Request for Proposal for Conduct LC-LQAS IFAS and Diarrhea program in 4 Provinces

  Request for Proposal Program monitoring
using LC-LQAS (Large Country-Lot Quality Assurance Sampling) method for the
scale up program on Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation in four provinces of
Banten, West Java, West Nusa Tenggara and Riau provinces and the scale up
program on Zinc and ORS for the treatment of childhood diarrhoea in three
provinces of West Nusa Tenggara, West Java and Banten provinces of Indonesia
The Nutrition
International (NI) formerly known as the Micronutrient Initiative (MI), a
renowned International Development organization based out in Ottawa, Canada,
has a commitment to eradicate global ‘hidden hunger’ by implementing
interventions that focus on women and children in developing countries. 
supported the Government of Indonesia to demonstrate a model for increasing
coverage and adherence of Iron Folic Acid supplements among pregnant women to
reduce iron deficiency anemia among pregnant women between 2011 and 2014 in one
district each of Banten (Lebak) and West Java (Purwakarta) provinces. Based on
the findings of the demonstration project, NI is replicating the elements of
the processes which have worked to improve coverage and adherence of the IFA
program in 4 provinces (West Java, Banten, West Nusa Tenggara and Riau).
NI supports Government of Indoensia on the  IFA for pregnant women
program, since 2012, NI also  supported a project to increase the coverage
and utilization for zinc and ORS supplementation in treatment of diarrhoea
among children in 2 districts (East Lombok and West Lombok) of West Nusa
Tenggara province. NI collaborated with the Directorate General Communicable
Disease and Environment Health (CD&EH) of the Diarrhoea Subdivision within
the Ministry of Health and the District Health Office (DHO) in West Lombok and
East Lombok who are the implementers of the IMCI program. Based on the program
evaluation of NI’s demonstration work in East Lombok and West Lombok districts
in West Nusa Tenggara, NI is replicating the elements of the processes which
have worked to improve coverage and adherence of zinc and ORS in childhood
diarrhoea treatment across West Nusa Tenggara province and thereafter to two

high mortality provinces of Banten and West Java. NI
invites proposals from competent Organizations or Agencies to conduct a Program
monitoring using LC-LQAS (Large Country-Lot Quality Assurance Sampling) method
for the scale up program on Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation in four
provinces of Banten, West Java, West Nusa Tenggara and Riau provinces and the
scale up program on Zinc and ORS for the treatment of childhood diarrhea in
three provinces of West Nusa Tenggara, West Java and Banten provinces of
The detail Term of Reference (TOR) and
budget template for interested firms / institutions is available on the
following link: The duration of contract will be 20
weeks and the activities are anticipated to be conducted in October – February

Interested firm/institutions shall submit the following documents:
• Company/Firm/Institutions Profile with CV of team members
• Cover letter
• References (minimum 3 relevant experiences); 
• Proposal including financial submission (for bidding)

Deadline for submission: 26 September 2017.

Please submit
technical and financial proposal in two separate files to 
[email protected] using subject line: Program monitoring
using LC-LQAS (Large Country-Lot Quality Assurance Sampling) method for the
scale up program on Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation in four provinces of
Banten, West Java, West Nusa Tenggara and Riau provinces and the scale up
program on Zinc and ORS for the treatment of childhood diarrhea in three provinces
of West Nusa Tenggara, West Java and Banten provinces of Indonesia”
 Regards, The Micronutrient Initiative 

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