Request for Proposal (RFP)-Req-JKT-17-0058-Junior Environment Service Provider for RPAM Strategy Development Support October 2017 – March 2018

Dear Potential Bidders,


The USAID Indonesia Urban Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Penyehatan
Lingkungan Untuk Semua (IUWASH PLUS) program is a five-year initiative designed
to assist the Government of Indonesia (GOI) in increasing access to water
supply and sanitation services as well as improving key hygiene behaviors among
urban poor and vulnerable populations. USAID IUWASH PLUS works with
governmental agencies, the private sector, NGOs, communities and others to
achieve the following “high level” results:

An increase of one million people in urban areas
with access to improved water supply service quality, of which at least 500,000
are from the poorest 40% of the population (also referred to as the “Bottom
40%” or “B40”), vulnerable groups or Indonesia’s eastern provinces; and

An increase of 500,000 people in urban areas with
access to safely managed sanitation and all of whom are from the
“B40”, vulnerable groups or Indonesia’s eastern provinces.

To ensure that improvements in access to WASH services are sustained, USAID
IUWASH PLUS is guided by a development hypothesis that focuses on strengthening
service delivery systems, so they can more effectively reach the poorest and
most vulnerable segments of the population. In order to achieve this at scale,
the program undertakes activities through four interrelated components,
including: 1) improving household WASH services; 2) strengthening city WASH
institutional performance; 3) strengthening the WASH financing environment; and
4) advancing national WASH advocacy, coordination and communication.


Activity Summary

Urban water supply systems in Indonesia face
multiple challenges related to the quality, quantity and continuity of raw
water for water utilities and other service providers. The Water Safety
Planning (RPAM) is one key approach, increasingly adopted by a wide array of
countries, to overcome such challenges through the assessment, prioritization
and continuous management of risks to water safety. The aim of employing RPAM
is to consistently ensure the safety and acceptability of drinking water supply
in a practical manner. RPAM has been initiated since 2012 in Indonesia,
beginning with a pilot of RPAM that addressed three (3) areas: water source,
water utilities (or “operators”, and communal systems. The RPAM pilots were
implemented by Bappenas for water sources in Bandung, by the Ministry of Public
Works and Housing (MPWH) for water utilities in Banjarmasin, and by the
Ministry of Health (MOH) for communal systems in Kab. Malang and Kab, Sumba
Barat Daya. From those initiatives, several results and outputs were been
produced, such as a draft RPAM white paper, draft  RPAM roadmap to 2019, and draft program for
integrating RPAM into RPJMN and RPJMD planning processes. For its part, and
based on more recent consultations with key GOI partners, USAID IUWASH PLUS will
also implement RPAM (and which will involve 4 areas, including source,
operator, communal, and consumer levels) in selected locations. Likewise, USAID
IUWASH PLUS will contribute to the RPAM framework and strategy, also adjustment
of manuals, derived from results and lessons learned of RPAM implementation at
local level.


However, as the RPAM initiative requires much
additional work to be effectively and sustainably scaled up, several elements
at the national level need to be in place. Such elements include an integrated
RPAM framework, implementation manuals that accommodated lessons learned and
best practices from fields, and a road map and action plan for RPAM
implementation. USAID IUWASH PLUS will contribute to this process both through
sharing widely its own experience in RPAM implementation, as well as in
directly contributing to the efforts of its national-level GOI partners. This
activity supports this latter contribution through: supporting the
consolidation of RPAM lessons learned and best practices; providing input for
technical guidelines; and advancing national-level dialogue and
policy development.




The main objectives of the proposed strategy for RPAM implementation are

Support in conducting analysis and draw
lessons learned from previous RPAM pilot and ongoing under Ministry of Health
and Ministry of Public Works components of RPAM: operator, and communal;

Support in generating recommendation for
updating initial concept of RPAM, such as scope of each RPAM components, responsible
and strategy to achieve 4K aspects (Kualitas, Kuantitas, Kontinuitas dan
Keterjangkauan) as an input for RPAM framework,

Support in providing input for updating
of RPAM technical guidelines under MOH and MPWH by adopting the lesson learned of RPAM implementation
(RPAM Operator and RPAM Komunal), and initial
input for RPAM Sumber technical guidelines;

Support in assessing and mapping out
existing regulations to support RPAM implementation and assessing tasks and
functions of each Government institutions relevant to RPAM in national level.

For those mentioned subject, USAID IUWASH PLUS inviting you to submit the proposal, detail Scope of Work & schedule please see this link :

Thank you very much for your kind attention & best cooperation.


Local Sustainability & Innovation Component (LSIC)-USAID IUWASH PLUS Project

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