Request for Proposal: Consultant for Baseline Study on the Implementation UNGP on Business and Human Rights in Indonesia
OXFAM is an International Non Governmental
Organisation working across the world with a vision of just a world without
poverty: a world in which people can influence decisions that affect their
lives, enjoy their rights, and assume their responsibilities as full citizens
of a world in which all human beings are valued and treated equally.
Vision for IndonesiaWe envision an Indonesia where women are
equal citizens and everyone can enjoy their rights even in times of shocks
and disaster.
JOB VACANCIES Baseline Study
on the Implementation United Nations Guiding Principles (UNGP) on Business
and Human Rights in IndonesiaI. Background
“Walking the Talk: Promoting Accountable
Business through Advancement of United Nations Guiding Principles on Business
and Human Rights (UNGP) Implementation in Indonesia.” is an EU-funded
initiative to promoting an accountable business sector in Indonesia that
adopts corporate responsibility to respect human rights.
The initiative is implemented by the Oxfam
in co-partnership with the INFID and IGCN. INFID and IGCN have played a
critical role to promote greater awareness among companies and build their
capacity, along with civil society actors, to support improved business
respect for human rights on the ground.
The authoritative framework provided by the
United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) clarifies
and details duties and responsibilities of both States and business enterprises
in addressing adverse corporate human rights impacts. The UNGPs are based
on three pillars:
I. The
state duty to protect human rights: clarifies the legal duty of States
to protect individuals from adverse corporate related human rights impacts
and outlines a set of operational principles through which States should
implement this duty;
II. The
corporate responsibility to respect human rights: identifies the responsibility
of business enterprises to respect human rights and delineates a due diligence
process through which companies should give effect to this responsibility;
III. Access
to Remedy: stresses and specifies the need to ensure better access to remedy
for victims as a joint responsibility of States and business enterprises.
Indonesia has taken initial steps to ensure
the business sector meet their corporate responsibility to respect human
rights in practice. For example, the government ratified ILO Convention
No. 87 on Freedom of Association and Protection on the Right to Organize
and ILO Convention No. 98 on Rights to Organise and Collective Bargaining.
The Indonesia government still at the initial stage of raising awareness
and has not yet taken specific steps to implement the UNGP.
Oxfam in Indonesia has engaged with the private
sector to promote accountable business. Oxfam has facilitated negotiations
between labour unions, producers and suppliers to adopt the Freedom of
Association (FoA) protocol in the footwear industry. Particular to UNGP,
Oxfam produced a technical briefing. Oxfam supports the participation of
national CSOs in the Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) process.
Furthermore, Indonesia is part of the worldwide initiative between Global
Compact Network Netherlands, SHIFT and Oxfam.
At the beginning of the action Oxfam will
conduct a baseline study to assess the situation of key indicators in the
logframe. The baseline study will include on-line survey of the action’s
target groups, i.e. labour and farmer union members, CSOs’ staff, companies
and a number of public officials from relevant institutions, e.g. Komnas
HAM and Ministry of Law and Human Rights. This ToR defines the modalities
and deliverables of the baseline study that is to be carried out to quantify
the initial baseline values for the indicators and
results of the project: (i) Labour and farmer unions and CSOs that work
on agriculture/food industry, especially the palm oil plantation sector,
have better awareness and knowledge on Business and Human Rights (BHR)
practice, including UNGP implementation in Indonesia; (ii) Strengthened
multi stakeholder space for dialogue, knowledge sharing and collaboration
between the business sector, CSOs, labour unions, and state agencies to
promote the advancement of UNGP implementation; and (iii) Best practice
or model for implementation of the UNGP in the agriculture/food industry.
The baseline study results will be used to
sharpen the action’s log-frame and to detail some of the interventions.
INFID and IGCN will support the dissemination of the study to its networks.
2. Scope and Objectives
The baseline study will cover
the actions and needs of target groups
at national level and two pilot provinces with
significant palm oil plantation area and Oxfam’s existing work
in West Kalimantan and North Sumatera.
