Repost_Job Vacancy FH Indonesia – Program Assistant


Yayasan Fondasi Hidup (Food for the Hungry – Indonesia) is an independent
non-governmental organization based in Medan, North Sumatera and has program
operations in North Sumatera Province and Siberut Island, West Sumatera Province. FH has been working in Indonesia since 2005 and aims to alleviate all forms of povertythrough holistic programming and


We are looking for a dynamic and committed
individual to fill up the position as:

Position Title: Program Asisstant


Reports to: Program Manager


Location of position

(Sumatera Utara) and Mentawai
(Sumatera Barat)


Purpose of the Position: Program Asisstant will support
Program Manager in data collection (secondary and primary data), tabulation and
analysis of new program areas. Organize formal dan informal discussion, HCA
(Holistic Community Assessment), FGD (Focus Group Discussion), LGD (Large Group
Discussion) with all stake holder in the new communtities/villages until MoU (Memorandum of
Understanding) be signed.


Duties and responsibilities:

  • Collect, tabulate and
    analyst primary and secondary data of potensial village/community in 4 sectors
    as CFCT focus (education, health, livelihood and DRR). Also provide suggestion list
    of potensial village base on wholistic analyst

  • Establish and maintain
    networks and good working relationships with
    various stakeholders including government agencies and other development
    organization in district level

  • Organize and facilitate formal dan informal
    discussion, individual or collective such as HCA (Holistic Community
    Assessment), LGD (Large Group Discussion), FGD (Focus Group Discussion), HI
    (Household Interview) and other tools as CFCT (Child Focus Community
    Transformation) standard

  • Suggest strategies to start the
    project in the community by identifying community problems, capitals in the
    community, challanges, oppurtunities, and others factors

  • Working closely
    with Monev Officer, provide potensial village profil including community
    problems priority also their capacity and needs related to data analyst and
    structuring discussion result also observation

  • Live in the
    village with community to observe the real live of them and strained relationship with formal dan informal community

  • Active in sharing knowledge,
    idea, value and love to children, families, community organization, leaders and

  • Establish a
    cooperation with certain people or group or institution related to Sponsorship
    Activity who become FH volunteers on it

  • Provide regular progress

    report (monthly, quarterly and annual) narrative and statistical to Program
    Manager also to various stakeholders on the ground especially to local
    government as needed

  • Collect and develop project success
    story in order to build a positive reputation
    for the company;

  • Perform other duties as required.






  • Live in FH spirit and values also has the same
    vision and mission with FH

  • Demonstrate a high level of commitment and responsibility
    towards completing assignments efficiently, accurately and in a timely manner

  • Good in using data collection and
    analyst such as HCA, LGD, FGD, HI, observation and other assessment tools

  • Good in facilitate formal dan informal discussion,
    individual and collective

  • Ability to report project activities in statistic
    and narrative

  • Abel to do multi tasking jobs with less supervision

  • Enjoy working with people and children

  • Warm personality and a strong organization skill

  • Good verbal and written communication skills

  • Able and willing to travel to remote areas

  • Proven ability to build constructive relationships and work as a team

  • Good in initiative and aren’t afraid to speak up and present new ideas and
    bold solutions

  • Have a good self management, focuses on result, work with energy and a

    positive, constructive attitude, good humored even under pressure

  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity
    and adaptability



  • Minimum bachelor degree from/but not limited statisticl science

  • Familiar with
    Participatory Assessment tools

  • Familiar with MS
    Office including excel

  • Good English speaking and

  • Strong communication skills
    with people from diverse cultural background

  • Strong analytical

  • Highly organized



  • At least 5 years of
    professional experience on NGO

  • At least 3 years
    experience in doing assessment





Please send your
application, updated CV, salary expectation and three latest references
(max300kb) to:


no later than July ​22​th, 2016. Please
put “title/position” as email subject (e.g “Livelihood Officer”), and please
put your name after CV and/or cover letter title (e.g. CV-John. Johnson, Cover
letter-John. Johnson).

No telephone calls please


​-regards,Recruitment TeamYayasan Fondasi Hidup(FH-Indonesia)

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