Financial Audit of the NGO Grant by
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Government of Japan
The present document describes ToR for the external audit of the “Better Future for Vulnerable Youths through Employment” project, whose target area is West Bandung and Bandung districts of West Java province. Save the Children Japan(hereinafter “SCJ”) signed the Grant Agreement with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Government of Japan(hereinafter “MoFA”) for the purpose of implementing the project with MoFA’s NGO Grant with the approved budget amount of 36,448,907.00 Japanese Yen . The said project is currently implemented for the duration of 15 months from 30 March 2015 to 30 June 2016, having the cooperation from Save the Children/Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik.
After the end date of the project, an external audit shall be conducted, covering the use of the above mentioned fund both in Japan and Indonesia to produce an audit report in conformity with the “Guide for External Audit Procedures in Grant Assistance for Japanese NGOs” provided by the donor by 31 August 2016.
Outline of the Project Components:
As its overall goal, the project aims to contribute to improvement of the livelihood of vulnerable youths from poor communities in West Bandung and Bandung districts, by providing opportunities for their acquisition of knowledge and skills, and promoting also opportunities for a descent work. To this end, the project consists of three(3) objective components and activities as listed below:
Objective 1: Target youth have access to vocational training in PKBM by community mobilization and the number of youth who enroll PKBM is increased.
Activity 1-1. Hold orientation sessions and workshops
Activity 1-2. Identify and select youth
Activity 1-3. Capacity building training to staff in PKBMs
Activity 1-4. Provide group counseling to target youth to identify their interests and talents.
Objective 2: Market-relevant training course are provided in the target PKBMs.
Activity 2-1. Modify existing curriculums in collaboration with BLK and NHI.
Activity 2-2. Renovation of vocational training classrooms in each PKBM
Activity 2-3. Provision of priority teaching materials and equipment.
Activity 2-4. Hire qualified vocational training teacher and provide teacher training in BLK and NHI.
Activity 2-5. Provide life skill training
Activity 2-6. Provide vocational training
Activity 2-7. Provide entrepreneurship train
Objective 3
Linkage between PKBM and market is established, and youths get opportunity for internship or business start-up.
Activity 3-1. Identify and select business partners and entrepreneurs, and present the BRIDGE program to them
Activity 3-2. Develop opportunities for internship
Activity 3-3. Support PKBM with starting up a pilot business project
Activity 3-4. Utilize the PKBM forum in sub-district level and conduct regular meetings for information sharing.
Activity 3-5. Hold workshop to share the best practice to participants from national, provincial, district education office and other PKBM.
The project staff team is based in Bandung city, working closely with the four target PKBMs(community learning centers) as listed below:
- PKBM Sewdara Sejiwa(Dayeuhkolot/Bandung District)
- PKBM Nashrul Ummat(Kertasari/Bandung District)
- PKBM Jayagiri(Lembang/West Bandung District)
- PKBM Al-Karomah(Cililin/West Bandung District)
Each PKBM, with the support from BRIDGE project, newly established two vocational training courses to benefit on average 15 vulnerable youths in each course aiming to implement 2 cycles of three-month training during the project period. In the case of PKBM Al-Karomah, however, intended to implement only one cycle of training, thus to reduce the total number of participants in the BRIDGE-supported vocational training courses from the originally planned figure of 240 persons.
In addition to the above mentioned youths, 200 PKBM students who studies in the conventional packages of those PKBMs were also targeted to benefit from Life Skills Training and Entrepreneurship Training.
Apart from the project team and support staff based in Bandung, several staff members of Save the Children works for the project with support, advisory and coordination functions in Jakarta. The support documents(accounting documents) are thus maintained in Bandung Office and Jakarta Office separately.
Timeframe and Location
The audit should take place between 15 August 2016 to 24 August 2016, including visits to Save the Children/Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik Office in Jakarta and Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik Area Office in Bandung. The field visit is not mandatory for this audit, however, it should be conducted when the auditor considers it as necessary. The draft versions of Audit report, a draft management letter and field visit reports(if applicable) shall be submitted by 25 August 2016 and the final reports are due on 31 August 2016.
Submission of Proposal
The proposal should provide the following information:
a) Outline of the audit approach and methodology to undertaking the assignment
b) Profile of staff proposed for the assignment
c) Detailed quotation for the audit, showing hours and costs by grade including travel costs to Save the Children/Yayasan Sauangi Tunas Cilik Jakarta Office and Bandung Office, The proposal shall include two options of proposed budget, namely, one for the case of reviewing all the vouchers/evidenced documents and one for the case or reviewing sampled documents.
For more information please visit the link : https://indonesia.savethechildren.net/jobs/job-details/413
Audit firm must submit proposal to us by Friday, June 24th 2016, before 5 pm Jakarta time, with format YSTC Audit Service (your company name) to : [email protected]