This baseline study and KAP (knowledge, action, and practice) should be
in line with agreed indicators
and project logical framework that will be further specified by the Monitoring,
Evaluation, Social Accountability and Learning Matrix
this study should reveal the incidence of common indicators;
The project
directly will supports capacity building, awareness raising, specific technical
assistances and services on the implementation of UNGP: Business and Human
rights, especially empowerment and participation,
as well as gender equality and children’s rights in business practices
of the food and agriculture industry to:
(i) 150
members of palm oil labour and farmer unions in 2 provinces;
(ii) 40
staff of local CSOs working with labour and farmer unions
(iii) 30
national and local mass media members in 2 provinces;
(iv) 31
members of the Indonesia Business and Human Rights Working Group;
(v) Government
agencies overseeing UNGP implementation;
2 companies that participate in the best practice/model development for
UNGP implementation in the palm oil plantation sector.
In the above context
the targets of this study are: private companies including
small and medium-sized enterprises in the sectors of food and agriculture
industry (especially palm oil),
Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) as
human rights defender who working with labour and farmer unions, Labour
and Farmer Unions at agriculture/food industry sector, Mass media members
at national and local level, and Government agencies overseeing UNGP implementation:
KOMNAS HAM, Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Ministry of Trade and Industry, Ministry of Manpower, Ministry of Cooperative
and SMEs, and other relevant agencies.
The target groups are listed as members ofthe Indonesia Business and Human Rights
Working Group, Indonesia
Global Compact Network (IGCN), Roundtable
for Sustainable Palm Oil
(RSPO), APINDO, KADIN and works in West Kalimantan and North
Sumatera will be a priority.
This study will combine a quantitative assessment
(survey) with particular Focus Group Discussion (FGD) activity to ensure
validation of the data and participation of key relevant stakeholders.
The study will sharpen the action’s logframe and to detail some of the
The main objective of the study is:
1. To design
and conduct a baseline study and end of Action KAP (knowledge and practice)
on UNGP awareness and implementation include methodology, strategy, and
approach in coordination with Oxfam, INFID and IGCN;
2. To asses
and analysis the key drivers and challenges of the target groups on the
UNGP implementation especially to applying due diligence process and reporting
on their human rights impacts.
3. To assess
and provide recommendations for the relevant needs and kind of services
most needed by companies, including small and medium-sized enterprises
from the Business and Human Rights Help Desk;
Additionally baseline study
should also should include collection of the data and provide information
on the following topics:
· General
socio-economic situation of the target beneficiaries in the target areas;
· General
understanding of the target groups on UNGP BHR and knowledge on existing
frameworks to address the issues(a) States’ existing obligations to respect,
protect and fulfil human rights andfundamental freedoms;(b) The role of business enterprises as
specialized organs of society performingspecialized functions, required to comply
with all applicable laws and torespect human rights;(c) The need for rights and obligations
to be matched to appropriate andeffective remedies when breached.
· General
profile of target groups and KAP (Knowledge, Attitude & Practices)
in food and agriculture (palm oil) business practices
include key trends of applying the Guiding Principles and standard of reporting;
· Barrier
analysis for current implementation practices
and key challenges, opportunities and needed action for implementation
of the Guiding Principles in the food and agriculture (palm oil) sector
· Specific
information on the challenges faced by
human rights defenders who were addressing adverse impacts linked to business
· Specific
information on lessons and needed action for implementation of human rights
due diligence, free, prior and informed consent provisions and access to
remedy in the context of business food and agriculture (palm oil) operations
affecting communities and indigenous peoples
· Specific
information on challenges and opportunities for implementing the State
duty to protect and the business responsibility to respect human rights
in the employment and recruitment sector domain, and effective legal and
policy measures for States, good practice and policy options for business
· Specific
information on lesson of how multi-stakeholder
initiatives such as RSPO and Indonesia Business and Human Rights Working
Group may help advance implementation of the Guiding Principles and requirements
for such initiatives to be effective.
3. The assignment
This study will be conduct by external consultant.
The Oxfam will provide technical support for the analysis of the data.
The consultant will be responsible for the design and implementation of
the study and survey instrument, analytical framework, recommendations,
and reporting the results. The assignment with the consultant will
take place between third week of June 2016, and the final report should
be delivered by August 2016.
