Project Coordinator
Scope of Work
POSITION: Project CoordinatorDUTY STATION: Jakarta, Indonesia withtravel in IndonesiaREPORTS TO: Senior ProjectCoordinator OVERVIEW:The Project Coordinator will manage the implementation of the USPPQM work plan activities in Indonesia related to strengthening qualityassurance and quality control of HIV, TB, Malaria, and essential medicines inIndonesia. The Project Coordinator will work primarily with BPOM, the NationalTB Program, the National AIDS Program, FARMALKES, and Indonesian TB and HIVmedicines manufacturers, the Global Fund, and other partners to help with theestablishment of a national quality assurance program for anti-tuberculosis,antiretrovirals, STI, and other essential medicines throughout the supply anddistribution chains. As part of the USP PQM country team, the ProjectCoordinator will help ensure timely implementation of work plan activities,reporting, and maintain effective communications with project country andinternational partners. This project is financed under the US Agency forInternational Development’s Indonesia Mission. MAINRESPONSIBILITIES:WorkPlan/Project:
– Support the Senior Project Coordinator to develop annual work plan activities related to BPOM and the Ministry of Health (National TB Program, National AIDS Program and FARMAKES) in line with Indonesia and/or Global USP PQM work plans
– Ensures timely implementation of work plan activities by coordinating all aspects of project coordination, communication, and execution under the guidance of the Senior Project Coordinator
– Develops improvements and innovations to enhance performance on work plan implementation
– Participates in strategy development of project implementation, which include developing TOR, budget plan, initiating communication and coordinating with provincial/district health offices and BPOM institutions
– Initiates and facilitates the active participation and empowerment of BPOM and MOH in project implementation, such as to establish or enhance structures to secure regular consultation between USP PQM and partners, and establishing timetable for proposed activities in provincial level, discussing and getting approval from both national and provincial BPOM
– Performs other related tasks, as requested
Collaborationat the National and Provincial levels:
– Actively participates in cross-functional groups to solve problems across project such as ensure the BPOM / MOH can access relevant information in order to strengthened in-country coordination mechanisms, such as:
– ATM Medicine’s data collection (stocklevel) for BPOM to set priority sampling for Post Marketing SurveillanceProgram.
– Provide update information from MOH orrelated to treatment guideline on priority diseases to BPOM
– Provide update PMS Program BPOM to MOHespecially logistic team and warehouse staff Networking& Relationship Building National and Provincial Level
– Utilize a network of relationship to collect and disseminate information and build support for desired objectives
– Engage with UN agencies (WHO) and other relevant government ministries to influence their thinking, policies and practices on coordination, as needed
– Pro-actively engages present and future stakeholders in design, priority setting, and implementation.
– Builds coalitions among the various stakeholders; negotiates authority to move the project forward
– Manage project budget and resource allocations
– Ensures that project funds are managed in a timely and appropriate manner include collaborate with finance department closely monitor budget expenditures
– Ensures that accurate and timely financial and narrative of activities reports are prepared and issued to COP
Monitoring,Evaluation & Reporting
– Conducts quarterly and annual reviews of ongoing project deliverables according to agreed work plan
– Support COP and M&E; specialist to develop Quarterly and Annual reports
– Works to ensure that lessons learned and best practices are incorporated into new project designs
– S1-levelBachelor degree or higher in the areas of apoteker, public health, medicine,pharmacy, pharmaceutical quality control, or pharmaceutical chemistry.
Required Experience:
– Minimum4 years of project coordination/management experience in the field of TB,Malaria, and/or HIV
– Experienceworking with the Indonesian government (MOH and/or BPOM) and internationaldonor agencies (USAID, DFAT, Global Fund, etc)
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities(KSA’s):
– Excellent communication skills (writtenand oral), sensitivity to and responsiveness to all partners, donors and projectstaff, and the ability to work independently and to liaise and coordinateactivities between different stakeholders (government, private, international,local)
– Excellent analytical skills; maturejudgment combined with a proactive, energetic approach to problem solving
– Recognizes problems or situations that are new or without clear precedent. Evaluates alternatives and finds solutions using a systematic, multi-step approach.
– Effective communication skills as a team player,and experience with project implementation at national and local levels
– Fluency in Bahasa Indonesia andproficiency in written and oral English required
Please submit current CV and evidence ofsalary history (AID1420 form available at [email protected] put Project Coordinator in the subject of the email.