Program Officer – Environmental Governance





Program Officer
– Environmental Governance for Papua and West Papua



Indonesia Office










Program Director
– Environmental Governance





With funding from the UK Climate Change Unit (UKCCU)
in Indonesia, the Asia Foundation is implementing the SETAPAK (Selamatkan Hutan dan Lahan melalui Perbaikan
Tata Kelola
) program, a program on improving land and forest governance in
Indonesia. This 33-month programme is under second phase of SETAPAK will improve local and national governance
of land and forest in order to contribute to UKCCU’s goal of promoting
sustainable low-carbon economic growth and greenhouse gas emissions reduction
in Indonesia.  Land and forest governance
challenges at the local level include lack of transparency on key processes
like permitting; poorly-executed spatial planning; failure to comply with land
and forest laws and regulations; ineffective mechanisms for handling complaints
and disputes; collusion between local officials and business interests; lack of
community consultation and participation; and lack of coordinated engagement
among civil society groups. Reform thus requires both supply-side inputs to
stimulate better government processes and performance, and demand-side inputs
to galvanize stakeholder participation in, oversight of, and claims for justice
in the land and forest sector. The program will issue subgrants to CSOs at
national, provincial and district level to carry out program activities. The
program contains a research component which will involve supporting NGOs or
research institutes to conduct research on the political economy of
environmental governance at the local level, as well as policy studies on land
use and forestry. The SETAPAK 2 program is implementing the program in eight
provinces: Aceh, West Sumatra, Riau, South Sumatra, East Kalimantan, West
Kalimantan, North Kalimantan and Central Sulawesi. The new provinces will be
Papua and West Papua.



The Program Officer for Papua and West Papua provides
direct management and implementation of three components of the SETAPAK program
– transparency and accountability, policy reform and the rule of law and build
local CSO capacity to achieve outcomes agenda. S/he is responsible for the
day-to-day management of partner programs within these three components, in
close cooperation with the other Program Officers within the unit and with the
Director and Deputy Director of Environmental Governance. S/he is responsible
for program development and conceptualization, implementation, and reporting,
and will contribute to monitoring/evaluation in cooperation with the Monitoring
and Evaluation Officer. S/he will be based in Papua or West Papua.




–  Regular contact
and communicate with all SETAPAK team member and TAF’s Jakarta staffs

–  Maintain and
develop communication and coordination of Papua and West Papua’s staff

–  Support SETAPAK
Director and Deputy Director

–  Contact with
other program and theme staff in the Foundation’s offices in the US and Asia.



– Develop
and maintain contacts with other local and international NGOs working on

  governance issues in Indonesia particularly in Papua and West
Papua, ensure coordination, and raise the profile

  of the Foundation’s research

– Maintain
and develop relationships with existing donors and funding agencies
particularly working in Papua

  and West Papua

– Develop
working relationships with government agencies at Papua and West Papua
provinces, and local levels.

  Assist in developing and maintaining good public
relations especially with Papua and West Papua’s senior

  government officer.In particular, assist the Director and
Deputy Director to develop and update local

  situation in Papua and West Papua

– Represent
the Asia Foundation at conferences, events and donor coordination meetings as
required. Public

  speaking and contributing to publications on our work may be



Program Development & Administration

·      Contributing
to day to day management of the Foundation’s SETAPAK program –including
liaising and providing input to partners, developing themes for new programs,
monitoring program implementation, reviewing all modules, books, or other items
for publication, providing technical assistance where necessary by serving as
facilitator, speaker, editor and such, for partner programs and products, and,
along with the Director and Deputy Director, representing the programs to

·     Work
with existing and prospective grantees to develop program activities; determine
project feasibility; monitor and facilitate programs; obtain timely and useful
reports; critically evaluate outcomes; review incoming proposals, manage
proposal tracking system, and work with local organizations to refine proposals
and program designs.

proposal review forms, letters of agreement, budgets, and manage process of
developing a program from proposal to issuance of Letter of Grant (LG) to
monitoring and reporting on program to donors.

·   Design
and implement SETAPAK program work plans and contribute to the development and
implementation of Monitoring and Evaluation measures.

technical assistance as needed to local partners to develop work plans and
M&E measures.

·       Contribute
to the design and implementation of the research component of the program,
including selection of topics for research, design of key studies, technical
support and training to research partners, supervision of research activities,
analytical and write-up phases, and dissemination activities. 

·      Actively
utilize the research outputs to improve program implementation, both within the
Foundation and with program partners at the national and local levels.

·       Prepare,
along with other SETAPAK team members, donor reports. 

·       Coordinate
with other units as needed to facilitate cross-fertilization and internal

·       Provide
annual and semi report highlights and other information on Foundation programs.

·      Assist
the Director and Deputy Director to manage all aspects of funding source
financial management.

·      Assist
the Director and Deputy Director to manage annual program budget, spending
processes, and internal

     grant administration.



·        As a
key member of program staff, participate in team meetings to contribute to
ongoing program planning, problem-solving, and knowledge sharing.

·        Contribute
to the dissemination of program activities and research results.

·        Monitor
important social, political and economic developments in-country.

·        Understand
and comply with requirements placed on the Foundation by our donors.

·     Respond
to periodic requests from the Foundation’s San Francisco or Washington offices
for program updates or examples of program impact.

·        Other
relevant tasks as required.





of eight years’ work experience designing and implementing international
development programs, with a strong background or specialization in governance
and/or environmental issues;

in managing the environmental governance issues in Papua and West Papua

in project management and strategic grant-making;

in developing and conducting training programs or capacity building programs

of and experience with Indonesian government system and agencies particularly
in Papua and West Papua;

of international or government funding agencies especialy working in Papua and
West Papua;

of environmental governance issues at the local (Papua and West Papua) and
national level in Indonesia

experience in forestry or spatial planning is preferred.



Advanced degree in public policy, social
sciences (international relations, political science, gender, sociology), development
studies, environmental sciences or law.



·        Interest
in the political-economy dimensions of environmental governance in Indonesia;

·      Excellent
verbal and written communication skills in both English and Bahasa Indonesia;
Local language (Papua/West Papua) is preferred.

·        Strong
written and analytical skills;

·        Competency
with standard word processing and spreadsheet programs;

·     Excellent
interpersonal skills including the ability to maintain good relations with
NGOs, government, donors, and colleagues;

organizational abilities;

·        Good
public speaker;

·        Willingness
to travel to remote regions across Indonesia and Papua-West Papua districts.



Will be base in
Papua or West Papua



Please send your
application letter and CV to The Asia Foundation by e-mail to [email protected] by September 2, 2016. Please write “ Program Officer – Environmental Governance” on the subject of
the e-mail. The Asia Foundation is an equal opportunity employer.

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