday to Thursday.
Task Deadline
Making advertisement for tender public 27 February
Deadline for request for any clarifications from Oxfam 13 March
by tenderers
Last date on which clarifications are issued by Oxfam 20 March
Deadline for submission of tenders (receiving date, not 02 April
sending date)
Review of applications and making decision 03 April – 14
Notification of award to the successful tenderer 17 April
Oxfam works with others to overcome poverty and suffering.
Oxfam GB is a member of Oxfam International and a company limited by guarantee registered in England No. 612172.
Registered office: Oxfam House, John Smith Drive, Cowley, Oxford, OX4 2JY.
A registered charity in England and Wales (no 202918) and Scotland (SC 039042)