Request for Proposal: Baseline Study for Creating Spaces To Take Action On Preventing Early Marriage Consultant

Oxfam is a leading aid, development
and campaigning not-for-profit organisation with a world-wide reputation
for excellence and over 60 years’ experience working in Indonesia. Our
purpose is to work with others to overcome suffering and find lasting solutions
to poverty. Currently we are looking  for a:

Baseline Study For Creating Spaces
To Take Action On Preventing Early Marriage


The Creating Space to Take Action
on Preventing Early Marriage project (henceforth Creating Spaces), funded
by Global Affairs Canada (GAC) aims to reduce violence against women and
girls (VAWG) and child, early and forced marriage (CEFM). The program will
be implemented in six countries: Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan
and Philippines. The overall project framework revolves around three pillars:

i.        Pillar
1 – Engaging key community actors to support and promote positive gender
Strategies and activities for this program pillar target three
groups, influencers (religious and community leaders, political leaders,
and private sector), youth/adolescents and women and girl community leaders,
with the desired outcome of strengthening their engagement to advance women’s
leadership and rights, and to reduce VAWG and CEFM.

ii.        Pillar
2: Supporting women and girls who have experienced violence:
and activities in this pillar target women and girls who have experienced
violence, including CEFM, along with staff of key institutions (civil society
organizations (CSOs), especially women’s rights organizations (WROs),
state and private sector) that offer either social and legal support services
or economic opportunities, with the desired outcome of improving access
by these women and girls to such services.

iii.        Pillar
3: Building knowledge and capacity of institutions and alliances to influence
Strategies and activities in this pillar target partner CSOs,
especially WROs, national and regional, networks and alliances.  The
desired outcome is to support increased use of innovative knowledge, including
best and emerging practice for response, prevention, and accountability
mechanisms, to end VAWG and CEFM

In Indonesia, Creating Spaces will
only work on Pillar 1 and Pillar 3. Further reference can be found in the
project’s Theory of Change and Logical Framework (will be provided after
the recruitment process).


This study is designed to establish
a baseline for measuring progress throughout the life cycle of the Creating
Spaces program. The study will be conducted in Creating Spaces project
areas in Indonesia, which constitutes of 20 districts in 4 provinces (refer
to section 2.1. under geographical focus).

–        To
create a baseline for measuring the output and outcomes of the program

–        Provide
recommendations towards program design and implementation backed by evidence
based research

The specific objectives of the study
are as follows:

–        To
measure attitude, norm and behavior change regarding VAWG and CEFM

–        Evaluate
public policy and practice regarding VAWG and CEFM

–        Assess
VAWG and CEFM at an individual and household level

–        Assess
capacity of public and non-public entities

–        Identify
and discuss strategic local, national and regional alliances and accountability
systems regarding VAWG and CEFM

–        Undertake
stakeholder analysis

–        Identify
and provide strategic guidance on innovative approached to VAWG and CEFM

–        Assess
ICT penetration, skills, and usage in programming related to VAWG and CEFM

–        Research
on best practices to undertake programming  VAWG and CEFM

Methodologies and Components
of the Study

The baseline study will adhere to
OGB’s “Ethical Research Guidelines”, this baseline study will ensure
it is undertaken in adherence with the World Health Organization (WHO)
Putting Women First: Ethical and Safety Recommendations for Research on
Domestic Violence Against Women” guidelines. Detailed scope of work will
be provided after the recruitment process.

Using the longitudinal framework
and using the mixed methodology approach, the core components of the baseline
are as follows:

1.        Desk

Desk review or secondary literature
review will include meta-analysis of existing studies and will include
the following:

·        Policy
review for VAWG and CEFM
: Review policy and discourse (legislations,
laws, action plans, budgets, public speeches) regarding VAWG and CEFM

·        Media
: Undertake media monitoring that involves monitoring of
media (TV, newspaper, radio, social media) over a period of 30 days to
establish the proportion of VAWG coverage in the media, how much of it
is related to prevention, the effects on victims and others, support and
response. It will also include who speaks on VAWG and how the messages
are conveyed. Furthermore, if there are completed studies on Gender and
Media – they will also be reviewed for relevant data.

2.        Primary
Data Collection

Primary data collection will be
undertaken in the geographic focus areas and using both qualitative and
quantitative approaches.

