Readvertized Oxfam – Calling for Proposal: Consultancy for Developing an Implementation Manual FPIC for Companies


OXFAM is an International Non Governmental Organisation working across the
world with a vision of just a world without poverty: a world in which
people can influence decisions that affect their lives, enjoy their rights,
and assume their responsibilities as full citizens of a world in which all
human beings are valued and treated equally.

Vision for Indonesia
We envision an Indonesia where women are equal citizens and everyone can
enjoy their rights even in times of shocks and disaster.

Calling for Proposal
Consultancy for Developing an Implementation Manual FPIC for Companies

OXFAM in Indonesia has conducted Rights To Food (RTF) Project which
responsible to improve policy in private sector outcomes area.. The several
activities will be done to achieve this purpose, include the development of
guidelines on FPIC for companies to be more gendered and respect human
rights. In this outcome RTF project will collaborate with FAIR project to
have mutual objectives in order to promote inclusive and democratic
governance in palm oil sector.

Competencies, Experience and Skill requirements
Oxfam in Indonesia is looking for consultant to implement several
activities regarding to reach apart of project expectations. We are looking
for consultant who have knowledge, experiences and competencies in :

1. Good understanding on FPIC, Gender and Human Right issues.
2. Have minimum 3 year experiences in palm oil sector.
3. Good at facilitate and consultations among multi-stakeholders

Timeframe of work :

End of End of May – November 2017

Other information
Proposals are invited for company/institutions, NGOs, University c.q
research institution, and Group of individual who meet the profile
described above. The proposal should outline the consultant’s profile
(including their CV/resume), proposed management arrangements, and examples
of previous work. Proposals must also include a clear itemized budget. Any
proposals that do not include an itemized budget will not be considered.

Resume should be submitted electronically by Thursday, May 11, 2017 at the
latest to [email protected] with Consultancy for Developing an
Implementation Manual for Companies as the subject of your email.

promotes equality and diversity

Oxfam works with others to overcome poverty and suffering.

Oxfam GB is a member of Oxfam International and a company limited by guarantee registered in England No. 612172.
Registered office: Oxfam House, John Smith Drive, Cowley, Oxford, OX4 2JY.
A registered charity in England and Wales (no 202918) and Scotland (SC 039042)

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