RE-ANNOUNCEMENT 17 091 RFP E-learning for CSO Development
RE-ANNOUNCEMENT (RFP) No. 610700.001.17.091RFP title: E-learning for CSO Development RFP issued on: 21 April 2017Deadline for questions: 3 May 2017 at 04.00 PM Jakarta time. Deadline for submission of proposals: 15 May at 04.00 PM Jakarta time via e-mail to [email protected] with cc to: [email protected] (emailed documents should be in MSWord and Excel)Objective: This RFP aims to develop a customized e-learning system focusing on CSO organizational needs. Geographic focus: The RFP solicits applications for interventions that will be implemented nationally. Organizations eligible to apply:· Certified, legally-registered business entity;· By law, has the capacity to sign a contract;· Not under the supervision of a court, not bankrupt, its business activity not being discontinued;· Not affiliated with any criminal association or activity;· Not suspended or disbarred from receiving US Government awards;· Having a good performance record – not on any sanctions list nor blacklist maintained by any government agency/state owned company;· Verified references that document work performed on at least three similar jobs;· Having the ability/capacity required to carry out the specified work;· Not making any incorrect/misleading statements about the competence and capabilities of its business;· The Offeror’s production team must be based in Jakarta;· Selected vendor must give copyright for production and distribution rights to USAID, MSI and its government beneficiaries. Expected Grant type: Purchase Order Grant Award, Anticipated Grant Size and Duration: Up to IDR 864,825,000 for one subcontract award. Contract will be for up to six months in duration.You can download the complete documents here.