2.1. Geographical Focus

The geographical focus of the study
will be in South Sulawesi (Makassar, Pangkep, Marros, and Gowa districts),
 West Nusa Tenggara (Mataram, East Lombok, Central Lombok, and West
Lombok districts),  West Java (Cirebon, Indramayu, Sukabumi, Bandung,
Garut, Bogor, and Bekasi Districts), and East Java (Jember, Ponorogo, Trenggalek,
Bangkalan, and Bojonegoro Districts) and Jakarta (for national-level information).

2.2. Data Collection Approaches

Primary data collection will involve partners
and consultants and will be collected using a number of different approaches:

of Data Collection
# of data colletion conducted
in Charge for Data Collection
Informant Interviews (KII – semi structured)
and women Leaders

Women’s Rights or Other Civil Society
Organizations (non-partners)

Civil registries such as birth and marriage
Law enforcement agencies
34 Consultants
Group Discussion (FGD)

Men and boys
Community Leaders
Religious Leaders
Women Leaders
Youth/Adolescents (boys and girls)
Private sector Leaders
45 Consultants
of Change Stories (Video or Written)
of Violence
36 Partners
(structured questionnaire focused on Attitudes, Norms and Behaviours (ANB))
Households 326
(50% respondents are women)

3.        Data
Analysis, Validation and Reporting

Data Analysis: All data collected through
qualitative approaches will be analyzed by consultant (including those
collected by the partners) and original field notes (translated to English)
for KII, FGD and “I” Stories will also be retained and provided as appendix.
The quantitative data analysis (Survey) will be undertaken by Oxfam Canada.
Compiled study findings and draft report will be shared for feedback prior
to second (validation) workshop. At the validation workshop, the findings
will be shares with all participants and validated.

Expected Services

In coordination with Oxfam in Indonesia,
local partner organizations, and Oxfam Canada; the consultants is expected

a.         Conduct
the desk review focusing on policy review for VAWG and CEFM, and building
on the initial output from Oxfam Canada

b.        Pre-test
the survey questionnaire and translate them into local languages

c.        Recruit
and train the survey enumerators, including training on the ethical and
safety consideration when conducting VAWG research. NOTE: for women
respondents, the enumerators conducting the interviews have to be women.

d.        Supervise
the survey including ensuring proper uploading of completed forms

e.        Conduct
and document KIIs, FGDs and media monitoring in national and local levels

f.        Translate
the field notes for the KIIs, FGDs and “I” stories into English

g.        Submit
weekly output to Oxfam for data quality assessment

h.        Do
an initial analysis of the research findings Analyze qualitative data generated
by the study with the project’s partner organizations and Oxfam GB

i.        Validate
analysis with a representative sample of the respondent population

j.        Write
a final report on the validated analysis of the qualitative data and provide

Expected Deliverables and Timeframe

The required outputs of this consultancy
will be as follows:

i.        A
workplan describing how the consultant will implement the baseline study
within the research framework and timeframe outlined by OXFAM.  This
workplan shall be submitted for review and approval by Oxfam two (2) days
after the signature of the contract and before commencement of the study.

ii.        Recruitment
and training of enumerators.

iii.        Submission
of weekly output for quality review by Oxfam.

iv.        Presentation
of findings to and facilitation of joint analysis with Oxfam and the project’s
partner organizations

v.        The
first draft of the report (in English) which shall be submitted within
five(5) days after the presentation of findings to stakeholders.


i.        May
be an individual or an organization

ii.        Demonstrated
good understanding on gender, VAWG, and CEFM issues

iii.        Have
previous experience of conducting a similar studies, preferably on VAWG
and CEFM

iv.        Have
been working in the fields of gender and other related fields for at least
five years preferably as a researcher, project officer, project manager
or MEAL officer

v.        Can
assemble a team to help in the research.  Team members should share
similar qualification as the consultant and preferably have worked with
the consultant and/or other team members in undertaking research

How to apply

If you are interested to apply,
please submit a proposal, along with curriculum vitae and proposed budget
 by Friday, 12 August 2016 through email to [email protected]
stated Baseline Study For Creating Spaces on the subject
of your email.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted

We are committed to ensuring diversity
and gender equity within the organization

Oxfam works with others to overcome poverty and suffering

Oxfam works with others to overcome poverty and suffering

Oxfam GB is a member of Oxfam International and a company limited by guarantee registered in England No. 612172.Registered office: Oxfam House, John Smith Drive, Cowley, Oxford, OX4 2JY.A registered charity in England and Wales (no 202918) and Scotland (SC 039042)

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