Request for Proposal – to facilitate activities for Improving the Coverage & Adherence of IFA Supplement among Pregnant Mothers for reducing Iron Deficiency Anaemia in Riau and West Nusa Tenggara

The Micronutrient
Initiative (MI) is an international Non-Government Organization (NGO) dedicated to ensuring that the world’s most vulnerables – especially women and children in
developing countries – get  the vitamins
and minerals they need to survive and thrive. With headquarters in Ottawa,
Canada MI maintains regional offices in New Delhi, India and Dakar, Senegal
that manage our country offices in Asia and Africa.


MI supported the Government of Indonesia
to demonstrate a model for increasing coverage and adherence of Iron Folic Acid
supplements among pregnant women to reduce iron deficiency and iron deficiency
anemia between 2011 and 2014 in one district each of Banten (Lebak) and West
Java (Purwakarta) provinces.


Based on the findings of the demonstration
project, MI has been replicated elements of the processes which have worked to
improve coverage and adherence of the IFA program in 2 provinces (West Java and
Banten), and plans to replicate it in 2 more provinces (West Nusa Tenggara and Riau).


The detail Term of Reference (TOR) for interested firms / institutions
is available on the following link:


The duration of contract will be 12 weeks and the activities will be conducted between August to October 2016.

Interested firm/institutions shall submit the following documents:
• Company/Firm/Institutions Profile with CV of team members
• Cover letter
• References (minimum 3 relevant experiences);
• Proposal including financial submission (for bidding)

Deadline for submission: July 16, 2016.

submit the
documents to [email protected] or send to The
Micronutrient Initiative, Gd. Wirausaha Lt. 2, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said kav. C-5
Jakarta 12940, Indonesia.
Regards, The Micronutrient Initiative

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