REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS: A Smartphone App Developer
grant under the ISEAN-Hivos Program Global Fund Round 10 will be conducting its
Phase 2 of implementation from October, 2013 to September, 2016.
follow up of previous series of BCC activities in the past year, GWL-INA is aiming
to develop a smartphone
application as a supporting tool to increase retention in HIV care and ART
adherence among MSM and TG individuals living with HIV in Indonesia.
for a Professional Smart-phone App
of September 10 to 30, 2016
degree with coursework in Web Design, Computer Studies, Management Information
Systems, or related field and a web site development or related certificate.§ Direct
and increasingly responsible experience in smart-phone apps design and
§ Strong
smart-phone apps project coordination experience developing multiple apps with
diverse clients; and§ Demonstrated
experience solving issues of smart-phone apps/device compatibility to create
smart-phone apps that can be used on any type of platform/device.
letter of expression of interest and a profile of their expertise as well as
requested consultancy rate/hrs on or before June September 8th, 2016
17:00 hrs. Jakarta Western Indonesia Time to [email protected].
Only short listed applicants will be contacted.