4. Field work
The contractor will describe:
· The
timing, workplan, and expected duration of field work
· Team
composition, including the number and profile of persons
· Plans
for monitoring data collection and field work supervision, as well as plans
for handling questionnaires for data entry
· Fieldwork
4. Supervision
The contractor will work under the supervision
of Oxfam. It will report on regularly basis to Oxfam Senior MONEV and Project
Manager for Business and Human Rights.
5. Expected results
The Consultant will be responsible for hiring,
supervising and coordinating national staff who will carry out the following
· Design
and implement a quantitative survey with particularly FGD activity on the
implementation of UNGP Business and Human Rights in Indonesia;
· Collect
and develop a simple database of target groups with coordination with APINDO,
· Design
the sample taking into account the target groups
· Draft
the questionnaire taking into account the project indicators and logframe,
in consultation with Oxfam
· Train
the interviewers
· Run
a pilot test with minimum 2 each of target groups and share the result
with Oxfam and make changes in the questionnaire and sampling if necessary.
· Collect
the data (national level and 2 targeted provinces (field visit)
· Enter,
clean, and analyse the data according as agreed by Oxfam.
· Work
jointly with the Oxfam to analyse the data and write an analytical report
to present the results of the research.
The contractor will deliver the following,
in Bahasa Indonesia and English:
· A
detailed work plan with team composition and required budget
· Draft
and then final instruments for the baseline study
· A
copy of the full raw research results containing the data collected (without
the full identity of the respondents if necessary);
· A
first draft of the baseline study report presenting all agreed informations;
· A
final report for the baseline study incorporating any suggestions and modifications
suggested by the Oxfam.
The Contractor may ask for technical support
from the Oxfam.
6. Application procedure
The Oxfam invites non-profit research institutes
or individual consultant to submit a 4 (four) page concept note detailing:
1. A research
methodology and sample size of required target groups
2. A research
methodology to be used for key informants
3. Sections
of a possible research instrument to be used with key informants.
4. A proposed
strategy to reach respondents
5. Proposed
workplan in weeks, accompanied by a budget (fee and all out of
pocket expenses) and staffing proposal.
The concept note should make clear the individual
or organization’s capacity to manage baseline study and focus group discussions,
and analysis of baseline study results.
In addition to the concept note, please submit
CVs for each of the proposed research team.
Submitted proposals will be evaluated by the
Oxfam, which reserves the right of recourse to external experts for assistance
in its evaluation of the proposals. The Oxfam may accept or reject any
proposal without any obligation of justification, bearing in mind the interest
of the Oxfam.
Submitted proposals will be evaluated
against the following criteria:
· Demonstrated
experience in effective coordination and implementation of baseline study
(at least 2 past studies in general and at least 1 related to relevant
subject matters);
· Expertise
and experience (at least 5 years) in designing research questionnaires,
running focus group discussions, and collecting and analysing data;
· Overall
quality of the application including strategic approach, workplan, budget
as well as plausibility of schedule, comprehensiveness, writing style and
analytical ability
· Proposed
team structure, size, and composition;
· Estimate
budget allocation for overall assignments: IDR 150,000,000,-
Proposal should be submitted electronically
by Saturday,18 June 2016 at the latest to [email protected]
with Baseline Survey Consultant as the subject of your email. For
any further information and queries please email to Sinthia Harkrisnowo,
Project Manager Business and Human Rights [email protected]
7. Terms and Conditions
· The
baseline study will start no later than 26 June 2016 and should be completed
no later than 26 August 2016
· Payments
will be made in accordance with Oxfam rules and regulations, including
a first payment of 30% upon receipt of the finalized research instrument
and sampling methodology; a second payment of 30% upon receipt of the raw
research results; and a third and final payment of 40% against receipt
of the final report to the satisfaction of the Oxfam.
Oxfam promotes
equality and diversity
Oxfam works with others to overcome poverty and suffering
Oxfam GB is a member of Oxfam International and a company limited by guarantee registered in England No. 612172.Registered office: Oxfam House, John Smith Drive, Cowley, Oxford, OX4 2JY.A registered charity in England and Wales (no 202918) and Scotland (SC 039042)