Re adv. SNV-Business Development Consultant
Term of Reference (TOR)
Business Development Consultant
SNV Netherlands Development Organization
SNV is an international not-for-profit development organisation, working in
38 countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. SNV specializes in
supporting the resourcefulness of development actors by developing local
capacities, improving performance and services, strengthening governance
systems, helping to create access for excluded groups and by making markets
work for the poor. Our global team of advisors use their specialist sector
and change expertise in Agriculture, Renewable Energy and WASH to facilitate
sustainable change in the livelihoods of millions of people living in
Promoting the Improved Feed, Good Rearing Practices and Weighing Scale
Practices in Timor Island, East Nusa Tenggara
In agriculture projects, SNV works with smallholder farmers, pastoralists,
forest-dependent communities and companies to provide innovative,
market-based solutions to the issues of sustainable markets, food security
and climate change. SNV Indonesia, is the co-facilitator for the Australian
Aid-PRISMA program and implements a pig sector intervention in East Nusa
Tenggara province covering four districts namely Kupang, TTS, TTU and
belu/Malaka. The aim is to increase pig farmer income through increasing
pig productivity by increasing daily gain and reducing the rearing period.
To achieve it, SNV in partnership with pig feed producers will promote the
quality feed and deliver the embbededd services on good rearing practice.
The limited number of agent and sub agent for pig feed and the absence of
feed distribution channel up to village level possibly the one of the main
causes why majority farmers still feed their pig conventionally rely on food
waste. SNV and its partner would like to develop distribution channel.
Developing the distribution channel is major role of private partner in
recruiting new agents and retailers up to village level, while SNV role is
to build the capacities. These new distributors and retailers need to build
their capacities in term of feed supply chain and ware house management, to
be able deliver this change SNV is looking for a business development
Scope of work
To initiate the project, SNV is looking for a business development
consultant to build capacities of feed agent, sub agent and retailers on
feed supply chain and warehouse management. The consultant will carry out
the following activities and deliver the below services:
* Develop module on Feed Business Management consists of supply
chain and warehouse management as targeted in Intervention Steering Document
(ISD (12 days)
* Deliver trainings for agents, sub agents and retailers in four
districts. There will be 8 trainings with 20-30 participants per training
(24 days).
* Coach feed retailers and monitor the implementation of trainings
(24 days)
Consultant will provide:
1. Training Plan
2. Feed Business Management Module (in Bahasa
3. Training reports
4. Coaching reports
Duty Station
Home based, with travel to Kupang, TTU, TTS, Belu and Malaka
The assignment will be up to 60working days starting from May 2017-April
Required skills
* Master degree in /agribusiness/economic
* Minimum 5 years of working experiences in business development for
micro and small enterprises Experience in designing and implementating
capacity building trajectories, including class training and coaching
* Good understanding on the animal feed business, including feedstock,
distribution and storage, would be an advantage.
* Willing to travel and work in Kupang, TTU, TTS, Belu and Malaka
* Good communication skill
* Excellent English reporting
Required documents to apply
* Curriculum Vitae
* Proposal, consists of:
* Outline of the business development Module (including Business
Administration, Business Plan and Warehouse management) and the rational
* Training Plan
* Cost / Financial proposal
These documents should be submitted in electronically by Saturday, 13 May
2017 at the latest with subject “Business Development Consultant” to
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