Plan is an international humanitarian, child-focused development organization without religious,political or governmental affiliation. Plan’s vision is a world in whichall children realize their full potential in societies that respect people’srights and dignity. Plan Indonesia started to operate in Indonesia on 1969. Due to Child-Centered Climate Change Adaptation (4CA) newproject , Plan international Indonesia is looking for a consultant of: StudiBaseline Study & Studi Solusi Cerdas IklimClimate Smart Solution Studyuntukproyek Child-Centered Climate Change Adaptation (4CA)PlanInternational Indonesia
Pleasekind see attachment for more details. All applications will betreated in confidence. Only short-listed candidates will be notified andinvited for interviews. Please submit your full proposal in Bahasa by email notlater than February7,2015 to:[email protected].,[email protected] [email protected]